Sunday, February 4, 2024

Think This Can't Happen Here? Think Again: The Red Communist Chinese "Catholic Patriotic Association" -- And The Vatican's Demonic Deal -- Is Undermining Faithful "Underground" Catholics!

 Make-believe "Catholic" prelates on mainland China, are being installed by the Red Communist Chinese Party (CCP) to homogenize the false Catholic church with the real Chinese Catholic church now in the catacombs, fighting for survival!

The true Church has been infiltrated by the Reds in order to brainwash the faithful with Socialist/Marxist propaganda, all with the help of apostate Rome and the current regime with the full approval of the "leader" of the Catholic Church, Bergoglio (Francis)!

Remember, it was Francis who sent the false "cardinal"--pervert, McCarrick, to renew the demonic deal between the Red Communists and apostates occupying -- for now, that is -- the highest offices in the Vatican, all the way up to and including the Chair of St. Peter...

As you read the following article from and written by Michael Haynes, you may notice some eerie similarities with what is happening in Red China and what has been revealed about the FBI attempting to infiltrate the traditional Catholic parishes here in the U.S., as well as the implication that we are potential "domestic terrorists." The same label has been applied to concerned moms and dads who attend school board meetings in order to keep the filthy sex-ed agenda from corrupting the young, innocent souls of their impressionable children.

Couple this with Bergoglio's constant attack on the traditional Catholic orders and parishes, and you can get a good idea where this is all going: to squash the traditional rite and impose sanctions on what will be left of the TLM -- as is already happening! -- along with a Marxist/Liberation "Catholicism," unrecognizable from the Faith handed down to us from the Apostles...     

Please read this important article and recognize the treason and hypocrisy of the anti-Christ tyrants in Red China -- and Rome!

 Catholic diocese of Hong Kong ‘working with CCP’ to effect ‘Sinicization’: report - LifeSite (

Here are a few excerpts...

"Written by Frances Hui from the CFHK – a Hong Kong activist who became the first to receive asylum in the U.S. –  the report is titled “Hostile Takeover: The CCP and Hong Kong’s Religious Communities,” and highlights the continually expanding influence of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in Hong Kong. 

Such influence, the CFHK report reads, has been aided by the direct assistance of the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong. The report adds that “trips to Beijing omit discussions on the ‘underground’ church and persecuted faithful in mainland China.”

And this...

She highlighted: 

[R]eligious leaders are being pressured to promote Chinese Communist Party priorities. Sermons are expected to demand of churchgoers that they adhere to socialist values and accept national security enforcement. Support for human rights and social justice causes are banned. The curricula of religious schools now are mixed with national identity-based curricula. Chinese state flags are required in classrooms as are flag-raising ceremonies."

 My emphasis...

As always, pray for the defeat of these modernist monsters -- and for their conversion to the true faith!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 


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