Monday, February 12, 2024

French Bishop: Crisis Of Faith And Life Demands Outspoken Shepherds, Not ‘Mute Dogs,’ A Practical Critique Of The Current Apostacy In The (Novus Ordo) Church...

 Saying the quiet part out loud!

In the following article from, and written by Louis

KnuffkeCrisis of faith and life demands outspoken shepherds, not 'mute dogs,' French bishop says - LifeSite (, he praises U.S. bishops for speaking out about the sanctity of life and truth. 

Notice, he doesn't mention the good Bishop Strickland by name, but I'm sure that's who he was thinking of when he said the following: “When I went to the U.S., I found that parishes had services specifically dedicated to the dignity of life, and at every March for Life, a substantial number of bishops participate, which is not the case in France or elsewhere.”

“It’s fair to say that many of their bishops are not ‘mute dogs,’” Aillet said. Expressing his hope that bishops in France may follow their example, he continued, “perhaps they can encourage us French bishops to bark a little louder.”

(My emphasis.)

Mute dogs?  Wow!  Pretty gutsy if you ask me! 

Let's see if the apostate regime in control of the Vatican lashes out at Bishop Marc Aillet (of the Diocese of Bayonne, Oloron and Lescar in southwest France)! 

Pray for this good Bishop -- and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

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