Sunday, August 25, 2019

Hong Kong Protestors VS Antifa "Protestors"

What we see unfolding right before our eyes, is something so dramatic, so important, that will -- and is -- affecting us now and in our very own country.  The Honk Kong protestors are trying to preserve whatever freedoms are left after the Chinese Communists took over that very prosperous enclave after the British betrayed their charges.  The results so far have been obvious and horrendous!

Let us take a look at the difference between those fighting for their God-given rights in Hong Kong, and those so-called anti-fascists that go by the handle, Antifa.

In Hong Kong, the protestors are waving American flags!  In America, Antifa anarchists are waving Communist flags, and burning American flags.  In Hong Kong, professors speak of freedom, while "professors" in American academia spew hate and malice for the very freedoms that allow them to be traitors to the country of their birth, and decry those -- of us! -- that follow our natural rights to speak without fear of reprisals, or practice our faith without persecution.

I find it incredible that the mainstream media are encouraging the Communist Antifa "movement," while at the same time attacking Christians in our country for believing in, and following the Natural Law -- as an extension of God's divinely revealed law -- knowing that marriage is between one man and one woman, and that it is wrong to murder (to abort) a pre-born baby.  Period!

Note, that it is the goal of the "progressives" to completely destroy the idea and reality of the family unit.  If that is accomplished, then the law of the jungle will be the norm, and those faithful to God will be the targets of the "hunt".

But the useful idiots in the media fail to realize that when the tribulation comes through an attempted takeover of our country by the diabolical and violent Antifa loonies, those in that very same media will be the first to meet the guillotine!  History may very well repeat itself!

The same will be the case for those in the federal government that are using racial epithets to stir-up an actual civil war in America.  Just listen to those Demonrats running for their party's nomination for the 2020 presidential election to take on President Trump.  Every other word out of their mouths is the charge of "racist" being hurled at the president!

Truly disgusting!  But this is all part of the Communist handbook: repeat a horrendous lie often enough, and those milquetoast-minded will believe it as the truth!

Those claiming that they are fighting to erase fascism, are themselves the real fascists; the real haters of God-given rights; the real haters of God, Himself...

We must resist, peacefully, but if necessary, defend ourselves, our families and our country.

Remember what Ben Franklin rightfully exclaimed: those that sacrifice their liberties for security, deserve neither.

Pray for our country, and the strength to do what must be done...

Gene DeLalla

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