Tuesday, February 27, 2024

NOT Good! Donald Trump And Kari Lake Are Dead Wrong To Defend IVF: Here’s Why...

  From lifesitenews.com and written by Doug Mainwaring, comes this article: Donald Trump and Kari Lake are dead wrong to defend IVF: here's why - LifeSite (lifesitenews.com)

Before I post an excerpt or two, I would like to comment on the President Trump and Kari Lake "phenomenon" that has so enamored the MAGA Republican base, as well as many independents, at least that's what we are told...

The very idea of another "Biden-type" presidency is almost too horrendous to contemplate!  

Most likely, some other hard left Democrat will take the place of the apostate, incoherent Biden and his crime family, but nonetheless, if those individuals are elected (steal another election!), the country will surely continue its decent into the infernal abyss!


Because those lunatics are God-hating and American-hating traitors!

Almost all Democrats are absolutely obsessed -- and possessed! -- by the demon and his culture of death and the hatred of Christ and His Elect...

Now President Trump has been presenting an alternative to the madness of selling our country to the highest bidder as well as the lust for continuous wars and rumors of war.

But there is a problem with Mr. Trump and some of his supporters, such as Kari Lake -- you know, the lady who, a couple of years ago, had the Arizona gubernatorial election stolen from her right before our eyes!

The fact is, is that Mr. Trump and K. Lake both talk a very "pro-life" message and profess the sanctity of life as compared to 99.9 percent of the Democrats who are willing to slaughter a pre-born baby right up to birth!!

However, it has come to light that since the ruling of the Alabama Supreme Court ruling that stated human embryos are, in fact, human children and must be accorded their God-given right to life, the "backlash" to that ruling has come from none other than Mr. Trump, the MAGA base of Republicans, Independents, and "conservatives" -- from all quarters.

Go figure!!

This, I'm afraid, is the ultimate result of the denial of the social reign of Christ as King of individual souls and nations!  Not to mention the non-existent "separation of church and state" pushed by folks who cannot understand the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution! 

Add to this diabolical error, is the fact that very little help is coming from the source that should be at the forefront of proclaiming that Godly reign: the hierarchy of the (novus ordo) church leaders, from the local bishops, cardinals, and the current occupant of the Chair of St. Peter.

But it's not.  In fact, just the opposite emanates from Rome...

The population control and global warming freaks have an "in" with Francis, as he appoints these characters to influential "advisory posts," and offers encouragement to the various NGOs and their initiatives end fossil fuels and reduce the world's population to under 1,000,000,000 -- from the current 7,500,000,000!

To save the planet -- but not the people??

With "friends" like that, who needs enemies??

The culture of death has many allies among the globalist elites...

I know I have digressed a bit, so here are some excerpts from the above article: 

(LifeSiteNews) — After the Alabama Supreme Court affirmed last week that embryos are children — bringing an abrupt end to IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) treatments in the state — former President Donald J. Trump roundly rejected the court’s finding, saying, “I strongly support the availability of IVF for couples who are trying to have a precious baby.”

Trump wasn’t alone. Other self-identifying “MAGA” and “America First” Republicans also criticized the court.

“In the Senate, I will advocate for increased access to fertility treatment for women struggling to get pregnant,” declared outspoken former Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake, now running for U.S. Senate. “IVF is extremely important for helping countless families experience the joy of parenthood. I oppose restrictions.”

End of excerpts...

I guess they just can't see the forest for the trees...

Pray for their conversion to the Catholic Faith, and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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