Wednesday, August 14, 2019

The Bloodbath Continues In Chicago...

Once again, the residents of the crime-ridden neighborhoods of Chicago live in fear and wake up every morning to new statistics of just who was murdered and wounded during the overnight hours.  

Unfortunately, those "statistics" are human beings, not just numbers.   But the numbers continue to terrorize those law-abiding citizens wondering what has happened to their city.  Such folk cannot even enjoy a weekend without the threat of gang violence infecting their streets.

No one is exempt from the death and mayhem, not even little children, as stray bullets enter windows of homes and cars, taking out the nascent lives before they have a real chance at life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, as defined in our Declaration of Independence...

Of course, the unscrupulous hard-Left Demonrats accuse an inanimate object -- a gun (whether revolver, pistol or long gun) -- as the culprit for their failed policies that literally suck the life out of the citizens under their charge...

The once-heralded "Windy City," has become the Bloody City.  A reputation that will take many years to reverse, if it can be at all.  It has become painfully apparent that when a metropolis is controlled by liberal politicians, it deteriorates to the point of almost complete destruction.  

Such cities as Chicago and Baltimore, MD, are prime, horrendous examples of what is left: a vast wasteland of blood and fear.

In 2018, Chicago had 561 murders, New York City. in comparison -- with nearly three-times the population -- had 289 murders.

Is there any hope for these cities, and the residents that must endure this constant crime-wave, this anarchy?


And it has everything to do with restricting the rights granted to us under the Natural Law, and God almighty, to defend ourselves and our families: to keep and bear arms -- to carry concealed, or carry open.

The thick-headed liberals, in their attempt to stem gun-violence, increase the chances of the law-abiding to suffer under their misguided policies, by further restricting the ability to purchase and own weapons for self-defense.

This must change!

What must also change are the broken homes and broken families.  Without solid homes and two-parent families, there will be little improvement...

But until it changes, the only ones that can buy weapons at will are the outlaws with money to spend to "protect" their drug-rich territories from the encroachment of other gangs of thugs and murderers.

The bad guys laugh at the "tough" gun laws on the books.  They simply laugh!

Please pray for an end to this scourge, and pray for our country..

Gene DeLalla


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