Thursday, August 22, 2019

How Many Babies That Survived Abortion Were Left To Die?

This question, I know, is sick, but the idea that babies that survive an abortion are left to die in some dirty, cold, lonely corner of a room in a "planned parenthood" killing mill, is the most sickest of all!

Remember, it was Gov. Northam of Virginia that admitted -- on air, during a radio interview -- that a baby that survives an abortion should be made "comfortable" until the "mother" and her "doctor" -- what about the father??? -- make the decision to leave the baby to suffer death by neglect, even though infanticide is illegal.

The real question should be: when will the "mother" -- and that elusive father, that one rarely hears about -- make the RIGHT decision to -- finally -- give their baby a chance to live?

How naïve of me to ask such a question...

Why naïve?

Because their intent in the first place was to kill the baby.

Is it possible that there could be a change of heart, and want the baby to live?  Sure, anything is possible, but in most cases, the babies of such ingrates die, and are thrown into the trash or flushed down the toilet.  (By the way, it has been reported by former abortion mill workers, that many of those babies are heard crying or whimpering as they slowly die!)  This is not my opinion, but a fact.  Let that one sink in for a while!

Why is all this happening?

An answer is that there is a loss of the sanctity as well as the cheapening of life, in general, in American society, as well as in most Western countries.  This is manifest in many ways in addition to abortion: contraception -- the frustrating of the marital act; euthanasia, homosexuality, and now infanticide, in addition to the instability and easy break-up of marriages in the majority of nations.

So, on a daily basis, nearly 3,000 American, pre-born baby citizens are murdered in the land of the free and the home of the brave.  Yet, when there is a "mass" shooting by some drugged-out-Leftist, the liberals go bonkers and clamor for more gun control and gun-free zones: magnets for the deranged murderers.

Remember the "9/11 terrorist attack"?   There were about 3,000 Americans that died that day, and many more over the years from deadly lung and respiratory diseases.  But since that horrible day, 19,710,000 of our pre-born American babies have been killed!  Where is the outrage?  Where is the war against such a massacre?   Where are the cries to end the slaughter?

I'm afraid that we won't find any, at least, not from those in favor of a "woman's right to choose"!

After all, this "right" is now enshrined by the Constitution, at least that's what the Demonrats (and some Reublicrats) on the "supreme court" decided back in '73...

Nothing will change, unless and until there is a real change of heart -- and soul.  And, as I said earlier, anything is possible -- with God!

Pray for an end to abortion, and pray for our country..

Gene DeLalla

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