Saturday, February 3, 2024

Priests, Scholars Ask Church Leaders To Request The Pope Withdraw Fiducia Supplicans.

 From comes the call for Francis to withdraw this heinous, heretical document...

Priests, scholars ask Church leaders to request the Pope withdraw Fiducia Supplicans - LifeSite (

Written by my friend and warrior in the faith, Maike Hickson...

(Note: Maike's husband, Dr. Robert Hickson, recently passed away. Robert and I were Vietnam veterans and served in that war-torn country about the same time: 1967-1968.  I believe he served two tours of duty, while I served one year in-country.)

Here are some pertinent excerpts from the article...

"Today, the feast of Candlemas, some 90 clergymen, scholars, and authors are publishing a new statement that joins the chorus of those Catholic voices opposed to the papally approved Fiducia Supplicans, a document permitting blessings of homosexual couples and other couples in irregular unions. The signatories address the bishops and cardinals of the Catholic Church, asking them to forbid such blessings in their respective dioceses and to ask Pope Francis to withdraw the document altogether.


The filial appeal argues against the document as follows:

Therefore, the concrete sign that is given with such blessing, in front of the whole world, is that “irregular couples,” extramarital and homosexual alike, according to the Catholic Church, would now be acceptable to God, precisely in the type of union that specifically configures them as couples. Nor does it make sense to separate “couple” from “union,” as card. Fernández has tried to do, since a couple is a couple because of the union that gives existence to it.


The document effectively attempts to introduce a separation between doctrine and liturgy on the one hand, and pastoral practice on the other. But this is impossible: in fact, pastoral care, like all action, always presupposes a theory and, therefore, if pastoral care performs something that does not correspond to the doctrine, what is actually being proposed is a different doctrine."

End of excerpts... But please read the entire article!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

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