Thursday, August 1, 2019

Do You Have The Guts To Do The Right Thing When Confronting Evil?

Most of us like some form of sports, right?

Sure, some folks are downright fanatics when it comes to their favorite team, whether it be baseball, hockey, football, etc.  The home-town crowd can be downright aggressive when their guys win or lose an important game or series of games...

I, for one, like football, mostly professional, but some college as well.  I really don't get too much opportunity to watch these days, but occasionally I do enjoy a decent game or two.

That is, until recently...

It all comes down to this: every single baseball team, and nearly all professional football teams, as well as most, if not all, of the hockey teams have now sold their collective souls to the homosexual mafia and LGBT radicals.

You read it right; there is no mistake or exaggeration here, just the facts.

How can this be, and what is one supposed to do about it?

The answer to the first part of the question is that money talks.  But there is another element here, and that is the willingness to garner support and peddle that support in the hopes of spreading what is un-natural, and make it "natural" and acceptable: one of the sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance...

So, in effect, these creatures have sold whatever was left of the sense of what is right and wrong, good or perverse, to the father of lies, the devil.

If you have been following any of my articles, you will see a pattern when it comes to evil and just who is at the end of that evil, Satan.  There is no guesswork here.

But getting back to the issue of what are we supposed to do in the face of this scourge... What it boils down to is: what do we value more, and who is it that we should be concerned about pleasing?

Should we just continue to watch and root for the home-team just as if nothing has changed?  Or do we shut off the TV and read a book, or write a letter to the editor pointing out the treason of the elites to faith, hope and charity as well as the selling out of our children's innocence when exposing them to this insidious filth?

Finally, there is only One that we should be concerned about pleasing: Christ.  If we can't please Him, we are doomed.  It may not be easy -- anything worth-while usually isn't -- but we have to make the effort and stand our ground in the face of this seemingly unstoppable juggernaut that has overtaken our sports teams and society in general, not to mention nearly the entire human element of the Catholic Church!  And THAT is the main reason for the "success" of the deviants...

The great Catholic Bishop of Hippo (Africa), St. Augustine, once said that wrong is still wrong even if everyone is doing it, and right is still right even if no one is doing it.

Pray for our country, and pray for an end to the horrendous crime of homosexuality...

Gene DeLalla

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