Friday, August 16, 2019

Stoking The Fires For Civil War..

Just about all the 2020 Demonrat presidential candidates are stoking the fires for civil war here, in the land of the free and the home of the brave.

And I guarantee that this time around, it will be much worse than the War Between The States back in 1861-65 -- much worse!

These miscreants are using race and outright hate to stoke those fires, accusing anyone -- anyone! -- that is a white supporter of President Trump as a racist or Nazi.  These tactics are right out of the playbook of the Communists.  Don't believe me, read their excrement for yourself...

Anyone who disagrees with their diabolical agenda is a racist or a Nazi or both.  But here is the kicker: even conservative, freedom loving, country loving blacks are now considered traitors to their own race and now are racists too!

Now, big on their "bucket list" -- and it will be a bucket list -- is the confiscation of our weapons through the proposed "red flag laws" that are now on the books in several states with more states leaning in the same direction.  This is the first step to total registration of all firearms.  All!!

These tactics were successfully used in Germany, Russia and China.  Once the disarming of the populace is complete, then the enemies of the people have little to stop their taking control of every aspect of our lives.

I mentioned that the bad guys' gun confiscation is on their "bucket list."  The reason: because that will be the last thing they do in this life.  The "resistance" will be devastating to these Communists; these enemies of freedom; these enemies of God.

Sadly, it is not only the obvious that want "red flag laws", but also those Republicrat wolves in  sheep's clothing.  I contend that those traitors are no better -- but maybe a little smarter? -- than their Communist counterparts from the 1930's and 40's.

It turns out that Senator McCarthy was right after all!

Pray for our country and the total defeat of these Demonrats (and Republicrats)...

Gene DeLalla

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