Friday, February 23, 2024

Apostacy Leads To Lunacy And The Denial Of The Natural Law...

 Here's the headline from an article from and written by Jonathon Van Maren

Leaked Antony Blinken memo shows the grip gender ideology has on the US gov’t.

With the installation of the illicit, corrupt Biden "administration," over three years ago now, you can easily see that apostacy from the Catholic faith leads to lunacy and the denial of the Natural Law -- and God's divinely revealed law!

Keep in mind that many who fill the cabinet of Biden, are --in name only! -- Catholic!

Here's an excerpt from the article: "Presumably, Secretary of State Antony Blinken will tell his boss that a similar proclamation this Mother’s Day is inappropriate — at least, if a February 5 memo leaked to National Review recently is any indication. Blinken’s memo, titled “Modeling DEIA: Gender Identity Best Practices” (that stands for “diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility” — these acronyms keep getting longer), informs State Department employees that they should no longer use “gendered” terms such as “mother,” “father,” and “manpower” due to the fact that gender is a social construct. The memo explicitly endorses transgender ideology, noting that a person’s gender identity “may or may not correspond with one’s sex assigned at birth.” 

(My emphasis.)

Is this or is this not lunacy? 

Now, while this nation's "leaders" are more concerned with this deadly stupidity, and instead of following God-given common sense, and supporting our precious family life and our military forces, their actions are doing nothing but weakening the family unit as well as downgrading our military readiness.

The five branches of the military are already having a tough time in filling the vacancies by those retiring, or those not re-enlisting, or for other reasons, one of which, I'm sure, is the "wokeness" being pushed on the men and women trying their dead-level best in serving their country with honor and the sacrifice that goes along with putting on the uniform...

Add to this dilemma, is the fact that our southern border has seen a flood of millions --- that's millions! -- of illegal aliens entering our country since Biden took the Oval Office hostage in January of 2021.

Why is this important?  One of the obvious reasons is that illegal entry into our country is federal crime, period!  And the so-called Department of Justice is doing virtually nothing to stem the tide of illegals and drugs...

And if anyone thinks that it is only poor Mexicans or other Central American citizens that are flooding through our porous border, think again...

It is a fact that many Communist Chinese -- military aged men! -- are also part of that flood!  Not to mention many Middle East and African "refugees" being financed and transported to our borders.  

Yes, I said borders -- plural.  

It has come to light that many "asylum seekers" are now coming through our northern border as well!  

So much so, that the tiny state of New Hampshire has sent additional law enforcement troops to help catch the bad guys trying to enter that state and our country illegally...

I ask: why would Communist Chinese, military aged men, want to enter our country?   And what about those on the so-called "terrorist watch list" also evading capture and scattering into various parts of the Republic?

I have a theory -- call me crazy, if you want, but I say that in the not-too-distant future we just may see an internal "red dawn" (see the movies of the same title)!

This is not hyperbole! 

If that happens, then the reality of the actions of the traitors, Biden, et al, will come to fruition; their plan will have come full circle!

It could very well mean fighting in the streets in order to protect and defend the United States of America, while the corrupt, bought-and- paid-for Biden crime family will reap the "rewards" of making America just another third world hellhole of a country, under the reign of the anti-Christ! 

Pray for strength and honor, we need now more than ever!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 



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