Friday, August 30, 2019

Communist Chinese Military Invades Hong Kong!

For those of you that remember Tiananmen Square (1989), or have read about that slaughter of a free people yearning to exercise their rights, you haven't seen anything yet!

The Chinese Communist military has now sent in -- and continues to send in -- armored personnel carriers and trucks loaded with regular army troops to do the dirty work of that monster-in-charge, Xi.

Many of the protesters are Catholic/Christians, but not a word from that so-called "pope" Francis -- the occupier of the Vatican in Rome.  He may shed crocodile tears over a piece of ice that melts, but makes deals with the Communist to approve and appoint "bishops" to the phony "Catholic Church"...  Further, he says nothing about those people who will no doubt suffer for their rights on the streets of Hong Kong.

The time for tear gas and rubber bullets has passed, and now real live ammo will be directed at the freedom-loving folks carrying American flags, as apposed to the maggot Antifa in this country burning American flags!

The world is certainly topsy-turvy, and it will get much worse before it gets any better, mainly because of the absolute weakness in the Catholic Church, currently under the control of a hater of Tradition and authentic Church teaching, as well as a sympathizer of the extreme Left, whether it be the homosexuals rampant in the Church, or pushing for uncontrolled numbers of alien immigrants invading sovereign countries, including the U.S.!

I have one question: have any of you heard one single peep, or read one single word about those in Hong Kong fighting for their rights under the Natural Law?  Probably not, and you never will, because the majority of the media in this country are sympathetic too, and outright supporters of the globalists intent on destroying, not only our own country, but also any peoples that strive to live their lives in freedom.

If you think that is an exaggeration, think again... Demonrat representative, Ilhan Omar, wants the United Nations to negate, for all practical purposes, the sovereignty of the Untied States!!!

Let that sink in!!!

If you love your country, and you love your children, then these satanic elitists must be defeated at all costs!   At all costs!

Pray for our country, and pray for the courage to face head-on, what is coming down the pike...

Gene DeLalla 

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Pope Francis: Lover of the Communists..

That's right, "Pope" Francis is a lover of the Communists, and betrayer of the Hong Kong Catholic/Christians fighting for every breath of whatever freedom is left on the streets of the famous city, now under Communist domination.

Francis has made secret deals with the dictator-in-charge, Xi, sending the filthy pedophile and sexual predator, disgraced "cardinal" McCarrick, to barter-away the last vestiges of the real Catholic faith in favor of the "patriotic Catholic Church" and the phony Communist-approved "bishops," all the while sending the real Catholic Bishops, priests and lay faithful deeper and deeper underground in order to survive an on-going purge and the physical destruction of their churches, convents, and monasteries.

Just who is this demon that has betrayed the Catholic world with socialist and Communist ideology that is diametrically opposed to all Church teaching and Christ, Himself???

The man that goes by the handle, pope, is no more a pope than Xi is; a disgrace to the papacy, and human fodder for the enemies of the Church of Christ.

We all know that Christ has told us that the gates of hell will never prevail against His Church, and while that is true, she is currently going through a trial by fire to weed out the traitors and homosexuals that have infiltrated her sacred body, and nearly destroyed sacred tradition in favor of modernism and novelty!

As a boomerang returns to its thrower, the pendulum is beginning to swing in OUR direction, with more and more families of the lay faithful returning to the traditional Latin Mass of the ages -- and makers of saints!

Pray for a quick demise of the agenda of this "pope", and for brave priests, bishops, cardinals, and laity to take back the house of God from the hands of these Satanic monsters! 

Pray, too, for our country..

Gene DeLalla

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Parallel Universe Of The New Order "Catholic" Church...

Do you believe what you're seeing in the New Order "Catholic" Church??

It seems to me, that those gangsters running what is left of the Church, are living in a parallel universe, supporting and enabling sodomy, "dialogue", indifferentism, you name it.  With those in-charge spewing malice and hate at anyone and anything that attempts to adhere to sacred tradition and worship our Lord the way He wants, not as the man-gods want...

And that's the key: these diabolical wolves in shepherd's clothing have completely abandoned the Catholic faith, -- that is, if they ever held it to begin with -- and are leading their flocks right into the mouth of hell itself.  They are, in fact, doing the work of Satan, rather than God's...

What is now apparent, is that the homosexual mafia, within the Church, is much more widespread than first thought or imagined, and has become more evident with each passing day.  These devils run the seminaries, the chancelleries, the dioceses, with many holding homosexual or "transgender" "masses" with an in-your-face exhibition of sacrilege, insulting our Lord on a daily basis.

So dire is this situation, that all good priests and bishops are painted with the same broad-brush of guilt, eradicating the right -- under the law -- of innocence until proven guilty by a jury of their peers.

But, in a sense, who can blame the death of the presumption of innocence?

Unfortunately, the good servants of God -- those faithful priests and bishops -- can almost be counted on one hand...  Why haven't more of them spoken out and condemned these demons wearing clerical garb?   Where is their manhood; their willingness to sacrifice -- even to the point of death! -- for the reign of Christ?  Silence will only embolden the devil and his minions to further entrap and deceive, even the Elect, if that were possible.

St. Paul tells us to stand fast to the traditions that we have learned, either by word or our epistle...

Pray for the conversion of these miscreants, and if they don't repent, then pray for their complete and total destruction.   And that includes the current reigning pope, Francis...

Pray also, for our country...

Gene DeLalla

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The Runaway Power Of The Tyrannical Supreme Court...

Has the "supreme court" taken the place of God Almighty? 

For instance: Can the "supreme court" decide who or what constitutes the institution of marriage?


The "supreme court" has determined that a woman can abort (kill; murder) her baby developing in her womb.  So, in effect, the "supreme court" has completely legalized murder, and has "found" that "right" somewhere in the Constitution of the United States...


Can the "supreme court" decide how many genders there are?

The "supreme court" has completely replaced the Natural Law, and has made the judicial branch of the government a law unto itself.   They have created law from the bench, bypassing the powers reserved specifically to the Congress..

Remember, when E. Kagan was testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee after being nominated to fill a vacancy on the "supreme court," one of the senators asked her what were her views on natural rights. 

Her answer: I have no views on natural rights.  

Let me repeat that: Kagan said that she had no views on natural rights!  Right then and there, she should have been rejected, but no, she was approved, and now will sit on the court for the rest of her natural life, continuing to obliterate what is left of our rights under the Natural Law.

Remember, too, it is not the government that grants us our rights, it is the job of government to guarantee those rights ingrained in us from God, from the time of our creation.     

This horrendous situation must -- and will! -- change.  It's just a matter of time before the American citizenry wakes up and sets into motion, the Declaration of Independence, if not, we are doomed to become slaves to the behemoth federal government.

Look at the diabolical Dred Scott decision of 1857, handed down by the "supreme court":

Chief Justice Roger B. Taney wrote the majority decision, which was issued on March 6, 1857. The court held that Scott was not free based on his residence in either Illinois or Wisconsin because he was not considered a person under the U.S. Constitution–in the opinion of the justices, black people were not considered citizens when the Constitution was drafted in 1787. According to Taney, Dred Scott was the property of his owner, and property could not be taken from a person without due process of law.

Can history repeat itself??

Pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla


Sunday, August 25, 2019

Hong Kong Protestors VS Antifa "Protestors"

What we see unfolding right before our eyes, is something so dramatic, so important, that will -- and is -- affecting us now and in our very own country.  The Honk Kong protestors are trying to preserve whatever freedoms are left after the Chinese Communists took over that very prosperous enclave after the British betrayed their charges.  The results so far have been obvious and horrendous!

Let us take a look at the difference between those fighting for their God-given rights in Hong Kong, and those so-called anti-fascists that go by the handle, Antifa.

In Hong Kong, the protestors are waving American flags!  In America, Antifa anarchists are waving Communist flags, and burning American flags.  In Hong Kong, professors speak of freedom, while "professors" in American academia spew hate and malice for the very freedoms that allow them to be traitors to the country of their birth, and decry those -- of us! -- that follow our natural rights to speak without fear of reprisals, or practice our faith without persecution.

I find it incredible that the mainstream media are encouraging the Communist Antifa "movement," while at the same time attacking Christians in our country for believing in, and following the Natural Law -- as an extension of God's divinely revealed law -- knowing that marriage is between one man and one woman, and that it is wrong to murder (to abort) a pre-born baby.  Period!

Note, that it is the goal of the "progressives" to completely destroy the idea and reality of the family unit.  If that is accomplished, then the law of the jungle will be the norm, and those faithful to God will be the targets of the "hunt".

But the useful idiots in the media fail to realize that when the tribulation comes through an attempted takeover of our country by the diabolical and violent Antifa loonies, those in that very same media will be the first to meet the guillotine!  History may very well repeat itself!

The same will be the case for those in the federal government that are using racial epithets to stir-up an actual civil war in America.  Just listen to those Demonrats running for their party's nomination for the 2020 presidential election to take on President Trump.  Every other word out of their mouths is the charge of "racist" being hurled at the president!

Truly disgusting!  But this is all part of the Communist handbook: repeat a horrendous lie often enough, and those milquetoast-minded will believe it as the truth!

Those claiming that they are fighting to erase fascism, are themselves the real fascists; the real haters of God-given rights; the real haters of God, Himself...

We must resist, peacefully, but if necessary, defend ourselves, our families and our country.

Remember what Ben Franklin rightfully exclaimed: those that sacrifice their liberties for security, deserve neither.

Pray for our country, and the strength to do what must be done...

Gene DeLalla

Friday, August 23, 2019

The Attack On The Pre-Born Will Continue Under This Demonrat...

The following is from

Speaking at a NARAL Pro-Choice America town hall in Des Moines, Iowa on Wednesday, South Bend, Indiana mayor and 2020 presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg (D) said that, if elected, he will “ensure access to abortion care and proactively expand access to reproductive health” and “eliminate the Hyde Amendment.”

This failed excuse for a human being -- an in-your-face homosexual, is telling us that abortion -- the killing of the pre-born -- is "care".  In addition, he will eliminate the Hyde Amendment!   

Please think about that for a moment, and ask yourself why is it that all of the Demonrats running for their party's nomination for president are using all their money, power and influence to destroy the developing baby girl in the womb of her mother?  

Why the unbridled hate for the pre-born?   What is driving this satanic mania?   

Some of these Demonrats describe themselves as "Christians"!  


The "great" deceiver, Satan, has successfully corrupted their intellects to the point of allowing these miscreants to speak of insane things; to act out their support for child sacrifice on the alter of "choice" -- but not choice for the pre-born, of course.

The evil of these Demonrats is obvious for all to see.  Heaven help the pre-born, and heaven help this country if anyone of these lunatics wins the White House in 2020!  

Pray for the re-election of Donald Trump, and pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla

Thursday, August 22, 2019

How Many Babies That Survived Abortion Were Left To Die?

This question, I know, is sick, but the idea that babies that survive an abortion are left to die in some dirty, cold, lonely corner of a room in a "planned parenthood" killing mill, is the most sickest of all!

Remember, it was Gov. Northam of Virginia that admitted -- on air, during a radio interview -- that a baby that survives an abortion should be made "comfortable" until the "mother" and her "doctor" -- what about the father??? -- make the decision to leave the baby to suffer death by neglect, even though infanticide is illegal.

The real question should be: when will the "mother" -- and that elusive father, that one rarely hears about -- make the RIGHT decision to -- finally -- give their baby a chance to live?

How naïve of me to ask such a question...

Why naïve?

Because their intent in the first place was to kill the baby.

Is it possible that there could be a change of heart, and want the baby to live?  Sure, anything is possible, but in most cases, the babies of such ingrates die, and are thrown into the trash or flushed down the toilet.  (By the way, it has been reported by former abortion mill workers, that many of those babies are heard crying or whimpering as they slowly die!)  This is not my opinion, but a fact.  Let that one sink in for a while!

Why is all this happening?

An answer is that there is a loss of the sanctity as well as the cheapening of life, in general, in American society, as well as in most Western countries.  This is manifest in many ways in addition to abortion: contraception -- the frustrating of the marital act; euthanasia, homosexuality, and now infanticide, in addition to the instability and easy break-up of marriages in the majority of nations.

So, on a daily basis, nearly 3,000 American, pre-born baby citizens are murdered in the land of the free and the home of the brave.  Yet, when there is a "mass" shooting by some drugged-out-Leftist, the liberals go bonkers and clamor for more gun control and gun-free zones: magnets for the deranged murderers.

Remember the "9/11 terrorist attack"?   There were about 3,000 Americans that died that day, and many more over the years from deadly lung and respiratory diseases.  But since that horrible day, 19,710,000 of our pre-born American babies have been killed!  Where is the outrage?  Where is the war against such a massacre?   Where are the cries to end the slaughter?

I'm afraid that we won't find any, at least, not from those in favor of a "woman's right to choose"!

After all, this "right" is now enshrined by the Constitution, at least that's what the Demonrats (and some Reublicrats) on the "supreme court" decided back in '73...

Nothing will change, unless and until there is a real change of heart -- and soul.  And, as I said earlier, anything is possible -- with God!

Pray for an end to abortion, and pray for our country..

Gene DeLalla

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Violent Antifa Anarchists Attack LIttle Girl In Portland!!!!

Read that headline again: Violent Antifa Anarchists Attack Little Girl In Portland, Or.

Not only that, but the so-called Portland police should all lose their jobs for malfeasance!  If they have been told to stand down with orders from the mayor of Portland, then that mayor should be arrested and thrown in jail for treason for the oath that he took, letting a little girl and her father get beaten up in plane sight.

This is not the first time that police have stood down!!!

If the police will not do their job, then law-abiding citizen must take up arms and defend themselves and their rights -- our rights -- to free speech and self-defense.

These rights are NOT granted by government, but by the common sense elements of the Natural Law as given to us by God almighty Himself!   It is, on the other hand, the job of government to guarantee those rights, not restrict or deny those rights!!

These Antifa maggots are a sick group of anarchists that must be stopped!!  Hopefully, peacefully, but if they want war, then so be it!

This is not some stupid video game; it's real life, and the violence of these Communists is now obvious for all the world to see.  They must not be allowed to succeed, if they do, then our grandchildren will curse us to our graves for not fighting for them and their rights.  Think about that!  Our grandchildren will curse us!

I, for one, will go down fighting -- mark my words!  And if you, and anyone reading my article, will not fight for your rights, then you deserve to suffer the consequences of living under the thumb of the Communists anarchists.

Ben Franklin once said that citizens who give up their rights for "security," deserve neither!

How true!

It is time for these rats to be stopped cold!

Pray for our country!!!

Gene DeLalla

Friday, August 16, 2019

Stoking The Fires For Civil War..

Just about all the 2020 Demonrat presidential candidates are stoking the fires for civil war here, in the land of the free and the home of the brave.

And I guarantee that this time around, it will be much worse than the War Between The States back in 1861-65 -- much worse!

These miscreants are using race and outright hate to stoke those fires, accusing anyone -- anyone! -- that is a white supporter of President Trump as a racist or Nazi.  These tactics are right out of the playbook of the Communists.  Don't believe me, read their excrement for yourself...

Anyone who disagrees with their diabolical agenda is a racist or a Nazi or both.  But here is the kicker: even conservative, freedom loving, country loving blacks are now considered traitors to their own race and now are racists too!

Now, big on their "bucket list" -- and it will be a bucket list -- is the confiscation of our weapons through the proposed "red flag laws" that are now on the books in several states with more states leaning in the same direction.  This is the first step to total registration of all firearms.  All!!

These tactics were successfully used in Germany, Russia and China.  Once the disarming of the populace is complete, then the enemies of the people have little to stop their taking control of every aspect of our lives.

I mentioned that the bad guys' gun confiscation is on their "bucket list."  The reason: because that will be the last thing they do in this life.  The "resistance" will be devastating to these Communists; these enemies of freedom; these enemies of God.

Sadly, it is not only the obvious that want "red flag laws", but also those Republicrat wolves in  sheep's clothing.  I contend that those traitors are no better -- but maybe a little smarter? -- than their Communist counterparts from the 1930's and 40's.

It turns out that Senator McCarthy was right after all!

Pray for our country and the total defeat of these Demonrats (and Republicrats)...

Gene DeLalla

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

The Bloodbath Continues In Chicago...

Once again, the residents of the crime-ridden neighborhoods of Chicago live in fear and wake up every morning to new statistics of just who was murdered and wounded during the overnight hours.  

Unfortunately, those "statistics" are human beings, not just numbers.   But the numbers continue to terrorize those law-abiding citizens wondering what has happened to their city.  Such folk cannot even enjoy a weekend without the threat of gang violence infecting their streets.

No one is exempt from the death and mayhem, not even little children, as stray bullets enter windows of homes and cars, taking out the nascent lives before they have a real chance at life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, as defined in our Declaration of Independence...

Of course, the unscrupulous hard-Left Demonrats accuse an inanimate object -- a gun (whether revolver, pistol or long gun) -- as the culprit for their failed policies that literally suck the life out of the citizens under their charge...

The once-heralded "Windy City," has become the Bloody City.  A reputation that will take many years to reverse, if it can be at all.  It has become painfully apparent that when a metropolis is controlled by liberal politicians, it deteriorates to the point of almost complete destruction.  

Such cities as Chicago and Baltimore, MD, are prime, horrendous examples of what is left: a vast wasteland of blood and fear.

In 2018, Chicago had 561 murders, New York City. in comparison -- with nearly three-times the population -- had 289 murders.

Is there any hope for these cities, and the residents that must endure this constant crime-wave, this anarchy?


And it has everything to do with restricting the rights granted to us under the Natural Law, and God almighty, to defend ourselves and our families: to keep and bear arms -- to carry concealed, or carry open.

The thick-headed liberals, in their attempt to stem gun-violence, increase the chances of the law-abiding to suffer under their misguided policies, by further restricting the ability to purchase and own weapons for self-defense.

This must change!

What must also change are the broken homes and broken families.  Without solid homes and two-parent families, there will be little improvement...

But until it changes, the only ones that can buy weapons at will are the outlaws with money to spend to "protect" their drug-rich territories from the encroachment of other gangs of thugs and murderers.

The bad guys laugh at the "tough" gun laws on the books.  They simply laugh!

Please pray for an end to this scourge, and pray for our country..

Gene DeLalla


Monday, August 12, 2019

The Silent Apostasy -- The Underbelly of The Serpent Is Being Exposed...

Over the last several months, there has been exposed a vast left-wing conspiracy supporting the filthy sex trade, and seduction of youth by the elites, and those elites involve some very big names in the political world as well as the financial world (in reality, both are related).

Now, with the "suicide" of J. Epstein, the rich and powerful may breath a sigh of relief -- but should they?

It is said that in the end, the truth will be victorious over lies and falsehoods.  But the problem is, is that far too many in our country have been completely brainwashed with those very same lies and falsehoods that are spoon-fed to them on a daily basis through the mainstream media.  The alternative media, on  the other hand, even when revealing the facts, are attacked as the culprits in spreading "disunity" among the American citizenry.

The title of this short article, as you can see, is: The Silent Apostasy...  But apostasy from what?  A good question to be sure, but one answer is the almost complete denial of the Natural Law through heinous actions of those very same rich and powerful elites, serving the Demon and rejecting the Author of Life, Christ our Lord.

These scallywags have left no stone unturned in their efforts at self-gratification, regardless of those souls ruined by their lust, whether consensual or forced from enslavement through human trafficking.

It is also said that dead men tell no tales...  J. Epstein is dead.  He can't point his finger to any of his accomplices or "clients" that engaged in the bizarre actions on his private island in the Caribbean.  His "suicide" was very convenient, to say the least.  But now documents and information is coming out that just may implicate some of those well-known movers and shakers' names that will be familiar to most non-braindead John Q. Public types walking down Main Street, U.S.A.

Books can and will be written when all is said and done, and perhaps, some of those familiar names will end up wearing orange jump-suites, spending the rest of their un-repentant, miserable lives behind prison bars where they belong.

It is said that our country is the greatest nation on the face of the earth, and I believe that to an extent, but how can we -- as a people of our nation -- be pleasing to God when there are laws on the books -- or implied in the Constitution -- that allow the filth and mayhem of bodies and souls that destroy those very same souls and hand them over to the Father of Lies, Satan?

All this is happening for many reasons, and one of those reasons is the loss of the sanctity, as well as the cheapening of life, through the killing of the pre-born (abortion) all in the name of some non-existent "right" of a woman to discard her tiny developing baby from her home -- the womb -- where she is supposed to be safe and sound from harm until she can enter the world and serve her Creator.

When the slow, grinding wheels of Lady Justice finally reach an end in this monstrosity of a case, let's see if some of those elitist creeps finally get their due.  Only time will tell... But in the meantime, we must continue to pray for Justice to be meted out, and for an end to the scourge of abortion...

And continue to pray for our country....

Gene DeLalla


Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Nearly 3,000 American Citizens Were Murdered on August 6, 2019!!!

No, this was not another "9/11 terrorist attack"; America's tallest skyscrapers are still standing in New York City...

This latest slaughter of Americans, took place in what is supposed to be the safest place on the face of the earth: a mother's womb!

But yesterday, nearly 3,000 pre-born babies were taken out of this world in the most barbaric of ways, either through ultra-painful dismemberment, or by being chemically dissolved by "doctors" and their "nurses."  

I recently wrote about the massacre of innocent Americans as they shopped in Walmart, or went about enjoying themselves at festivals or bars and restaurants: truly a heinous act of a cowardly deranged leftist, most likely on some type of psychotropic drug used to control depression or some other such ailment so prevalent in our society these days.

Of course, the weapon used by these maniac killers gets the blame, but not the way these nuts are brought up, or the drug companies that supply the chemicals that distort the natural functions of what God created and His intent for our bodies: -- the temples of the Holy Ghost -- the continuance of the human race...

So, 30 Americans were killed as they were minding their own business, and the country -- and the world -- are understandably angered at the useless and senseless loss of life.  The hard-left attacks our president, and those who believe in the Second Amendment and the right to bear arms, and the ability to protect ourselves and our families, but leave out the real cause of all these murders: the loss of the sanctity of life, especially the cheapening of the most vulnerable of those lives: the pre-born.

Those little babies are routinely discarded for the "convenience" of the "mother" or the "father" of the child, or for some other bizarre reason.  This, combined with the disdain for God almighty and His rights -- one only hears about the rights of the "mother" -- and you have complete chaos in society today.

It is said that as the (Catholic) Church goes, so goes society.  Isn't that the truth?   The weakness and corruption of the human element of the Church has wreaked almost complete havoc among what is left of the faithful -- and that number is getting smaller and smaller...

But there is a REMNANT; there is hope, and that hope lies in the One who gave His life for the life of the world 2,000 years ago: Jesus Christ..

Today, another nearly 3,000 American citizens will lose their tiny lives to haters of life, and the lovers of their father, Satan.

Pray for an end to this barbaric slaughter of the pre-born, and pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla

Monday, August 5, 2019

Leftist Terror Attacks Kill 29 In Texas and Ohio...

This past weekend, a total of 29 people were killed in leftist terror attacks in Texas and Ohio.  This figure included 2 children...

Of course, the radical, leftist media immediately attacked President Trump and his supporters for the rampage that took so many innocent lives.  But they fail to mention that both of the shooters were left-wing nuts who supported Antifa and Sen. Warren -- but who cares about facts these days??

But let's put this disaster in perspective, please...

Today, there will be another 2,500 to 3,000 murders committed in the U.S., not by shooters, but by "doctors" killing innocent babies through the heinous act of abortion.  You read that right: another 2,500 to 3,000 innocent American citizens killed in the womb and now out of the womb too!

Where is the outrage?  Where is the call for stopping the slaughter?  Where are the so-called Demonrat presidential candidates screaming for something to be done to end this satanic sacrifice?

It will not be found, but brutally encouraged by these leftists.  They are all complicit and co-conspirators in the killing of their fellow citizens.

Twenty-nine innocent people lost their lives to nut-scum cases who got their hands on weapons and did their dirty thing, but another 2,500 to 3,000 innocent lives will be taken out of this world today and everyday of the coming week!!

When will it end, Lord, when will it end????

Pray for quick justice for the shooter that was captured and for his quick demise, and pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Do You Have The Guts To Do The Right Thing When Confronting Evil?

Most of us like some form of sports, right?

Sure, some folks are downright fanatics when it comes to their favorite team, whether it be baseball, hockey, football, etc.  The home-town crowd can be downright aggressive when their guys win or lose an important game or series of games...

I, for one, like football, mostly professional, but some college as well.  I really don't get too much opportunity to watch these days, but occasionally I do enjoy a decent game or two.

That is, until recently...

It all comes down to this: every single baseball team, and nearly all professional football teams, as well as most, if not all, of the hockey teams have now sold their collective souls to the homosexual mafia and LGBT radicals.

You read it right; there is no mistake or exaggeration here, just the facts.

How can this be, and what is one supposed to do about it?

The answer to the first part of the question is that money talks.  But there is another element here, and that is the willingness to garner support and peddle that support in the hopes of spreading what is un-natural, and make it "natural" and acceptable: one of the sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance...

So, in effect, these creatures have sold whatever was left of the sense of what is right and wrong, good or perverse, to the father of lies, the devil.

If you have been following any of my articles, you will see a pattern when it comes to evil and just who is at the end of that evil, Satan.  There is no guesswork here.

But getting back to the issue of what are we supposed to do in the face of this scourge... What it boils down to is: what do we value more, and who is it that we should be concerned about pleasing?

Should we just continue to watch and root for the home-team just as if nothing has changed?  Or do we shut off the TV and read a book, or write a letter to the editor pointing out the treason of the elites to faith, hope and charity as well as the selling out of our children's innocence when exposing them to this insidious filth?

Finally, there is only One that we should be concerned about pleasing: Christ.  If we can't please Him, we are doomed.  It may not be easy -- anything worth-while usually isn't -- but we have to make the effort and stand our ground in the face of this seemingly unstoppable juggernaut that has overtaken our sports teams and society in general, not to mention nearly the entire human element of the Catholic Church!  And THAT is the main reason for the "success" of the deviants...

The great Catholic Bishop of Hippo (Africa), St. Augustine, once said that wrong is still wrong even if everyone is doing it, and right is still right even if no one is doing it.

Pray for our country, and pray for an end to the horrendous crime of homosexuality...

Gene DeLalla

Devastating Implications Of Heretical "Cardinals" Voting In The Next Conclave! (The Sedevacantists Will Have A Field Day, Proving They Are "Right"!)

 Think about the horrific implications of heretics voting for the next pope! What are some of those implications? How about the fact that a ...