Monday, August 5, 2019

Leftist Terror Attacks Kill 29 In Texas and Ohio...

This past weekend, a total of 29 people were killed in leftist terror attacks in Texas and Ohio.  This figure included 2 children...

Of course, the radical, leftist media immediately attacked President Trump and his supporters for the rampage that took so many innocent lives.  But they fail to mention that both of the shooters were left-wing nuts who supported Antifa and Sen. Warren -- but who cares about facts these days??

But let's put this disaster in perspective, please...

Today, there will be another 2,500 to 3,000 murders committed in the U.S., not by shooters, but by "doctors" killing innocent babies through the heinous act of abortion.  You read that right: another 2,500 to 3,000 innocent American citizens killed in the womb and now out of the womb too!

Where is the outrage?  Where is the call for stopping the slaughter?  Where are the so-called Demonrat presidential candidates screaming for something to be done to end this satanic sacrifice?

It will not be found, but brutally encouraged by these leftists.  They are all complicit and co-conspirators in the killing of their fellow citizens.

Twenty-nine innocent people lost their lives to nut-scum cases who got their hands on weapons and did their dirty thing, but another 2,500 to 3,000 innocent lives will be taken out of this world today and everyday of the coming week!!

When will it end, Lord, when will it end????

Pray for quick justice for the shooter that was captured and for his quick demise, and pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla

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