Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Parallel Universe Of The New Order "Catholic" Church...

Do you believe what you're seeing in the New Order "Catholic" Church??

It seems to me, that those gangsters running what is left of the Church, are living in a parallel universe, supporting and enabling sodomy, "dialogue", indifferentism, you name it.  With those in-charge spewing malice and hate at anyone and anything that attempts to adhere to sacred tradition and worship our Lord the way He wants, not as the man-gods want...

And that's the key: these diabolical wolves in shepherd's clothing have completely abandoned the Catholic faith, -- that is, if they ever held it to begin with -- and are leading their flocks right into the mouth of hell itself.  They are, in fact, doing the work of Satan, rather than God's...

What is now apparent, is that the homosexual mafia, within the Church, is much more widespread than first thought or imagined, and has become more evident with each passing day.  These devils run the seminaries, the chancelleries, the dioceses, with many holding homosexual or "transgender" "masses" with an in-your-face exhibition of sacrilege, insulting our Lord on a daily basis.

So dire is this situation, that all good priests and bishops are painted with the same broad-brush of guilt, eradicating the right -- under the law -- of innocence until proven guilty by a jury of their peers.

But, in a sense, who can blame the death of the presumption of innocence?

Unfortunately, the good servants of God -- those faithful priests and bishops -- can almost be counted on one hand...  Why haven't more of them spoken out and condemned these demons wearing clerical garb?   Where is their manhood; their willingness to sacrifice -- even to the point of death! -- for the reign of Christ?  Silence will only embolden the devil and his minions to further entrap and deceive, even the Elect, if that were possible.

St. Paul tells us to stand fast to the traditions that we have learned, either by word or our epistle...

Pray for the conversion of these miscreants, and if they don't repent, then pray for their complete and total destruction.   And that includes the current reigning pope, Francis...

Pray also, for our country...

Gene DeLalla

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