Thursday, August 29, 2019

Pope Francis: Lover of the Communists..

That's right, "Pope" Francis is a lover of the Communists, and betrayer of the Hong Kong Catholic/Christians fighting for every breath of whatever freedom is left on the streets of the famous city, now under Communist domination.

Francis has made secret deals with the dictator-in-charge, Xi, sending the filthy pedophile and sexual predator, disgraced "cardinal" McCarrick, to barter-away the last vestiges of the real Catholic faith in favor of the "patriotic Catholic Church" and the phony Communist-approved "bishops," all the while sending the real Catholic Bishops, priests and lay faithful deeper and deeper underground in order to survive an on-going purge and the physical destruction of their churches, convents, and monasteries.

Just who is this demon that has betrayed the Catholic world with socialist and Communist ideology that is diametrically opposed to all Church teaching and Christ, Himself???

The man that goes by the handle, pope, is no more a pope than Xi is; a disgrace to the papacy, and human fodder for the enemies of the Church of Christ.

We all know that Christ has told us that the gates of hell will never prevail against His Church, and while that is true, she is currently going through a trial by fire to weed out the traitors and homosexuals that have infiltrated her sacred body, and nearly destroyed sacred tradition in favor of modernism and novelty!

As a boomerang returns to its thrower, the pendulum is beginning to swing in OUR direction, with more and more families of the lay faithful returning to the traditional Latin Mass of the ages -- and makers of saints!

Pray for a quick demise of the agenda of this "pope", and for brave priests, bishops, cardinals, and laity to take back the house of God from the hands of these Satanic monsters! 

Pray, too, for our country..

Gene DeLalla

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