Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Devastating Proof Of The Betrayal Of The Bishop Of Rome Of The Culture Of Life, By Embracing The Demonic Culture Of Death And The Zeitgeist! Pro-death Atheist Appointed To The P.A. Of Life!

 Do we really need any more proof of the diabolical agenda of Francis?

His cozying up to the forces of evil at Davos and his support and encouragement of the WEF, founded and headed by the demon, Klaus Schwab, should sicken any right-thinking Catholic -- and anyone who adheres to the Natural Law and the Ten Commandments!  

These folks need to convert or be damned!

The following two articles from and written by Michael Haynes, should remove any doubt about the evil being perpetrated against faithful Catholics as well as anyone who claims Christ as their Lord and Savior!

The first: Atheist Vatican appointee says pro-abortion UN goals should form basis of ‘common good’ - LifeSite (

Here are two excerpts from the first article: 

"Mazzucato’s striking statements came during her February 12 presentation at the annual assembly of the Pontifical Academy for Life (PAV), of which she has been an ordinary member since 2022. Delivering a short talk on the “common good,” Mazzucato presented a view of the common good as being entirely divorced from any principles of religion, or the supernatural end of man, while also attacking the teaching of Christianity in terms of a perceived impact on the climate."

(My emphasis.)

And this: 

"Among other aspects, the Pope’s partnerships promote “sustainable lifestyles,” “gender equality,” and “global citizenship,” while the SDGs themselves promote “sexual and reproductive health services.” The new “Council for Inclusive Capitalism with the Vatican” is fundamentally committed to promote “environmental, social, and governance measures” in order to “achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.”'

(My emphasis.)

If this satanic nonsense were not enough, then the next article should prove the point of the great apostacy of the hierarchy of the novus ordo church...

EXCLUSIVE: Atheist Mariana Mazzucato defends Pontifical Academy for Life membership, downplays abortion - LifeSite (

"The regular contributor to the WEF is also a self-described “atheist” and is enthusiastically pro-abortion – the latter being a fact also highlighted by other outlets, including EWTN, at the time of her nomination.

Both her atheistic and pro-abortion views sparked international controversy and outrage at the time of her appointment, prompting the pope and Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, the PAV’s highly controversial president, to defend her membership. Francis went so far as to clarify he had personally placed her there, adding that “she is a great economist from the United States. I put her there to give a little more humanity to it.”'

(My emphasis.) 

Absolute lunacy! 

" give a little more humanity to it." 

But not for the humanity of the pre-born girls and boys slaughtered in the heinous act of abortion??

What is wrong with this man???

Pray for his conversion back to the Catholic faith and stop spreading errors, heresy, scandal and confusion...

Pray, too, for strength and honor, we will need it more than ever in the coming days until our Lord sends the Holy Ghost or St. Michael the Archangel to end this madness!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

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