Sunday, August 18, 2019

Violent Antifa Anarchists Attack LIttle Girl In Portland!!!!

Read that headline again: Violent Antifa Anarchists Attack Little Girl In Portland, Or.

Not only that, but the so-called Portland police should all lose their jobs for malfeasance!  If they have been told to stand down with orders from the mayor of Portland, then that mayor should be arrested and thrown in jail for treason for the oath that he took, letting a little girl and her father get beaten up in plane sight.

This is not the first time that police have stood down!!!

If the police will not do their job, then law-abiding citizen must take up arms and defend themselves and their rights -- our rights -- to free speech and self-defense.

These rights are NOT granted by government, but by the common sense elements of the Natural Law as given to us by God almighty Himself!   It is, on the other hand, the job of government to guarantee those rights, not restrict or deny those rights!!

These Antifa maggots are a sick group of anarchists that must be stopped!!  Hopefully, peacefully, but if they want war, then so be it!

This is not some stupid video game; it's real life, and the violence of these Communists is now obvious for all the world to see.  They must not be allowed to succeed, if they do, then our grandchildren will curse us to our graves for not fighting for them and their rights.  Think about that!  Our grandchildren will curse us!

I, for one, will go down fighting -- mark my words!  And if you, and anyone reading my article, will not fight for your rights, then you deserve to suffer the consequences of living under the thumb of the Communists anarchists.

Ben Franklin once said that citizens who give up their rights for "security," deserve neither!

How true!

It is time for these rats to be stopped cold!

Pray for our country!!!

Gene DeLalla

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