Monday, August 12, 2019

The Silent Apostasy -- The Underbelly of The Serpent Is Being Exposed...

Over the last several months, there has been exposed a vast left-wing conspiracy supporting the filthy sex trade, and seduction of youth by the elites, and those elites involve some very big names in the political world as well as the financial world (in reality, both are related).

Now, with the "suicide" of J. Epstein, the rich and powerful may breath a sigh of relief -- but should they?

It is said that in the end, the truth will be victorious over lies and falsehoods.  But the problem is, is that far too many in our country have been completely brainwashed with those very same lies and falsehoods that are spoon-fed to them on a daily basis through the mainstream media.  The alternative media, on  the other hand, even when revealing the facts, are attacked as the culprits in spreading "disunity" among the American citizenry.

The title of this short article, as you can see, is: The Silent Apostasy...  But apostasy from what?  A good question to be sure, but one answer is the almost complete denial of the Natural Law through heinous actions of those very same rich and powerful elites, serving the Demon and rejecting the Author of Life, Christ our Lord.

These scallywags have left no stone unturned in their efforts at self-gratification, regardless of those souls ruined by their lust, whether consensual or forced from enslavement through human trafficking.

It is also said that dead men tell no tales...  J. Epstein is dead.  He can't point his finger to any of his accomplices or "clients" that engaged in the bizarre actions on his private island in the Caribbean.  His "suicide" was very convenient, to say the least.  But now documents and information is coming out that just may implicate some of those well-known movers and shakers' names that will be familiar to most non-braindead John Q. Public types walking down Main Street, U.S.A.

Books can and will be written when all is said and done, and perhaps, some of those familiar names will end up wearing orange jump-suites, spending the rest of their un-repentant, miserable lives behind prison bars where they belong.

It is said that our country is the greatest nation on the face of the earth, and I believe that to an extent, but how can we -- as a people of our nation -- be pleasing to God when there are laws on the books -- or implied in the Constitution -- that allow the filth and mayhem of bodies and souls that destroy those very same souls and hand them over to the Father of Lies, Satan?

All this is happening for many reasons, and one of those reasons is the loss of the sanctity, as well as the cheapening of life, through the killing of the pre-born (abortion) all in the name of some non-existent "right" of a woman to discard her tiny developing baby from her home -- the womb -- where she is supposed to be safe and sound from harm until she can enter the world and serve her Creator.

When the slow, grinding wheels of Lady Justice finally reach an end in this monstrosity of a case, let's see if some of those elitist creeps finally get their due.  Only time will tell... But in the meantime, we must continue to pray for Justice to be meted out, and for an end to the scourge of abortion...

And continue to pray for our country....

Gene DeLalla


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