Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Nearly 3,000 American Citizens Were Murdered on August 6, 2019!!!

No, this was not another "9/11 terrorist attack"; America's tallest skyscrapers are still standing in New York City...

This latest slaughter of Americans, took place in what is supposed to be the safest place on the face of the earth: a mother's womb!

But yesterday, nearly 3,000 pre-born babies were taken out of this world in the most barbaric of ways, either through ultra-painful dismemberment, or by being chemically dissolved by "doctors" and their "nurses."  

I recently wrote about the massacre of innocent Americans as they shopped in Walmart, or went about enjoying themselves at festivals or bars and restaurants: truly a heinous act of a cowardly deranged leftist, most likely on some type of psychotropic drug used to control depression or some other such ailment so prevalent in our society these days.

Of course, the weapon used by these maniac killers gets the blame, but not the way these nuts are brought up, or the drug companies that supply the chemicals that distort the natural functions of what God created and His intent for our bodies: -- the temples of the Holy Ghost -- the continuance of the human race...

So, 30 Americans were killed as they were minding their own business, and the country -- and the world -- are understandably angered at the useless and senseless loss of life.  The hard-left attacks our president, and those who believe in the Second Amendment and the right to bear arms, and the ability to protect ourselves and our families, but leave out the real cause of all these murders: the loss of the sanctity of life, especially the cheapening of the most vulnerable of those lives: the pre-born.

Those little babies are routinely discarded for the "convenience" of the "mother" or the "father" of the child, or for some other bizarre reason.  This, combined with the disdain for God almighty and His rights -- one only hears about the rights of the "mother" -- and you have complete chaos in society today.

It is said that as the (Catholic) Church goes, so goes society.  Isn't that the truth?   The weakness and corruption of the human element of the Church has wreaked almost complete havoc among what is left of the faithful -- and that number is getting smaller and smaller...

But there is a REMNANT; there is hope, and that hope lies in the One who gave His life for the life of the world 2,000 years ago: Jesus Christ..

Today, another nearly 3,000 American citizens will lose their tiny lives to haters of life, and the lovers of their father, Satan.

Pray for an end to this barbaric slaughter of the pre-born, and pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla

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