Monday, February 26, 2024

Another Example Of The Treason Of The Federal Behemoth -- Of American Citizens In Favor Of Foreign Manufacturers!

  Here is a headline from the latest example of high crimes and misdemeanors perpetrated by the federal monstrosity against the American worker in favor of foreign manufacturers! 

Hollowed Out Heartland: 900 American Workers at West Virginia Plant Laid Off After Feds Refuse Tariffs on China

I know I'm repeating the headline/title of the article, but I feel it is important to emphasize the horrendous effect such layoffs will have on a community of 20,000 or so residents.

Here is the lead paragraph of the article: "After a federal agency refused to allow the Department of Commerce to impose tariffs on cheap imported tin from Canada, China, Germany, and South Korea, about 900 American workers are set to lose their jobs at a plant in Weirton, West Virginia."

For such a community to lose 900 jobs is absolutely devastating!  

But those miserable bureaucrats tasked with protecting the American worker, have sold their collective souls to the foreign conglomerates.

But why?  

This lunacy and sellout of the American worker is nothing new... 

Look at the wide-open borders letting in millions -- that's millions! -- of illegal aliens, some taking jobs right out of the hands of the lower-level American wage earner.  On top of that, the scalawags, such as the Chamber of Commerce, work hand-in-hand with their liberal cronies in the federal and (blue) state governments to destroy American jobs through favoritism -- and kickbacks?

To say that the Biden "administration" and their lackeys are working for our foreign competitors -- and, in some cases, our enemies! -- has been proven by the corruption and the bought-and-paid-for Biden crime family and their salacious relationships within that diabolical family -- and others as well!  Their apostacy from the Catholic faith has led to the moral, spiritual depravity and rot of the last three-plus years of the current, illicit Biden "presidency"!

I am convinced that these monsters must be defeated this November, if not, then what is left of the Republic will be absolutely destroyed or handed over to the enemies of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and our ability to worship our good God and Savior! 

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 


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