Friday, August 23, 2019

The Attack On The Pre-Born Will Continue Under This Demonrat...

The following is from

Speaking at a NARAL Pro-Choice America town hall in Des Moines, Iowa on Wednesday, South Bend, Indiana mayor and 2020 presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg (D) said that, if elected, he will “ensure access to abortion care and proactively expand access to reproductive health” and “eliminate the Hyde Amendment.”

This failed excuse for a human being -- an in-your-face homosexual, is telling us that abortion -- the killing of the pre-born -- is "care".  In addition, he will eliminate the Hyde Amendment!   

Please think about that for a moment, and ask yourself why is it that all of the Demonrats running for their party's nomination for president are using all their money, power and influence to destroy the developing baby girl in the womb of her mother?  

Why the unbridled hate for the pre-born?   What is driving this satanic mania?   

Some of these Demonrats describe themselves as "Christians"!  


The "great" deceiver, Satan, has successfully corrupted their intellects to the point of allowing these miscreants to speak of insane things; to act out their support for child sacrifice on the alter of "choice" -- but not choice for the pre-born, of course.

The evil of these Demonrats is obvious for all to see.  Heaven help the pre-born, and heaven help this country if anyone of these lunatics wins the White House in 2020!  

Pray for the re-election of Donald Trump, and pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla

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