Saturday, February 24, 2024

The Never Ending "Church Unity" Mantra...

  Every time I read about some prelate of the novus ordo church admonishing those who stand fast to Tradition as being a threat to "church unity," my blood boils!

The latest nonsensical admonishment comes from an archbishop by the name of Bruno Forte, a former papal confidant... 

Please read this article from and written by Michael Haynes:  Former papal confidant says prelates who 'criticize' Pope Francis are a threat to Church 'unity' - LifeSite (

One thing I always notice, is that when one of these prelates castigates the "rigid" faithful -- that's us! -- as a threat to church unity, they are actually pointing the finger at themselves

This is a typical tenet right out of the secular or ecclesiastical liberal playbook... 

It's as though the blind are leading the blind -- right into the infernal abyss!

Here is an excerpt from the article: "... Forte attested that to “criticize” the Pope was “wrong” since it endangered or even broke ecclesial unity: “Thirdly, because breaking the unity of the Church hurts everyone and the leading role of individuals does not express the strength and beauty of communion, which comes from above, it is an icon of the Trinity and leads us to the beauty of the eternal homeland.”

It is amazing to me the veil covering the eyes of Forte!  He can't see that the attack on Tradition and the traditional Latin Mass, is, perhaps, the worst thing that leads to the destruction of true church unity! 

Of course, when these novus ordo prelates mumble and complain about church unity, one has to ask, what church are they talking about?

The one, holy, Catholic and Apostolic church founded by our Lord, or some Frankenstein monstrosity created and built on the religion of man?

(If you want a cross to carry and follow our Lord this Lent, this is it.)

I think the words and events of the last ten or eleven years, emanating from the Chair of St. Peter, answers that question...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla  

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