Thursday, February 1, 2024

"Fr." James Martin Addresses Irish Bishops In Private Meeting At Marian Shrine. Saint Patrick Must Be Spinning In His Holy Grave!

  Just to be clear, I put the air quotes in front of Martin's name...

If you wish to consider him to be a real priest, that's up to you, I don't.

As I wrote in the title of my article, the good Saint of Ireland, St. Patrick, must be spinning in his holy grave knowing what has happened to the land that he conquered for Christ, converting heathens to the Catholic (Christian) faith...

Unfortunately, the heathens, for the most part, have destroyed any vestiges of the Catholic faith as is evidenced by the lunacy of the "Catholic" population, first voting to erase the ban against killing pre-born Irish girls and boys, then, to add to this barbarism, they "legalized" sodomite "marriage"!!!!

Yes, Saint Patrick is surely spinning in his holy grave...

Here is an article from and written by the LifeSiteNews

staffFr. James Martin addresses Irish bishops in private meeting at Marian Shrine - LifeSite (

Here are two excerpts from the article...

First: "A notoriously pro-LGBT member of the Dicastery for Communications, Martin has enjoyed increasing papal favor despite his longstanding record of promoting LGBT ideology in dissent from Catholic teaching."

And this: "Martin was among many LGBT “Catholic” activists to praise the Vatican’s recently released Fiducia Supplicans document as a not-so tacit endorsement of homosexual relationships, with many modernist commentators and clergy chiding prelates and priests who recognize the declaration as an outright attack on truth, undermining Scriptural authority and the magisterium of the Church."

End of excerpts...

Remember, this apostate enjoys the favor -- and encouragement! -- from the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio, and his radical and evil agenda to change what is left of the novus ordo church into something unrecognizable as Catholic and embrace the anti-Christ Zeitgeist!

We have to fight these modernist monsters with every tool we have to safeguard our souls and the souls of those entrusted to us.  Make no mistake, if we fail to do so, we will be held accountable at our Particular Judgment!  It's as "simple" as that.

Pray, too, for the conversion of these haters of the Natural Law, and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

SAINT PATRICK, pray for Ireland -- and us!

Gene DeLalla 

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