Friday, August 30, 2019

Communist Chinese Military Invades Hong Kong!

For those of you that remember Tiananmen Square (1989), or have read about that slaughter of a free people yearning to exercise their rights, you haven't seen anything yet!

The Chinese Communist military has now sent in -- and continues to send in -- armored personnel carriers and trucks loaded with regular army troops to do the dirty work of that monster-in-charge, Xi.

Many of the protesters are Catholic/Christians, but not a word from that so-called "pope" Francis -- the occupier of the Vatican in Rome.  He may shed crocodile tears over a piece of ice that melts, but makes deals with the Communist to approve and appoint "bishops" to the phony "Catholic Church"...  Further, he says nothing about those people who will no doubt suffer for their rights on the streets of Hong Kong.

The time for tear gas and rubber bullets has passed, and now real live ammo will be directed at the freedom-loving folks carrying American flags, as apposed to the maggot Antifa in this country burning American flags!

The world is certainly topsy-turvy, and it will get much worse before it gets any better, mainly because of the absolute weakness in the Catholic Church, currently under the control of a hater of Tradition and authentic Church teaching, as well as a sympathizer of the extreme Left, whether it be the homosexuals rampant in the Church, or pushing for uncontrolled numbers of alien immigrants invading sovereign countries, including the U.S.!

I have one question: have any of you heard one single peep, or read one single word about those in Hong Kong fighting for their rights under the Natural Law?  Probably not, and you never will, because the majority of the media in this country are sympathetic too, and outright supporters of the globalists intent on destroying, not only our own country, but also any peoples that strive to live their lives in freedom.

If you think that is an exaggeration, think again... Demonrat representative, Ilhan Omar, wants the United Nations to negate, for all practical purposes, the sovereignty of the Untied States!!!

Let that sink in!!!

If you love your country, and you love your children, then these satanic elitists must be defeated at all costs!   At all costs!

Pray for our country, and pray for the courage to face head-on, what is coming down the pike...

Gene DeLalla 

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