Friday, April 30, 2021

MADNESS! Face-Diapers For Two- And Four-Year-Olds In Michigan!

 The demonically possessed "Governor" Gretchen Whitmer has gone completely insane!  This female tyrant has now mandated face-diapers for two- and four-year-olds in that gulag prison camp known as the state of Michigan...

This so-called governor continues her reign of terror on the citizens of that economically and spiritually dead, barren landscape...

But this is nothing new, as most of the demonrat controlled states and cities are a vast wasteland of hopelessness, despair, riots, death and mayhem.  In short, the true colors of these monsters are now out in the open for all to see; they are emboldened by weak-kneed sheeple as well as a Catholic hierarchy afraid of their own shadows, refusing to resist to the face, the failed Gov. Whitmer...

What befuddles me, is why the parents -- fathers and mothers -- of all school-aged children  simply don't pull their kids out of those indoctrination centers and homeschool their precious, little souls.  This would keep them safe from radical sex-ed programs, not to mention being taught to hate America and all its traditions every time they take a seat in a classroom...

The lunacy of wearing face-diapers has been proven to be just that -- lunacy!  Real science has shown that face-diapers are completely ineffective in preventing the spread of any virus, but does contribute to breathing in one's own germs and bacteria, especially when athletes are forced to wear face-diapers when working out or running... 

Simply stated, what we are dealing with here is child abuse...

 The petty tyrant, Whitmer, continues to impose un-constitutional dictates on the citizens of her state, even though the Michigan Supreme Court struck down a 1945 law that Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer had been using to keep the state in perpetual lockdown since April.

According to the ruling, Whitmer’s coronavirus state of emergency “is in violation of the Constitution of our state because it purports to delegate to the executive branch the legislative powers of state government–including its plenary police powers – and to allow the exercise of such powers indefinitely. As a consequence, the EPGA cannot continue to provide a basis for the Governor to exercise emergency powers.”

But that hasn't stopped Whitmer from using Stalin-like tactics to maintain fear and control over the population of Michigan... Though things are beginning to change, as more and more people continue to protest against the draconian virus restrictions arbitrarily imposed by Whitmer, which are killing the economy and causing mass depression and suicide; something the mainstream media completely ignores...  

Whitmer is a symptom of the deep moral and spiritual malaise in our beloved country...   That buck stops at the desk of those in authority, whether in government, the church, or in the home, when God is cast aside or completely ejected from the hearts of men and women, evil will quickly fill the void in its place...

Pray for strength and honor to resist to the face, these petty dictators...

Viva Cristo Rey!   Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Modernism + "Unity" = Rejection Of Dogma...

 "Wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread, and drink this cup of the Lord, unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup.  For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord's body." (St. Paul, I Corinthians 11;27-29, King James Version.) 

We are talking about the Holy Eucharist here; the summit of Catholic worship; the means by which we have the supernatural life of grace in us...

Yet to receive the Eucharist unworthily, is to commit a sacrilege.  In other words, the mortal sin of sacrilege.

In recent days, the Eucharist has been used as a "political football" in the name of "unity."  True unity can only be accomplished when those outside the Church, enter the one Ark of salvation.  All other efforts at unity, or "dialogue," are meaningless.

The following is from an article by Joseph Shaw (, April 27, 2021...

"Following an article in America by Archbishop Samuel J. Aquila of Denver, in which he reiterated the Church’s teaching on the importance of approaching Holy Communion with the right dispositionsCardinal Blase J. Cupich of Chicago wrote a curious admonition to Aquila..."

"I respectfully note that to claim that we can do anything to diminish the Eucharist, or its effects, is contrary to the church’s longstanding teaching. Catholic sacramental theology is based on the premise that the sacraments are the work of Christ, which is the meaning of the Church’s affirmation at Trent (DS 1608) that the sacraments act ex opere operato, or, as St. Thomas wrote in the Summa, III, 68,8: “The sacrament is not wrought by the righteousness of either the celebrant or the recipient, but by the power of God.” Owing to the nature of God, Christ and his works can never be diminished by any act on our part.

"Here, Cupich points out that an unworthy recipient of Holy Communion genuinely receives the Body of Christ, and erroneously infers that he also receives the grace which should accompany Holy Communion. But God does not force His grace on us. As the ancient chant composed by St. Thomas Aquinas for the feast of Corpus Christi expressed it: “Sumunt boni, sumunt mali, sorte tamen inaequali, vitae vel interitus — The good take, the bad take, yet with unequal destiny, of life, or of ruin.”

"It is difficult to believe that Cupich really thinks that communicants receive graces entirely irrespective of the state of their souls and their good dispositions. Such an attitude would be superstitious: It would make the Blessed Sacrament into a magical amulet which saves people without their knowledge or consent...

"Baptism does not make it impossible for us to go to Hell: There, indeed, it will be a mark of shame. Reception of any of the sacraments without the right dispositions is a sin against these holy things: It is sacrilege. We do not receive graces through sins, but lose those we had before.

"Something else Cupich’s words obscure is the distinction between God’s intrinsic and extrinsic glory. He wrote that “Christ and his works can never be diminished by any act on our part,” and this is true of the glory intrinsic to Christ. But consider activities which, as we might say, “give glory to God”: teaching children the Faith, building a beautiful Church, taking part with fervor at a Mass celebrated in a truly worthy way by a holy priest.

"These things do something: They give to God glory which He ought to have, but too rarely receives, on earth, from us. If those things stop happening, God’s glory is diminished on earth. It is not diminished in heaven: The glory which is intrinsic to Him cannot be diminished or augmented by anything we can do. But we can certainly make more, or less, of an effort to give Him the glory which He deserves here. In the words of George Herbert, “In my heart, though not in heaven, I can raise Thee.”

"By the same token, when the Blessed Sacrament is received unworthily, when the liturgy is celebrated in a slapdash or ugly way, when rioters burn down or desecrate churches, or when priests are so unworthy of their orders that they abuse children, these things make a real difference to God’s extrinsic glory.

"God is not harmed, certainly, but acts of desecration and calculated insult towards God are things to which Catholics must respond, with greater efforts to restore to God some measure of the honor which is His due, from the human race. It is perhaps convenient to think of God as being entirely above the fray, but we are called on to build God’s Kingdom on earth: to build up His Church, and His reign in the hearts of men. As we know, this is a project which can go backwards as well as forwards, according to the efforts of Catholics, and of the Church’s enemies. They don’t let up. Neither must we."

End of excerpt...

The false shepherd, "Cardinal" Cupich, has no problem giving the Holy Eucharist to non-Catholics, or pro-abortion "Catholics," especially those politicians that claim to be "devout Catholics."  You know the type: "I'm personally apposed to abortion, but I will not impose Catholic teaching on anyone"...

These modernist clerics espouse a false unity that accomplishes one main goal: to weaken or eliminate the defined dogmas of the Church, making Christianity into one, homogenized, one-world movement with the intention to destroy the essence and purpose of the Catholic Church in the first place: the salvation of souls...

We must resist these false shepherds!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

A False Shepherd Of The False (Catholic) Church Confirms That He Is A False Shepherd!!

 The following are definitions of the word, false: 1) not according with truth or fact; incorrect; 2) appearing to be the thing denoted; deliberately made or meant to deceive; 3) illusory; not actually so; 4) treacherous; unfaithful.

The false shepherds of the false "Catholic" Church just can't keep their mouths shut, and keep their diabolical plans under the radar screen.  Why?  Because they feel emboldened by their master, Satan, and relish the thought that they have an ally sitting in the Chair of St. Peter, Francis...

One of the most in-your-face, anti-life, anti-Christ "cardinals" ever to wear the Roman collar, Cdl. Cupich of Chicago, has forbidden Mass to be said at the University of Chicago.  But that's not all... the following is an excerpt from an article on, by the Staff of lifesitenews:  "Not only was Holy Mass canceled for the Catholic students at the Catholic Center Calvert House, but in an email distributed to the students from Associate Director of Campus Ministry Matthew Moran, the students were directed to not attend Holy Mass at the nearby St. Thomas the Apostle Church.

“Some students at Calvert House were definitely of the opinion that the way to show obedience to the Bishop was to stay at home and not go to Mass,” Duffy told LifeSiteNews in a phone interview. “Others, like myself, thought, ‘this is bizarre that the bishop is telling young people not to go to Mass’ … we did not obey that order and went to Mass elsewhere.”

“Cupich is collapsing church attendance by voluntarily imposing excessive COVID rules and regulations,” Duffy said.  

"Duffy isn’t the only Catholic frustrated with the cardinal. Last May, a group called the St. Charles Borromeo Society blasted Cupich for his restrictive reopening plan

"Pro-LGBT Cupich, one of the most heterodox bishops in the United States, has said there is a “moral obligation” to take the experimental, abortion-tainted coronavirus shots. He also supports giving Communion to pro-abortion politicians in defiance of Church law; is affiliated with the far-left, dissident Association of US Catholic Priests (AUSCP), which calls for the priestly “ordination” of women; defended the “Pachamama” idol worship during the October 2019 Amazon Synod in Rome; and has persecuted faithful priests, including Father Paul Kalchick, who was forced into hiding after burning the homosexual rainbow flag.

“Cupich seems more interested in woke virtue signaling, closing churches, and covering for child rapists than he is in spreading the gospel and administering the Eucharist in a crime-ridden, murderous city that desperately needs the church,” wrote Duffy, who also detailed Cupich’s “long history” of covering up sex abuse allegations.

“While students are far from home, missing their families, and experiencing unprecedented isolation and loneliness during a pandemic that is less deadly for them than the seasonal flu, Cupich turns his back and locks the church doors,” she concluded."

End of excerpt...

My comment... It is apparent that Cupich, along with Tobin of Newark, NJ, McElroy of San Diego, and a vast number of other "bishops," are part of a cabal of homosexuals -- or at least homosexual, lgbt-friendly -- determined to strip the Church of the role to preach the Gospel for the salvation of souls, and instead preach the "gospel" of the man of sin that will introduce the anti-Christ who will deceive, even if possible, the Elect...

I have a question for these monsters: do you really believe in God, and that you will all be held accountable for your horrendous actions leading the flock astray?

A foolish question, I know...

Pray for strength and honor to resist these false shepherds!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Monday, April 26, 2021

Is Senator Rand Paul Ignoring The Facts Regarding The Wuhan Coronavirus?

 Over the past two weeks, Sen. Rand Paul was interviewed, not once, but twice regarding his take on face-diaper wearing, and getting the untested, filthy vaccine developed with the cell lines of poor, murdered babies.  In addition, Sen. Paul called out the liar and fraud, "Dr." Fauci (the pro-abortion, apostate Catholic) during senatorial hearings on the on-going "pandemic" of the so-called covid virus.  Senator Paul rightly labeled Fauci "a petty tyrant."  

Fauci didn't like that designation, and retaliated with childish stupidity -- as he usually does when caught in a blatant lie...

Sen. Paul pressed the lying mouthpiece about those who have gotten the vaccine, are still being told to keep wearing the face-diaper.  Asking: when will Americans get back their freedoms and liberties??

The main goal, of course, of these anti-life, Christ-haters, is that we will never get our freedoms or our liberties back -- never!  It's all about government controlling every aspect of our lives, from cradle to grave!!

To make a long story short, after this back and forth between Sen. Paul and the fraud, Fauci, Paul gave two short interviews explaining to the lady reporter that what good is it to get the vaccination if those who do get it, are still required to keep wearing a face-diaper?  

I agree, but then he went one step further destroying his credibility after all the good work he's done to combat the hoax and destruction of the American fabric, by telling the interviewer that people will be reluctant to get vaccinated if they have to continue to wear a face-diaper!  

In other words, he's all for folks getting vaccinated!  This is not my opinion, but it is what he said in another interview shortly after the first... He explained in the interview there have been no deaths or hospitalizations due to the vaccines.  To make his point, he used his hand to indicate "zero" hospitalizations!  

That is an outright lie!

The number of those who have died or who have had severe adverse reactions to the filthy vaccine, now numbers in the tens of thousands, with horror stories pouring in daily, not only within our country, but also from other countries around the world.  Some countries have stopped the use of certain vaccines because of all the deaths and mayhem attributed to them!

Pregnant women are experiencing horrible reactions; an 18-year-old had to undergo three major brain surgeries in order to combat blood clots caused from the "vaccine."  People considered healthy are dropping like flies after getting vaccinated, including folks in their 40s, 50s as well as the famous ball player, Hank Aaron, and the well-known, 66-year-old boxer, Marvin Hagler.   

I am a veteran... I get e-mails every single day about getting the jab.  Right now, it's all voluntary for any veteran that "wants it," but the day will come, I'm afraid, when it will become mandatory.  If that happens, I will leave the "health care" of the VA and go completely natural/alternative... 

The Veterans Administration (VA) has ramped-up the propaganda machine constantly drilling into the heads of veterans to get, not one, but both shots of the gene-altering, filthy vaccine.   Brainwashed veterans are gladly sticking out their arms to get the jab, including at least one vet over 100 years old!  Why did he submit?   He fought in World War Two and faced-down a deadly enemy... Is he more afraid of a virus that has a recovery rate of over 99 percent??  How much longer does he think he's going to live?   Does he think that getting that deadly shot will give him another year or two before he meets his Maker??

I am sick and tired of seeing healthy, young people walking around with a face-diaper, not to mention parents having their little children wearing that oxygen-altering piece of cloth... Where is the manhood of these fathers??  The example they are giving to their children will make a negative lasting impression of fear and anxiety.  This has been proven thousands of times with young people committing suicide at alarming rates due to isolation and severe depression.  But the Fauci's of the world care little, and, in fact, it is all part of their plan to reduce the earth's population to half-a-billion people, with the elites in charge of our every breath, literally!


Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


Saturday, April 24, 2021

The Slaughter Of Babies Worldwide: 139 Babies Killed Through Abortion Every, Single Minute!

 The World Health Organization tells us that EVERY MINUTE, 139 babies in the world die of abortion.

How can we not be moved by these data??

Today, Saturday, April 24, 2021, will be a "big day" for "planned parenthood" here in the U.S.  Why do I say that?  Because Saturdays are a huge money-maker for that killing machine, with nearly 10,000 babies across the country dying in the most gruesome of ways by the butcher-"doctors" employed, not only by "planned parenthood," but also by other abortion mills scattered across the fruited plain...

We hear a lot these days about racism; especially about white police officers and their actions toward blacks on the streets of America.  For the most part, the single most "overlooked" statistic is that there is much greater black-on-black crime that far exceeds any white on black crime, whether by police "brutality," or white gang members taking out black gang members.  

The liberals, of course, cry foul when a black criminal is taken out by police -- whether that police officer is white or black! -- but are silent when it comes to the massive black-on-black crime spree we read about that goes on in that war zone of Chicago.  Los Angeles and Houston are not far behind when it comes to homicides and mayhem on the streets of those major cities...

So, where is the real racism, and can we point to those perpetrating that racism without slandering or defaming those accused?

The answer is in the statistics provided by two organizations that reflect the effects of abortion on the black population: the Guttmacher Institute (the research arm of "planned parenthood") and the CDC (Center for Disease Control) -- not exactly two "conservative" organizations!

With that said, here are statistics that should open the eyes of those who claim that "black lives matter," but in reality, that organization is the most aggressive of the pro-abortion advocates on the political scene...

Black females, ages 15-44, make up 14.2 percent of all females in that age group in the U.S.  But well over 38 percent of all abortions are performed on black mothers!   Those numbers are taken from the CDC's data, but does not include abortion data from New York and California as those two states do not report such information to the CDC.  Keep in mind that New York is known as the abortion capital of the U.S. with California a close second... 

This diabolical scenario was -- and still is -- part of the heinous plan of the racist-eugenicist and founder of "planned parenthood," Margaret Sanger to eliminate the blacks from U.S. soil!

There is your real racism!  What is even more incomprehensible, is that many blacks in the Congress and the Senate, are radical pro-abortion advocates!   It seems that destroying their own race means nothing, yet they put on the show of caring about and ending "systemic racism" in our country!  


Now, we have the most radical of all pro-abortion "administrations" in U.S. history under the apostate Catholic, Biden, and his radical anti-Catholic bigot, "vice-president," Harris, contributing to the real systemic racism plaguing our beloved land... 

Willful murder of the innocents: one of the sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance!  God will not be mocked; He will have His JUSTICE, whether in this life, or in the next...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


Thursday, April 22, 2021

Who Is The Worst Of The Greatest Mass Murderers In All Of World History???

 Moa; Stalin; Lenin; the Khmer Rouge; or is it Xi of Communist China??

If you add up the numbers of those souls killed for political or "economic" reasons, the total is somewhere near 250,000,000 worldwide (that figure includes war dead).  (If I'm off in those statistics, please correct me...)

If I were to answer my own question, I would have to say it was not any of those Communist dictators that I listed above.  That is not to say that the number of those murdered and war dead is not a horrendous destruction of precious lives and souls, it is.  But if not them, then who?

The answer: the current regime pushing worldwide vaccinations with mostly untested, tainted -- with DNA and RNA-altering chemicals, as well as fetal cell lines from aborted children.  


Gates, Fauci, Biden, Pelosi, Trudeau, Johnson, the WHO, the CDC, the "Catholic" hierarchy, and others who have sold their immortal souls to the demon for short-lived power and position in this life.  The misuse of that illicit power is on display for all to see... in some countries, there is now forced vaccinations of vaccines that has caused tens of thousands of deaths -- underreported by the mainstream media, if reported at all -- not to mention horrible, debilitating side effects numbering in hundreds of thousands, if not millions!

It is interesting to note, or shall I say, sad, that most of those names listed above, are apostate Catholics!  Isn't it always the case, that those who reject God, their real Master, fall prey to the wickedness and snares of their new master, Satan?  These anti-Christs are emboldened by a hierarchy who have also sold out to the zeitgeist; they have lost their Catholic faith, that is, if they ever had it in the first  place...   

Many of those very same hierarchy are either homosexuals, or at least sympathetic to the sodomites, as the current occupant of the Chair of St. Peter has admitted numerous times in numerous interviews, especially when flying from point A to point B... These imposters compose, what has been prophesied, as a false church.  It may resemble the true church, but appearances mean little; their goal of a one-world-church, under the man of sin, gives them away... (I wonder if Bergoglio undergoes some type of mental fog once the jet reaches an altitude of 35,000 or 40,000 feet?)

The overall goal of these maniacs, is to reduce the population of the earth -- in order to save the earth? -- this is not a conspiracy theory, but has been planned by numerous organizations, with billions of dollars coming from the likes of Gates, Soros, et al...  To put it bluntly, these humans hate their fellow humans!   Their goal: to reduce the seven+ billion population of the earth, to less than one-half billion!

If anyone thinks that the recent -- and, in some cases, ongoing -- lockdowns were tough on families and businesses, you haven't seen anything yet.  That was only a warmup to get the sheeple used to illicit and unlawful dictates from authoritarian medical and civil "authorities."  Their plan has, and continues to work, as we still see far too many Americans wearing the filthy, ineffective face-diapers, not to mention gladly sticking out their arms to get injected with the filthy, and, in some cases, deadly "vaccine" either to show they are "real Americans," doing their part to secure herd immunity, or out of fear of not being able to travel freely or live their lives in some sense of normalcy... 

I have said this before: appeasement never has, nor will it ever work!

Ben Franklin said that those who give up their liberties for some sense of security, deserve neither...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Amid All The Scandalous, Disheartening News In The Church, Some Good News!

 Most Catholics in the know, have heard or read the disturbing surveys and polls (Pew research and others) regarding the sad state of belief -- or disbelief -- in the Real Presence (a Dogma of the Catholic Faith), which is that the bread and wine are transubstantiated into the Body and Blood of Christ our Lord when the priest performs the consecration...

Those surveys of church-going Catholics reveal that a mere 31 percent believe in the Real Presence after the priest consecrates the bread and wine (the "accidents" of the bread and wine remain, but the substances are changed...) This shocking revelation is another indication of poor catechesis over the last several decades, especially after Vatican II.  But then the question begs: what was or is the source of that poor catechesis? 

Was, or is it an attempt to water-down Church teaching in order not to offend Protestants, and to be more "inclusive" in what Catholics ultimately believe, thereby enticing those outside the Church to come into the Ark?

Maybe, that's not the way to do it.  Appeasement never works, only truth wins out in the long run.  Persevering Catholics adhere to those "hard sayings" that others, within the Church, sadly reject.  This has led to a real diabolical disorientation and is reflected in the above-mentioned surveys and polls...

One of the consequences of disbelief, is that a majority of those who claim to be Catholic, believe that those sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance should be accepted; i.e., contraception; abortion; and yes, even homosexual "marriage"!   I should note that even Martin Luther (who spearheaded the 16th Century revolt against the Catholic Church), condemned contraception as vicious and filthy!  Where is the "faith" of Luther among "Catholics" today??

To deceive even the Elect...

But there is a move afoot in the Diocese of Allentown, PA, by the local ordinary: Bishop Alfred Schlert, has initiated a celebration of the “Year of the Real Presence"...

The Bishop said this: “This year will be an opportunity for all of us to rededicate ourselves to Christ’s Real Presence in the Holy Eucharist, the center of our diocesan life,” Bishop Schlert said. “In addition, as the pandemic slowly lifts, it will be a time for people to return to Mass to be ‘really present’ with their family, friends, parishioners, and clergy,” he said.

Jesus is present to us in many ways, but only in the Holy Eucharist is He uniquely present – Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity. This is the “Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist.”

Let us hope that the actions of Bishop Schlert's efforts to bring Catholics back to Mass and reestablish the Dogma of the Real Presence in the hearts and minds of his flock, will bring many spiritual dividends...  While this is a preferred outcome for this new outreach, it is also an essential requirement for all Catholics in order to attain salvation! 

The Holy Eucharist: the source and summit of the Catholic Faith

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


Sunday, April 18, 2021

If There Was Ever Any Doubt... About The Hellish Demons That Have Infiltrated The Biden "Administration"...

 The commander-in-chief of the baby killers, here in the U.S., has officially surrounded himself -- or should I say, insulated himself -- with those murderous cronies from all corners of the fruited plane.  These miscreants include the new HHS secretary, Xavier Becerra, the apostate Catholic former A.G. of California, to the male who calls himself "Rachel" Levine, and was recently approved to serve under Becerra.  Both these characters are radical pro-abortion, as well as extremists when it comes to supporting the LGBT/homosexual activists intent on destroying the Natural Law -- of marriage and family.

Right now, the Demonrats in the Congress and the Senate are having a field day, approving any nominee that can move, breathe air or slither on the ground, to high, government positions, all at the expense of God-fearing, law-abiding Americans -- and the pre-born...

As we watch these bizarre events unfold right before our eyes, I'm reminded of what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah when God's justice -- wrath! -- was called down from Heaven and the twin-cities were destroyed to the last human...

What is going on in the U.S. -- and has been for decades now -- is far worse than the reason for those poor souls being wiped out.  It is said that curiosity killed the cat, and the curiosity of Lot's wife got the better of her, as she stands to this very day as a pillar of salt (see Genesis 19:26, King James Version)...

The Biden regime is now forcing the culture of death on unsuspecting Americans by illicit, un-Constitutional, arbitrary fiats from the Oval Office, tearing apart the prohibitions that President Trump put in place to give the pre-born child a chance to breathe air... Our tax payer monies are now being allocated for child sacrifice on a massive scale! 

There is much glee and "happiness" among the demons, especially those demons that the apostate "Catholic" Biden has managed to get through the senate committees and are now at the helm of some of the most powerful and influential agencies within the federal government; HHS being one such agency that wields such incredible power!

Some Catholics may be wondering how can other Catholics promote the destruction of life and the family -- both are related?

I'm afraid that the answer lies in very poor catechesis, leading to the lack of faith or the loss of faith altogether... But it's not just those poorly trained Catholics in high places and in positions of power that is so scary, it is the incalculable damage done through scandal when others -- whether Catholic or not -- see the actions and words of the apostates, such as Biden, Becerra and the like...

Poor catechesis is not something that is isolated to that insidious crew currently holding the White House hostage, but encompasses the majority of Catholics throughout the Church, as surveys and polls have recently indicated.  For example, the percentage of Catholics who believe that contraception -- and abortion -- not to mention homosexual "marriage" should be available and practiced as a matter of individual conscience, is astounding!  The figures are well above 50 percent in all categories, and as high as 72 percent!  Remember, these are the sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance, especially the blood of the innocents...

All we have to do is to look at what passes for the hierarchy in the U.S. as well in most of the Western nations, except on the continent of Africa, where prelates disdain and condemn the attempted forcing and implementation of "Western values" on their flocks...

It is a sad fact, that those hierarchs that are tasked with the supreme law of the church: the salvation of souls, have betrayed their Master in favor of worldly pursuits just as their secular counterparts.  But those who wear the Roman collar, will have to face one hell of a judgment, that is, if they don't repent and shout from the housetops the truths that must be followed in order to be saved... I fear that it is way too late for many hierarchs, as they are dead to sin, and lack the ability to recognize the graces that may still be available to them...

What are faithful Catholics to do as those in charge of the Ship of State continue their attacks on the family and the Natural Law?  Resist them to the face!  I think it is not outside the realm of possibility that we may suffer a martyrdom -- white for sure -- and perhaps, red, as the Cristeros suffered for the Faith in Mexico in the 1920s, fighting the Communists and Masons...

Pray for Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


Thursday, April 15, 2021

Religion? We Don't Need No Stinkin' Religion!

 In the 1948 movie: The Treasure of the Sierra Madre, came this response from the bandido when asked: "Where are your badges?"  The phony leader of the "Federales" response: "Badges?  We don't need no stinkin' badges...!"   

Let's apply that response from the bandido to present-day America, if we ask: "Where's your religion?"  He might respond: "Religion?  We don't have, nor do we need any stinkin' religion!"

The statistics are grim indeed, according to recently revealed data from Gallup -- the entity that first asked the question back in 1937.  At that time, over 73 percent responded that they attended church, synagogue, or mosque...  

If we fast-forward to 2018-2020, we see that religion has become less important to the majority of Americans, whether Catholic, Protestant, Jew, Muslim, etc., with attendance down a whopping 23 percent, beginning back in the "good ole' days" of the 1950s.  

It took less than two generations to produce these horrific numbers...

From 1998-2000. when membership was at 76 percent -- Catholic church membership began a nose-dive, that revealed a disastrous drop to only 58 percent by the years 2018-2020!

One -- even more startling poll released during the past year or two, shows that less than a third of all Catholics believe in the Real Presence!  Looked at in another way, close to 70 percent of "Catholics" no longer believe in the Real Presence, and, by extension, they no longer believe that the bread and wine are transubstantiated into the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of our Lord!!

As far as the Catholic Church is concerned, during the decade of the 1950s, churches were packed (my church was, at least); marriages exploded; many children were being born and baptized; schools and convents were also on the rise...But was this all good news?  Unfortunately, weaknesses were already rearing their ugly heads, in the form of clergy (sexual) scandals, all the way up to the major heads of dioceses as archbishops, as well as cardinals were implicated.  As the 50s morphed into the early- and mid-60s, the onset of Vatican Two rendered a near death-blow to the more traditional orders of religious and priests, with thousands leaving their vocations so they could compromise with the zeitgeist. 

(Some of my readers may know when I mention the Second Vatical Council, I point to that "pastoral" gathering as not defining or declaring anything that would bind the Catholic conscience to follow.  In other words, nothing from that council was dogmatically declared; nothing.  Yet, the foul, poisonous fruits of that revolutionary council has done irreparable harm that continues to this day...)

There's more... the core dogma of the church: that outside of Her, there is no salvation, began to be dismembered to the point of becoming a "meaningless formula" (Pope Pius XII).  Once that is accepted as "fact," then everything is on the table for "clarification" or for "further explanation,"

When did that first come about in the Catholic world?  Way before Vatican II, and, as far back as the early to mid-1940s...

It was the great Pope Saint Pius X who issued an encyclical condemning modernism as the synthesis of all heresies; that was in 1907!  After the passing of 114 years, the situation is much, much worse...

Will the Church survive?  This has been debated over the years by various thinkers...  I prefer to look at the words of our Lord when He stated: The Gates Of Hell Will Never Prevail Against My Church!

Pray for the Church, and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Monday, April 12, 2021

Frank Sinatra...

 When we hear the name of the famous entertainer, Frank Sinatra, our minds can conjure up certain images from all the news and information that we've heard over the years.  You don't have to be in your 70's, or older, to know that he was married multiple times, or that he and the "Rat Pack" (from the 1960's) hung around together, accompanied by some very beautiful women, not to mention heavy drinking and the like...

Mr. Sinatra was a Catholic.  He passed away in 1998 at the age of 82.  I wonder if he came back into the good graces of the Church just before he died?  It is very possible, as his funeral Mass was held at the Church of the Good Shepherd in Beverly Hills, Ca...

I know that he faced our Lord at his Particular Judgment when he died, as we all will have to face some day, knowing that our works will follow us...

It is not our job to judge his raucous, sometimes raunchy lifestyle, except that his public, scandalous sins should have been admonished by a faithful Catholic priest, warning of the consequences... But I wanted to mention some information that recently came to light by the writer, Yvonne Lorenzo, that might shed some light on a side of Mr. Sinatra that not too many folks are aware of...

Contrast this story with that of the poor beggar, Lazarus, and the rich man in St. Luke 16:19-31, King James Version...

The following is an excerpt from Yvonne's article: 

"It was one night back in the mid-70s, around Christmas time, and as always Jimmy Weston’s supper club in New York City was crowded... and the snowy weather outside added to the festive spirit of the season.

Before midnight, Frank Sinatra walked in with his best friend and trusted companion, Jilly Rizzo... After warm greetings and a hug, I escorted Sinatra and Jilly to Sinatra’s favorite table, number seventeen. It was a round corner table near my desk, where I could keep an eye on things, and we always kept it reserved for Sinatra while he was in town.

Later, after a few drinks, Sinatra decided to have pizza at his favorite joint. “Hey Greek, you got that old Chevy outside?” he asked me.

“Yes, it’s outside,” I said.

He stood up, peeled off a couple hundred dollar bills from his wad, and gave it to the waiter. “Greek, you just got yourself drafted,” he said. “Let’s go.”

I asked our captain George Pappas to take charge while I was gone and the three of us walked outside, where Sinatra’s limo was waiting. He told his driver to wait there and we got into my Chevy. It was bitter-cold, snowing heavily, and everything was covered with snow—although driving is not a problem on the streets of New York City: the snow melts fast from the steam coming out the subway grates.

“Where we going?” I asked.

“Uptown,” Jilly said.

We drove uptown on Park Avenue until we reached Harlem, and made a beeline for First Avenue between 117th and 118th Streets, to Patsy’s Pizzeria. It was then I realized that it wasn’t a good idea to arrive there in a limo in the wee hours. I parked in front of the place and went in with Sinatra and Jilly.

We were greeted by Carmela, the owner, and a one-hundred percent amazing Italian woman. When she saw Frank, she rushed to him with open arms.

“Frankie, sweetheart, it’s good to see you!”

She threw her arms around him and gave him a big hug–but when she pulled away Sinatra’s overcoat was now white with flour from her apron. Embarrassed, Carmela started talking fast in Italian-as though cursing herself-while trying to brush off Sinatra’s coat.

Don’t worry about that darling,” Sinatra said. “Just make us your delicious pizza.”

Carmela rushed away–and soon came back with a hot pie. As we started to eat, Sinatra looked out of the window and saw two homeless guys staring at us. They looked cold and very hungry. He waved them in and he ordered pizza for them. Soon more guys showed–and soon the place was packed with Sinatra’s impromptu and ravenous guests—and he ordered pizza for all of them.

Meanwhile, Jilly and I finished our slices, but Sinatra had only taken one bite of his: his eyes were tearing up from watching these poor hungry guys gobbling down the hot, steaming slices as fast as they could. That got Jilly’s attention. He tried to make a joke to divert Sinatra’s attention.

“You see Frank,” he said, “you’re not as famous as you think you are. No one even recognized you here.”

“If you were as hungry and cold as they are, you wouldn’t recognize me, either,” Frank said.

We stayed and ate with these poor guys putting away the pizza faster than Carmela could make it and it was a magical night: only Sinatra couldn’t hold back the tears.

So finally Jilly stood up. “It’s time to go now,” he said.

We got up, and Frank pulled out his wad of hundreds and gave it to Carmela: all of it, without counting it. “What the hell, it’s Christmas,” he said. “Keep the pizza coming through Christmas, darling,” he told Carmella. “I’ll send you more money, and keep everything under wraps.

(Read the entire story here: A CHRISTMAS STORY: “Hey Greek, you got that old Chevy outside?” )

End of excerpt...

Now you know the private generosity of Mr. Frank Sinatra...

May God have mercy on his soul...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


Sunday, April 11, 2021

The Lunatics Are In Charge Of The Asylum, Redux...

 On March 28, 2020, I wrote: The Lunatics Are In Charge Of The Asylum...  I'm afraid that since I posted that article, things have gotten worse; much worse in many respects...

First, we have "president" Biden.  Second, we have medical "authorities" continuing their assault on our rights to freely assemble -- the First Amendment to the Bill of Rights -- emanating from their arbitrary, un-lawful dictates regarding a strain of the flu (covid) that has over a 99 percent recovery rate.  Third, we have weak-kneed mayors and governors that buy into the lie without doing research on their own, or have some of their underlings to do research to see if the claims of these "doctors" are accurate or false in the first place.  Fourth, we have the clergy -- both the local parish priest, and their bishops -- afraid of their own shadow, and capitulate to the demands of the Caesars to shut down churches, or attempt to force their Mass goers to wear face-diapers...

But that's not all... As President Truman once quipped: the buck stops here (at his desk).  Meaning, that he, as president, must take responsibility for his actions or the actions of his subordinates.  So now, we come to perhaps the worst of the enablers of the diabolical disorientation that is plaguing, not only the church, but also secular society as well: pope Bergoglio.  

How many Commandments has the current occupant of the Chair of St. Peters broken since his ascent as capo di tutti capi in 2013, after the phony "resignation" of Benedict XVI?  

I'll just name one: idolatry...

Once the clergy or laity worship false gods -- in this case, right in the heart of St. Peter's basilica -- then all the other Commandments are up for grabs... They then become the "ten suggestions," not the Ten Commandments, and are open to various interpretations, or discarded completely from the conscience of those responsible for guiding the flock, or their families, to the heavenly beatitude...

For those not in the Catholic Church, all they see and hear are the quips that Bergoglio mumbles from time to time, whether on an aircraft, or in a private audience, further contradicting -- and degrading -- the perennial teachings of holy Mother Church.  What they may not know, is that the pope is the custodian; the guardian of the Deposit of Faith, and not an innovator; at least he's not supposed to be!  But that is exactly what Bergoglio has done with his appointments to the college of cardinals, as well as anti-life, lay appointments to various "advisory" boards in the Vatican.   These appointments include, but are not limited to, population control lunatics, which includes contraception and even abortion advocates!  

What is going on here??

Unfortunately, these machinations further weaken an already shaky -- novus ordo -- house built on sand, in contrast to the house originally built on the solid, unmovable, foundation of the Rock of St. Peter. 

In effect, what we are dealing with here, are "two" churches; one based on the Deposit of Faith -- Scripture and Tradition, and one based on novelty from the Communist and homosexual infiltrators...

It is up to those faithful clergy and we laity to be able to discern what -- and who -- to follow and obey.  We simply cannot allow the lunatics to continue to run the asylum, whether in the church or in civil society, if we do nothing to counter these useful idiots, then we become part of the problem...

Pray for strength and honor -- resist!

Pray too, for the conversion of Bergoglio to the Catholic Faith...

Viva Cristo Rey!   Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


Saturday, April 10, 2021

We Are Letting Our Freedoms Slip Away!

 Even before the incompetent, incoherent, dystopian boob, Biden, stole the 2020 presidential election, it was apparent that even some of the senators from his own party knew those facts, yet they let this apostate "Catholic" continue his war against women, the pre-born, and the Natural Law.  Not to mention being bought and paid for by certain foreign governments; e.g., Communist Red China and the former corrupt Ukraine, with one of the goals of allowing his, even more corrupt, son, Robert Hunter, to amass huge sums of money while supporting his well-known drug habits... 

Now, we are paying the price by seeing our Constitutional rights slipping away by "executive orders," which are, by definition, arbitrary dictates from the occupant of the Oval Office.  I admit, that some E.O.s can be aligned with those very same rights, but that depends, again, on who is in the White House, and his political bent; either right or left.  It is a rare thing that any semblance of good will ever come from a leftist, and because of that, we are under the thumb of, not only a fraudulently elected miscreant, but also someone who cannot put two sentence together at one time without forgetting where he is, or who he is.  

Remember, it is Biden that has his finger on the nuclear button; heaven help us!  And right now, he continues to rub salt in the eyes of Russia's Putin.  How much longer will the Russian Bear put up with the pin-pricks of the American Eagle before he strikes back??  It should be remembered that Putin is getting really buddy-buddy with Xi of Communist Red China, with joint war games, and increased trade backed by gold and silver, rather than the "reserve currency" of the near-worthless U.S. dollar.

Does Biden not see what is happening here??  Or was this planned even before the stolen 2020 presidential election?

Is it America first, or has the plan been hatched to make America last, subservient to the real "superpowers" of Red China and Russia?   I have little doubt that Biden would betray his country in order to cement his place in the new-world-order of the one-world-governance as suggested by none other than pope Bergoglio.  I am convinced that these two characters are acting in collusion -- real collusion, not the phony Russia collusion hoax perpetrated against President Trump, which, by the way, is still going on!

Recently, Xi of Communist China, said that it is a problem that Americans have so many guns... Translation: he is afraid that, because we are armed to the teeth, any attempted "Red Dawn" on our soil will meet with ultimate defeat.  But  Biden doesn't seem to care one iota about whether or not we can defend ourselves, as he continues to push for more and more "gun control" in order to combat "gun violence" on American streets.  There's only one problem with that stupid hypothesis: he is doing nothing -- nothing! -- to address the street gangs that snuff-out innocent lives, as well as drug lords and gangsters that roam the streets of some of our largest cities -- the war-zone of Chicago comes to mind -- mostly under Democratic governors and mayors, while making it more difficult for law abiding citizens to protect themselves and their families!

Tyranny can come in many forms.   And with the continuing hoax of the so-called "covid pandemic," badge-heavy, authoritarian bureaucrats have, and continue to issue, unlawful, arbitrary dictates telling us to wear face-diapers, and get an untested, filthy vaccine that has taken the lives of literally thousands of people both here and in other major countries of the Western world.  This doesn't even take into account the tens of thousands of adverse reactions to folks, shortly after being stuck with a "vaccine" developed and marketed after using the fetal cell lines from aborted babies...

If we don't resist the malefactor in the White House, and continue to submit to un-Constitutional rules and regulations, what will happen in our country, can best be described by the British author, Frederick Forsyth wrote this concerning what he continues to witness in England:  

“I have only once before seen anything like it. This was when I was posted to East Germany in 1962. Such a brainwashing tactic was employed to frighten East Berliners into believing that the Berlin Wall was a defensive measure to protect them from tiny West Berlin, and that the Stasi was their guardian. The wall was of course an instrument of enslavement.

Pray for strength and honor -- and resist!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Thursday, April 8, 2021

“The Most Merciful Thing A Large Family Can Do To One Of Its Infant Members Is To Kill It.”

 The title of my article comes from Margaret Sanger.  (If there are any readers seeing this for the first time, know that Sanger was the pioneer of contraception -- and, when that failed, abortion -- here in the U.S. back in the early years of the 20th Century... Her counterpart in England was a character by the name of Marie Stopes.)

Because of her persistence and influence, Stopes was instrumental in finally convincing the Church of England to adapt birth control at the infamous Lambert Conference of 1930. In effect, those at the Conference relented, and determined that contraception (birth control) no longer violated the Natural Law, and, hence, was no longer a serious sin against God.  

Stopes and Sanger did not like each other, but the movement they started has led to the horrendous title of my article; through abortion, and now infanticide...

In just one point of extreme irony, in 22 years, Anne Higgins (Sanger's mother) conceived 18 times, birthing 11 alive before dying at the age of 49. Sanger was the sixth of 11 surviving children.

Why is it that many proponents of contraception, and now abortion, have come from large, in some cases, Catholic families, as Sanger did?   As a note of interest, her father eventually embraced atheism?

But the irony doesn't stop there... A radical racist eugenicist, Sanger's aim was to eliminate the black race from American soil.  Her program of genocide had to have the cooperation of black pastors in order for her diabolical plan to work.  Incredibly, many black Americans unwittingly signed on, either out of ignorance, or demonic disorientation, to the final solution of her contraception and abortion agenda to kill-off black pre-born babies...

The sacrificing of the pre-born on the "altar of choice" or "convenience," has led to "legalizing" the mass murder of millions since the infamous Roe v Wade, 1973, Supreme Court decision... 

Over the last several decades, some very prominent black pastors, as well as black politicians, have become known as some of the most ardent supporters of abortion and "reproductive rights"!  It is a fact, that New York City has become the abortion capitol of the U.S., where more black babies are aborted than there are born. In addition, in 2010, "planned parenthood" came under scrutiny after a census suggested that the abortion giant was preying on black communities as 79% of their surgical abortion facilities were within walking distance of African American or Hispanic communities.

The hypocrisy of "planned parenthood" is on display for all to see, as they claim that "black lives matter," but in reality, are the primary killers of blacks in the U.S.: abortion-induced deaths of the pre-born in the black community are 69 times higher than HIV deaths, 31 times higher than (all other) homicides, 3.6 times higher than cancer-related deaths, and 3.5 times higher than deaths caused by heart disease!

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s, niece, Alveda -- an ardent supporter of the pro-life movement -- bemoans the slaughter of her race by the so-called "leaders" in the political and ecclesiastical world.  And because of her pro-life views, she has been attacked by members of her own race, even though they see their precious pre-born being snuffed-out in massive numbers, right in front of them, and with their support and influence, no less!

At the present time, it seems that Satan is in control; having a "field-day" of death and mayhem, but we also know, that in the end, the heel of the Blessed Mother of our Lord will crush the serpent's head, and send that monster and his legions of demonic angels back to hell for all eternity... 

Pray for strength and honor -- and for an end to one of the sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Something Very Sinister And Illegal Is Going On At The Southern Border: Child Smuggling And Rape!

 Have you ever heard the apostate "Catholic," Nancy Pelosi, rant about: "It's for the children; it's for the children..." when pushing for some twisted Democrat legislation, spending more of our taxpayer monies, that, "ironically," adversely affects those very same children she claims to care about.

I have.

She makes me sick to my stomach -- and my soul.  This poor excuse of a "Catholic" is the number one proponent of the continuing massive slaughter of the pre-born that has taken over 61,000,000 -- that's MILLION! -- lives of pre-born babies since 1973, when the Supreme Court ruled that it was "legal" to do so...

In another piece of contorted irony, in 1973, Pelosi was 33 years old, and still having babies (she was married in 1963), while, at the same time, pushing for "reproductive rights."  Translation: the "right" to kill the pre-born, as well as her support for the radical, family-destroying, homosexual agenda!

This femme fatale has charmed (seduced) too many males into fostering her diabolical political agenda that continues to this very day, with little or no pushback from her bishop!  Such inaction emboldens the likes of Pelosi and Biden -- both "Catholics" -- to run, at breakneck speed, into the fiery abyss of hell...

And now, with an unstoppable influx of illegal aliens rushing our southern, Texas, Arizona and California borders, there is a humanitarian crisis of major proportions.  In fact, many border patrol officers have quit over the lack of support from the powers that be in Washington.  Since Biden took the White House hostage on January 21, there is an open invitation to illegals from all of Central America to come to the U.S. and get free everything, at the expense of American citizens, of course...

But it gets worse...

Now, it has come to light, by investigative reporters, at certain areas of the Texas and Arizona borders, that child smuggling is going on without a peep from the mainstream media. and a severe lack of law enforcement to intercept and jail those responsible.  What was rarely reported by that same mainstream media, that under President Trump, many "sting operations" were successfully conducted, freeing many children that had been used as sex-slaves, and arresting those responsible for those horrendous crimes against humanity.  With the illegal ascent of the corrupt Biden, those efforts have been, for all practical purposes, wiped-out, as the child smuggling and sex-trafficking continues unabated...

Where is the outrage from the likes of -- "It's for the children" -- Pelosi?  

Our Lord tells us in the Bible that it would be better for a man to have a millstone put around his neck and thrown into the sea, than to scandalize one of these little ones (St. Matthew 18:6 and St. Luke 17:2, King James Version)... That would scare the heck out of me, but I guess when one's soul is steeped in the darkness of numerous mortal sins, it becomes more difficult to discern right from wrong; good from evil... 

Our Lord also tells us to pray for our enemies...

Pray, too, for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla




Devastating Implications Of Heretical "Cardinals" Voting In The Next Conclave! (The Sedevacantists Will Have A Field Day, Proving They Are "Right"!)

 Think about the horrific implications of heretics voting for the next pope! What are some of those implications? How about the fact that a ...