Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Attacks From Apostate Rome On The Traditional Latin Mass Continue, And It's Going To Get MUCH Worse!

  This is not the end of the attacks and cancellations of the TLM here in the U.S. and abroad...

I have only one thing to say about these demonic directives emanating from the anti-Christ cabal occupying the highest offices in the Vatican, and, as President Truman once quipped: the buck stops here at my desk!  In other words, the hate of the TLM comes from the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio (also known as Pope Francis).  

Absolutely despicable, but true!

But why is he directing his henchmen to dismantle the TLM of the ages?  The question is almost too easy to answer, he is not Catholic and is part of the globalist attempt to wipe out billions of human beings and establish a "planet friendly" population practicing a one-world "religion" based on man, not God!

Too harsh?  Not really.  Pope Francis recently sent greetings and encouragement to the demons at Davos!  (If you are not sure what Davos is or represents, do a simple search, you might be shocked!)

If this is true, and it is, then what elites will be left to rule over the rest of those Catholics faithful to Christ and His holy Church?

Further, can it be that those very same, hard left elites think that all of them will be spared the coming destruction of mankind -- by their own hands?  

Some of those barbarians will be the first to go in their diabolical plan, but they just can't figure that out.

Now that's lunacy!

We, on the other hand, will be martyrs for Christ, our Lord, and attain the eternal crown of victory over the father of lies and murder, Satan.

And, yes, all this is the beginning of the plan to force faithful Catholics into a corner, forcing us to accept the novus ordo mass created about 55 years ago by a Freemason, the arch-heretic, Bugnini, and promulgated by a weak Paul VI...

Little do those demons realize that those of us who attend the TLM will never, I repeat, never give in and attend such a protestantized spectacle.

Please read the following article from lifesitenews.com and written by Emily MangiaracinaTexas diocese reportedly directed by the Vatican to end Traditional Latin Masses at its cathedral - LifeSite (lifesitenews.com)

Here are a couple of excerpts from the article: "[Dr.] Kwasniewski, a staunch defender of the priests’ rights to offer the TLM, slammed the decision in a statement, declaring, “The Catholic Church cannot abolish her most venerable rites without contradicting herself, betraying her solemn obligations, and incurring the wrath of God.”

And this...

Kwasniewski continued, “The war of Rome against the Roman Rite is driven by false ideology and has no legality whatsoever. It’s not a ‘just war.’ Quite the contrary: it is a war of aggression.”

My emphasis...

Yes, it is a war of aggression!  Whoever would have thought this abomination could happen???

We must pray for strength and honor and for the defeat of these workers of iniquity!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

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