Thursday, February 8, 2024

More Verbal Gymnastics From The Bishop Of Rome: ‘I Bless Two People Who Love Each Other’ Not Homosexual ‘Marriage’. "Love" Each Other? Or An Un-Natural Lust For Each Other?

 I didn't think that this lunacy, this immoral mess could get any worse, but I was wrong...

Please read this article from and written by Michael

HaynesPope Francis: ‘I bless two people who love each other’ not homosexual 'marriage' - LifeSite (

I ask how it is possible that a pope of the Catholic Church can say that two homosexuals or lesbians "love" each other, and not recognize authentic church teachings on faith and morals, that such craving of two males or two females for their own sex, is depraved and sick?

To equate such sodomite relationships to "love," is to insult the meaning of true love and its proper place in a valid marriage of one baptized man and one baptized woman, period!

In reality, what we are witnessing is an all-out attack on the sacrament of Holy Matrimony -- and the family unit as the building block of human society.

This is all part of an evil agenda sponsored and pushed by the anti-Christ globalists who want nothing more than to serve the father of lies -- the murderer, Satan, and make "man" the new god on the block!

And Francis sent greetings and encouragement to the monsters at Davos?  

You know, those demons who want to kill off seven billion of the human race -- "useless eaters" -- so they can control those of us who are left?

Who are the real hypocrites here??

One more thing, you never hear of this pope or the pervert, Fernandez, call for those in such horrific relationships to repent and turn their lives around and make a firm purpose of amendment not to commit that sin again!  

Our dear Lord told us in the Bible to go and sin no more!  He didn't accept their sin, He couldn't, but the powers that be in the Vatican seem to forget Christ's admonition to their own detriment -- and ours..

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla  


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