Thursday, March 31, 2022

The Facade Of Freedom -- In America...

 Are we really a free people?

On the surface, perhaps; maybe, and even that is open to interpretation.

If someone needed to be reminded about our "freedoms"; our "liberties," just take a look at what has transpired in our nation over the last couple of years or so.  In fact, we have to go back to about the time of "9/11" and see what was planned for us -- before that tragic day.

Events were already set in motion before the first airliner hit the towers: the NDAA was already on paper, so to speak; military operations had been undergoing "war games" with a scenario of planes hitting the Twin Towers in New York -- I said war games about planes hitting the Twin Towers in New York!

Yeah, war games... But war games involving who?  Who or what was or are the enemy?

The great unstoppable element of time showed us just who the real enemy was, at least according to the federal bureaucracy and those who allow it to function with our tax dollars...

It was and is: We the people!

No, I'm not quoting the from the preamble of the U.S. Constitution...

We -- you and me!  Because we are the real enemy of those who hate America; those who hate our God-given rights as enshrined in the Natural Law and enumerated in the Bill of Rights.  We stand in the way of the demonic plans to establish a new world order as stated by the now-deceased President George H.W. Bush, the younger's father.  

That's why the globalists hate us.  And that's why we -- the roadblock to their agenda -- must be eliminated...

The present office-holder maniacs are so emboldened, they now proclaim their plans up close and personal on nationwide TV and the Internet; they have no shame; there is no remorse; there is only the planned destruction of our country by sacrificing the middle class and the family unit -- the building block of society...

If anyone needs any corroboration of what I just wrote, simply look for recent videos of the fraud, Biden, telling us about the U.S. leading the charge for the new world order.  This miscreant is also on video bragging about blackmailing the corrupt government of Ukraine, demanding that the prosecutor (investigating his morally corrupt son, Robert "Hunter,") be fired.  And, if that wasn't done within six hours, Ukraine would not get $1,000,000,000 -- that's BILLION! -- of our tax dollars.  

Guess what?  

In Biden's own words to his buddies at the Council on Foreign Relations: "I said, I’m telling you, you’re not getting the billion dollars. I said, you’re not getting the billion. I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money. Well, son of a bitch.  He got fired. And they put in place someone who was ["]solid["] at the time."

Biden and his evil and wicked cabal of anti-Christs have nearly destroyed our economy, as well as the physical and mental well-being of our citizens with the continuing push to get the deadly "vaccine" to combat the "pandemic."  Keep those filthy face diapers on at all costs, especially to cover the faces of the most impressionable: our children...

Biden's so-called Department of Justice, headed by an angry, vengeance-filled nut-job, M. Garland, (can you imagine, this guy was nominated to sit on the Supreme Court during the Obama years!) now considers parents who attend school board meetings to be "domestic terrorists," all the while letting over 1.5 million illegal aliens (real potential terrorists) enter through our porous southern border and run roughshod throughout our country, with little or no accountability or vetting to see just who they are, friend or foe, and this all happening during the first year+ of Biden stealing the presidency!

In my previous article (see here): Madness! Absolute Madness!! The Lunatic In The White House Wants To Kill Us All!!

I asked: "Do you miss President Trump yet?"

No, President Trump was not, nor is he now "perfect," far from it, but what we now have in this "administration" is nothing short of a complete national and international disaster... 

I'm not sure how we, as a country, can survive another two-and-three-quarter-years of someone who is bought and paid for, who cannot put one single coherent sentence together if he's not reading it from a teleprompter. 

Remember, this character has his shaky finger on the nuclear codes that would be given to our bomber and missile forces to launch and start the final, wholesale destruction of mankind, as he came close to doing the other day, basically calling for the assassination of Putin, as that other nutcase, Sen. Lindsey Graham recently did.  Like two peas in a pod, I guess...

When you come right down to it, what is the cause for the likes of the current "administration" and the drive to replace what is left of our freedoms and transform our debt-ridden nation into a third-world vassal of communism, more specifically, Red China?

Simple: there is no God to answer to for our actions, at least in the twisted thinking of the radical, hard Left.  Society, governments, cannot function for the duration of their existence without morality; without acknowledging our good God and His mercy -- and justice!  Without acknowledging our dependence on God, without acknowledging that we will be held accountable for our actions, inactions or our omissions, we open ourselves up to the myth that we can do what we want, when we want without consequence.  Hence, the satanic inspired barbarism of the slaughter of the pre-born as well as the sin of Sodom.  

Sure, I know that anyone who reads my articles may be sick and tired of me mentioning those sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance, but it is nonetheless a fact that the blood of the innocent will be avenged by the Lord Almighty, whether we recognize that or not -- to our eternal detriment if we don't!

On March 25, 2022, the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio, read a prayer for the consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the Mother of Christ, our Lord...  This was demanded over 100 years ago, but only now, was this accomplished, or so it seems, and I hope it will be accepted by the divine powers of Heaven!

Our Lady said that this consecration to Her Immaculate Heart was necessary to stop Russia from spreading her errors.  But if we are honest with ourselves, we must admit that it was, or is not now, only Russia that has spread her errors, but also all nations of the earth, especially, our own beloved country. 

The litany of offenses are legion and they must be ended before we are ended by the justified wrath of God...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla




Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Why Does The "Conservative" Media Insist On Perpetuating The Myth Of The -- Unnatural -- "Trans" Movement?

 Wait!  Whose doing that???

Nearly every time I see an article written on a "conservative" website dealing with the mythical "trans" movement, the writer falls prey to using the lexicon that has been forced-fed by the hard core Left.  In other words, the writer uses the female version of the name of the male that decided to mutilate himself, grow some hair, swallow some estrogen, and voila: breasts appear, making the former him a her!

Why don't they call a spade a spade?  Deep down, are they afraid of being lambasted as sexist, homophobe, misogynist, or whatever adjectives are in vogue these days?

For instance, the former Olympic gold medal-winning decathlete, Bruce Jenner, is now supposed to be someone called "Caitlyn" Jenner, having "transitioned" into a "woman" back in the late 20teens... 

In another sad example, the "former" Will Thomas, now known as "Lia" Thomas, fell into the same ridiculous, unnatural trap and "became" a "woman."  

Mr. Thomas has since run roughshod over real female swimmers, stealing medal after medal simply because actual women swimmers can't be expected to keep up with a big, powerful male, and they don't. 

Where's the fairness, where's the equity?   Who are the real sexists, the real misogynists here? 

But!  There have been some "funny" developments, at least with Bruce Jenner... It seems that the great Governor DeSantis of Florida, signed a bill into law protecting real female athletes from males who think they are females, or, one day, decide that they feel like a female and want to compete with female athletes.  

Of course, the alphabet soup folks went ballistic!  It was almost funny to see some of the lunatics protesting Florida's new law; many came from that bastion of Americana, Disney World!  Yep, you know where children are supposed to have clean, decent fun without being subjected to debauchery in the form of indoctrination of the homosexual or "trans" life-choice, or "pride parades," etc.  Well, it turns out that even Bruce "Catilyn" Jenner is all for the new law, and has indicated that some of those confused folks are far too "woke" for their own good, and supports Governor DeSantis in this battle for God-given common horse sense to keep these males from competing with the "weaker sex"...

Maybe there is some hope for Bruce after all?   Perhaps he will be converted back to, at least, the Natural Law??

One thing I can hope for, is that the "conservative" media will come to their senses and use the male name of the real male these people truly are instead of cowering in fear because someone decided to mutilate themselves into something they are not, and never could be!

In conclusion, I call, again, for the consecration of America to the Immaculate Heart of Mary to end the egregious sins of Sodom as well as the slaughter of the pre-born baby (over 61,000,000 now!).

No, it's not just Russia spreading her errors...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


Monday, March 28, 2022


 Torture!  Bloodthirsty torture!  The Ukrainian Nazis can be seen torturing captive Russian soldiers by shooting them in the feet, legs, and genitals...

But it doesn't stop there... I am warning anyone who is reading this, beware!  Here is the disgusting video that documents the barbarism of the Nazi battalions in the Ukraine.  Believe it or not, the video does not show the worst of the worst!  Again, beware!

Sunday Live: World Shocked By Torture & Executions of Russian Soldiers At Hands of Ukrainian Nazi Battalions (

And the second part of the video describes the filthy agenda of the hardcore Left to destroy the innocence of our children and grandchildren in the indoctrination centers known as the public school system.   Even the courts have sided with these devils and allow the stealing of the rights -- and obligation -- of parents to educate their offspring.  But it is incumbent upon parents to homeschool and pull their kids out from the clutches of these demonic "teachers"!

Consecration of Russia?  How about a consecration of the Ukraine -- to stop the human torture of Russian POWs and other crimes?

How about the consecration of America for supporting the Ukrainians, including the subsidizing bio-weapon labs in Ukraine?  How about consecrating the U.S. of A. to stop the slaughter of the pre-born?   As of this writing, over 61,000,000 MILLION! babies have been tortured and torn limb from limb or chemically dissolved by "doctors" with the consent of the baby's "mother" and "father"!  

So, what country really needs to be consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of our Most Blessed Mother???

Russia?  Ukraine?  The U.S.?  Or, how about Red Communist China?  How about all of the above??

Pray for common sense and for strength and honor!  We will need it now more than ever before!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Madness! Absolute Madness!! The Lunatic In The White House Wants To Kill Us All!!

 Please!  Someone must shut this moron's mouth before the nukes start to fly from Russia!

Do you miss President Trump yet??

The installed Marxist maniac, Biden, made -- what some would call a speech -- to our NATO "allies," calling for regime change in Russia, and to remove President Putin from power.  

Do you miss President Trump yet??

The "speech," took place on March 26, 2022, in "Catholic" Poland, of all places!  

Why on earth would the President of Poland allow this incoherent, apostate "Catholic" to speak -- at all! -- is mind boggling, considering the fact that just a few days before, the so-called "vice president," Harris, made a laughingstock of herself, and, more importantly, of the giggling and cackling her way through serious questions and making dumb responses.  A ten-year-old could have done better, much better!

Do you miss President Trump yet??

I would laugh myself, if things weren't so serious; we are on the brink of a possible nuclear war due to the malfeasance, high crimes and misdemeanors of the puppet, Biden and his inept "administration," including the secretary of state, the secretary of defense, and White House spokeswoman, the pathological liar, J. Psaki, and others...

Do you miss President Trump yet??

The traitor, Biden, does not care one hoot about you or me, or our families, as can be seen by his actions to cut off our fuel supplies and making the U.S. more dependent on foreign oil than ever before.  Under President Trump, we were very close to energy independence.  In fact, when he was deprived of a second term by a fraudulent election by the criminal elite, gasoline prices were right around $2 a gallon.  Now, the average is near $5 a gallon, with California pushing $7-9 a gallon!  

Do you miss President Trump yet??

This is the least of our worries, as Biden -- the pervert -- continues to taunt and threaten the Russian president in outlandish and disgusting charges against Putin, making him out to be the devil incarnate.  In reality, it is the apostate "Catholic," Biden, who fits the bill of being wicked and evil beyond belief!

Do you miss President Trump yet??

Am I too harsh a critic of Biden?  Not at all, especially when he just may get the world annihilated right before our eyes, that is, if there is anyone left alive after a nuclear war, where, in reality, the living will very likely envy the dead!

Do you miss President Trump yet??

Who are his allies in this race to destroy America and our hard fought-for liberties?  The communist media and their lackeys on the "6-o'clock news," that's who, not to mention most of the hierarchy of what passes for the Catholic Church in our country, many of whom are allied with the Demonrat party: the party of death and mayhem perpetrated against the most defenseless of our species, the pre-born baby.  Not only that, but the majority of the bishops -- and far too many parish priests -- are homosexuals or at least sympathetic to the "cause."

Do you miss President Trump yet??

I will leave you with one last thought to ponder... On Friday, March 25th, Pope Francis "consecrated Russia" to the Immaculate Heart of Mary (see my article here: Are We Grasping At Straws??? Will the "Consecration of Russia" Be Accepted By Our Lord And His Most Blessed Mother???).

If this consecration was done properly and is accepted by Heaven, then we should see results in the not-too-distant future, I hope and pray!  And if that is the case, then the evil likes of Biden and company should fly from office and retreat to a monastery to do penance for their uncountable crimes against humanity, or better yet, be sentenced to federal prison for the rest of their natural lives!

But unless and until that happens, please shut your mouth, Biden, before you get us all killed!!!

Pray -- PRAY -- for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Are We Grasping At Straws??? Will the "Consecration of Russia" Be Accepted By Our Lord And His Most Blessed Mother???

  Let me say right up front: I do believe that Our Lady appeared to the three shepherd children at Fatima, Portugal in 1917, and I do believe Her request -- no, make that demand -- that the pope must consecrate Russia to Her Immaculate Heart, or else greater wars would befall mankind.  And it did: it was called World War II!

The Catholic -- and non-Catholic world, to some extent -- yesterday, March 25, 2022, the feast of the Annunciation of Our Lady, witnessed the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio, in union (supposedly) with the bishops of the world, consecrated (supposedly) Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Hopes were high that this "consecration" would put an end to wars and rumors of wars, and that Russia would stop spreading her errors.  

Who in their right minds would not want such a dramatic turn of events to take place???

Think about it: no more wars or rumors of wars, and a prolonged period of peace in the world?  Anyone who would not want this to take place, I would simply consider them evil and wicked and part of the globalist elitist, Christ-hating, military-industrial-complex demons that are flying in the air that surrounds us!   

I am, by nature, not a cynic, but I am trying to be realistic in the face of, in some cases, unfounded hope that is placed in miracles and apparitions, which can, again, in some cases, lead the faithful astray by putting too much "faith" in such occurrences.  As part of the title of my article reads: Are We Grasping At Straws???

I will now write the important excerpt from Bergoglio's consecration prayer "for Russia":  "Therefore, Mother of God and our Mother, to your Immaculate Heart we solemnly entrust[?] and consecrate ourselves[?], the Church and all humanity[?], especially[?] Russia and Ukraine."


End of excerpt...

My comment: It seems to me that Russia and the Ukraine were simply "add-ons" to the prayer.   That is not what Our Lady requested (demanded)!  

(If I was still working, and my boss told me to buy a Chevy for the company, but I really wanted to look at a different make, especially a Cadillac, that would be a waste of time, because the boss told me what to buy in the first place, and considering that Caddy would be in direct contradiction to his orders, right?  Is that what we witnessed yesterday: a contradiction or, at the very least, an embellishment of Her orders?  I truly hope I am wrong...)

Time will tell...

One more thing... What about America spreading her errors?  A whole other ball of wax...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Did I "See" St. Joseph During High Mass On His Feast Day????

 No, not exactly...

But I did "see" him in my mind's eye, that I cannot deny!

It was during a beautiful, sung high Mass yesterday, March 19, 2022 -- his feast day.

There came a point in the high Mass that our dear Canon faced the congregation for a few seconds while uttering the usual prayers...  

Then, just before he turned back to face the altar, it was at that point that I sensed the presence of St. Joseph standing behind Canon, in front of the altar.  

I have to relate that St. Joseph was not the height or size of a normal man, but just the opposite; he was a giant -- a holy Goliath!  His raiment were the robes of old; neat, clean (not white as snow), of various colors, with his head and forehead covered... I noticed too, that as he stood, his right hand was grasping something just under his robes.  I sensed this to be a mighty sword, as St. Michael the Archangel is usually depicted...

Now I know that St. Joseph is usually portrayed as a quiet, humble man embracing the Little Child; a man of peace and tranquility, providing for, and protecting the Holy Family -- keeping Them safe from all harm.

We know too that St. Joseph is the guardian and protector -- the patron -- of the Universal (Catholic) Church of our Lord, Jesus, an honor recognized and bestowed by blessed Pope Pius IX 150 years ago...

If he is the protector of the Church, and he is, then he must be ready to do battle with those enemies from without, but also, and more insidiously, from those enemies within the walls of the Church itself.  And what better weapon is there for him to wield than the sword of justice to defeat and crush the demons (St. Joseph is known as the terror of demons!) trying to subvert and destroy the Church?  

No, I'm not a "seer," but I cannot and will not deny that I "saw" the great and powerful St. Joseph, ready to fight to save the Church -- and us!

As an aside, there may be some who think that when we pay homage and honor to St. Joseph, or the Blessed Mother, or any of the other great Saints, that somehow that detracts from the honor, homage -- and worship -- that is due to our Lord and Savior.  Nothing can be further from the truth...  

I like to use this military analogy... A general defeats his enemy and the battle produces several heroes... A private, a sergeant and a lieutenant all win medals for bravery and heroism... One is even awarded the Medal of Honor -- our highest military award... Do those awards detract in some way, the honor, glory and reputation of the general?  No, not at all, in fact those heroes add to his honor, glory and reputation.  The same can be said for our glorious Saints!  


St. Joseph, pray for us!

Pray too, for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


Saturday, March 19, 2022

What About POPE Benedict XVI And The Consecration?????

  That's a good question.

How are we to answer that?

Is Pope Benedict not the pope?

As far as I know, he is one of two popes, or, am I wrong in this assumption?

And isn't he still, at least, the Bishop of Rome?

This is all very confusing, considering that Bergoglio, the current occupant of the Chair of St. Peter, has said and done things that border on heresy.  Some say -- outright -- that he is a heretic.  

So, is he the pope?

Regardless, we have two men who look like popes; who dress like popes; but only one who speaks and acts like a real, Catholic, pope.  

That would be Benedict XVI...

How is the upcoming consecration to the Blessed Virgin Mary, scheduled for March 25, 2022, to be accomplished without Benedict???

Why didn't Bergoglio wait for Benedict to pass to his Particular Judgment before he decided to plan the consecration of Russia to our Blessed Mother???

In a way, that would avoid confusion and debate as to what role Benedict would or should play in such a monumental spiritual act to fulfill the demand of Our Lady.  

If he is left out of the consecration, would that not be an outrageous insult to Benedict? 

Not to be cynical, but is Bergoglio more of a politician than a pope?  

Is he an actor, acting out his greatest role on the world stage by announcing the consecration of the Russian nation to the Mother of Christ, our Lord?  Or, does he truly believe, and want to do the right thing to end the errors of Russia (and other nations, including our own United States!), and usher in a period of conversion and peace to the world as promised by the Blessed Virgin Mary?

Saying -- and hopefully, doing -- the consecration all sounds very Catholic, but his previous draconian actions taken against all things traditional -- to be blunt, anti-Catholic --, makes me wonder just what is going on here.

But as I wrote yesterday; see my article here:  

Will Russia Be Consecrated To The Immaculate Heart Of Mary -- As The Catholic World Is Reporting??

If the consecration does, in fact, happen, and done with the formula that Our Lady prescribed, the world will be deluged with tremendous Heavenly graces!

Still, I wonder... Will Pope Benedict XVI be involved in the act of consecration, or will he be left out, unseen in the shadows and confines of the Vatican?

Time will surely tell...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


Friday, March 18, 2022

Will Russia Be Consecrated To The Immaculate Heart Of Mary -- As The Catholic World Is Reporting??

  I hope so.

But more than hope, I (we) pray that this is so.

What a miraculous change the world will see and experience!

After all these years; after all the failed "attempts" by the popes; after appeasing the secular/communist powers not to "insult" the murderous leaders of the old Soviet Union; after succumbing to the pressures of the hierarchy; and, after cowardice, will the announcement of the upcoming consecration actually take place on March 25th, using the exact formula demanded by our Blessed Lady?  

We will see if the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio, will, in fact, consecrate Russia -- by name! -- to the Immaculate Heart of Mary... 

Let's say that everything comes off on schedule, then what?

Will we see an immediate change in the hearts and minds of the heads of state of the world?   But isn't it only Russia that will be consecrated?  Why would there be a change of heart in the leaders of other countries around the world?

Simple: if Russia is consecrated, (and that includes President Putin and company) it will not be able to resist the deluge of Heavenly grace from the Hands of our Blessed Lady.  I think that miracles will abound!  The world will be stunned!  Even atheist communist China will not be able to deny the obvious!  Just as in Fatima in 1917!

Okay, so the consecration happens, and Russia and Ukraine stop the war; peace "explodes", then what?

I contend that the next step is to consecrate Europe and all Western nations; then all Pacific/Asian nations, then America specifically!  

Why America specifically?

Because it is not only Russia that has and continues to spread her errors, but it is also our beloved country that has and continues to spread her errors, that's why...

As I write this missive, we -- as a country -- are incessantly beating the war drums; we continue to use our "intelligence" agencies to covertly infiltrate and destabilize foreign governments (it is called regime change) and install puppets that are pro-West; we continue to slaughter the most vulnerable of our species, the pre-born baby; we continue to sanction homosexual "marriage"; we continue to allow males to "become" females; we continue to allow our "freedoms" to be used for evil instead of good; we give "rights" to a class of citizens that didn't exist a generation ago, and we continue the attack on the family by all of the above.  

Yes, America needs to be consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, our Blessed Mother!

We must pray that those currently in power -- mostly apostate Catholics -- are converted back to the faith, and be removed from office, peacefully, and have a new God-fearing government elected by the people, not installed by fraud and deceit...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

The Brazen Killer Of Ashli Babbitt Is Still As Free As A Byrd!

 No, that's not a typo.  The killer of an unarmed woman veteran is Capitol Hill police Lieutenant Michael Byrd.  

And, yes, he is still free while Ashli is still dead.  She was deprived of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and died at the hands of a rogue cop who literally got away with murder!

The following is an article posted on please read the entire article as this might be the only place where you will get the truth of what happened and the injustice of a massive cover-up to protect her killer: Michael Bryd.

EXCLUSIVE... Aaron Babbitt: 'We Will Drag Our Bloody Stumps Across The Ground Before We Stop Fighting For Ashli' (

Here are some excerpts from that article written by By Alicia Powe

Published March 15, 2022...

"Despite the federal government’s attempt to withhold evidence surrounding the cold-blooded murder of Ashli Babbitt and the corporate media’s effort to demonize the slain Air Force veteran, her family vows to never stop fighting for her until justice prevails."

“If you’re in a life or death situation where you have to take somebody’s life and you know that you need to follow the use of force continuum – verbalization is a very early step. Take your goddamn mask off and verbalize it. Why you got your mask on when you are about to shoot somebody? He could have easily grabbed her.”

"The cop who shot and killed 35-year-old Ashli, Lieutenant Michael Byrd, admits he “has no regrets” about killing her and audaciously insists he “saved many lives” by taking the life of the unarmed veteran."

“The way that [Ashli’s] been smeared – people are just so dismissive – ‘Oh she should have complied.’ You tell me what she should have complied with because there were never any orders given,” Witthoeft added. “Michael Byrd did not even identify himself as a person to her much less a police officer. He stepped around the corner and blew her away.”

“Ashli did four tours of duty in the Middle East and came home to be shot down by her own people —  and not only be killed by her own government but to be smeared,”...

End of excerpts...

Again, please read the article and watch the video interview with Ashli's mom and husband...

Will there ever be justice for Ashli?   Maybe not in this life...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Can Our Beloved Country Survive The Infestation Of Benedict Arnolds In Our Government, The Media -- And Even The Church?

 As I write this, it is absolutely clear that Satan, the father of lies and murder, is winning the war waged against the human race.

I am not despairing, but I am facing the facts of the moral and spiritual life...

As I have written many times, I know, and the demon knows, that, in the end, his rotten, miserable head will be stomped on and crushed by the heel of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of Christ our Lord.

In the meantime, we have a real battle on our hands, especially those God-fearing, pro-life patriots facing those diabolical, treasonous rats that continue to destroy life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as enshrined in the Natural Law and enumerated in our Declaration of Independence...

These traitors have an arsenal at their disposal, most notably, the media, who themselves are the vehicle used to push the anti-Christ agenda of the new-world-order, de-population freaks intent on reducing the world's inhabitants to less than one billion -- from a population of over 7,000,000,000!

In conjunction with this heinous goal, we have almost continuous wars and rumors of wars, as we see in the newest attempt to inch us closer to another world war.  This time, however, it would be the last if the nuclear missiles start to fly.  It would be Hiroshima and Nagasaki multiplied hundreds of times around the globe, leaving the living to envy the dead...

Those who should know better are saber-rattling to the point of no return, and if they are successful in getting the U.S. directly involved in the mess of the Ukraine/Russia war, then all bets are off for any chance of a negotiated peace...

I do not claim to know all the ins and outs of the tenets of that conflict, but we can see the villains on all sides, including here in the U.S. -- specifically in the Oval Office, the Congress and Senate, as well as (even more importantly?) in the Marxist media as they continue to poke the Russian Bear with a very sharp stick...

If anyone dares to deviate from the official narrative: Russia/Putin bad, Zelensky (I have seen his name spelled with a double "yy")/Ukraine good, then that person or group is immediately labeled a traitor or treasonous!  Another Benedict Arnold, if you will... 

Is that how low we have sunk?  If you disagree and express your opinion, you are a traitor to your country???   Just crumble up and fling that First Amendment into the trash bin of history!

This seems to be the case since the installation of Biden into the White House secured with the illegal actions of real traitors and a fraudulent "election" process...

(As an aside, it seems that there is now conclusive evidence that at least three states should have their electoral votes de-certified.  I said at least three states.  It turns out that as many as six or more states fall into that category, such efforts, however, are being stifled by more traitors at the state level.  But the truth is slowly emerging for all to see!) 

As a prime example of this nonsense, former congresswoman, Tulsi Gabbard, has been called a "treasonous liar" regarding the now confirmed fact that the U.S. has at least 25 biolabs in the Ukraine.  And who labeled Gabbard a "treasonous liar"?  Well, none other than the real traitor, "senator" Mitt Romney...  But she's in good company, as Fox anchor, Tucker Carlson, is now a "Russian collaborator" too!!

(Just as Rush Limbaugh was called a Russian collaborator, so Tulsi and Tucker, you're in good company!)


We know that's baloney, but the real treason is coming from some "conservative" congressmen and senators determined to get us into a war with Russia, especially that moron, "senator" Lindsey Graham.  What's with that lunatic calling for the assassination of the President of Russia, Putin???   When someone threatens to kill another head of state, that sounds like an act of war.  How on earth is Putin supposed to react to that threat???

So, we have neo-libs and neo-cons clamoring for a world war; now that's real treason!

It is said that as the church goes, so goes society... I agree.  And for the last, say, 60 years or so, the church has had her share of traitors; evil actors determined to undermine the authentic teachings of the real Magisterium and the real popes.  And because of this, the secular demons have been emboldened by the anti-Christ antics -- words and actions of the most recent traitor to Holy Mother Church, the current bishop of Rome, Bergoglio and his unrelentless attacks on Tradition, especially the Traditional Latin Mass and those faithful Catholics who assist at the most beautiful thing this side of Heaven!!

To be frank, I'm at a loss to try to figure out the entire scenario, except to repeat that right now, Satan is winning the battle for hearts and souls by sewing confusion and doubt among the Elect.  Forget about those whose names are not in the Book of Life; he's already got them... 

One thing we can do, is to pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla



Monday, March 14, 2022

Puerto Ricans Rise Up In Support Of Bishop Deposed By Pope Francis...

 Why was this good bishop deposed??

What was his "crime"?

1) No forced vaccinations or "passports" for his parishioners.  2) He never closed the doors of the churches in his parish during the faux "pandemic"... 3) And most important of all, he did not ban the Traditional Latin Mass!

Well, it's like this... "pope" Francis, also known -- as he wants to be known -- as the Bishop of Rome, not the Vicar of Christ, Bergoglio, doesn't like any faithful bishop or priest who stands in his way of implementing the plan of the father of lies, Satan.  

So, here is the story as reported by 

And I would urge anyone who reads this article, to make up your own minds as to the legitimacy and the true agenda of Bergoglio.  Of course, he has his henchmen to do his dirty work for him as would never bloody his own hands!   As has been proven, Bergoglio is completely dedicated to the destruction of the true Magisterium and the truths of the real Catholic Church -- you know, the Church founded by our Lord, not the great facade created in the image and likeness of the demon -- that so many Catholics went to their deaths over the centuries rather than offer incense to the false gods of the pagan, Roman Emperors of days gone by... 

But we have new pagan "Roman Emperors" who use sophisticated tactics to destroy their enemies: those who adhere to the Traditions that we have taught either by word, or our epistle (St. Paul), and the teachings of Christ, our Lord... 

So here is that article...  Puerto Ricans rise up in support of bishop deposed by Pope Francis - LifeSite (

Here are the first two paragraphs of that article...

"ARECIBO, Puerto Rico (LifeSiteNews) — Puerto Ricans have expressed an outpouring of support for a faithful bishop abruptly dismissed by Pope Francis this week after defending conscience objections to COVID vaccination.

Priests, parishioners, and Catholic and other Christian leaders have rallied behind Bishop Daniel Fernández Torres, who was ousted from the Diocese of Arecibo without a canonical process on Wednesday." (My emphasis.) 

Can't have "disobedience" now, can we?  All must comply with the diabolical dictates of a rogue "pope"... If you do "disobey," you can kiss your bishopric; your salary; your health insurance; your retirement -- and your reputation goodbye.  Same for the "lowly" parish priest; we've seen far too many good priests persecuted for attempting to speak the truth from the pulpit...

It turns out that that prospect was just too much to bear for the other six Puerto Rican bishops as they all caved to the illegal, un-canonical actions of Caesar and shut the doors of their churches, thereby depriving faithful Catholics of the Sacraments.  Ditto, here in the States... And, as we know, there was filthy lucre involved, a lot of it, from government sources.  I call it kickbacks...

(Does anyone remember the scene in the great movie, A Man For All Seasons, when the bishop (or archbishop) and his entourage take their places in the giant hall... Soon, the representative of King Henry VIII comes in to get the church hierarchy to recognize the King as the head of the Church in England?   What did he offer the clergy for their potential apostacy?  Money.  Lots of money.  If I remember correctly, the price for rejecting Christ, their real Master, was 100,000 Pounds.  Considering that was back in the mid-sixteenth century, in today's dollars that would be equivalent to about $25,000,000!  So, for $25 MILLION BUCKS, they did apostatize, and they immediately became protestants.  Just like today; no difference!)   

Pray for the intervention of St. Michael the Archangel to smite these cowards and enemies of Christ!

Pray too, for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Democide: Death By Government: The Target? Millennials!

  Yesterday, on March 11, 2022, I wrote this: 

Twelve People Died From The Flu For The Week Ending 3/5/22 -- According To The CDC! And How Many Millennials Have Died In One Year Since The Jab??

I am now posting this article (from

Edward Dowd on Future Recession, Shocking Findings in the CDC Covid Data and Democide

Friday, March 11, 2022

Twelve People Died From The Flu For The Week Ending 3/5/22 -- According To The CDC! And How Many Millennials Have Died In One Year Since The Jab??

  In a country of over 330,000,000 -- MILLION! -- twelve people died from the flu?  

What?  Really?  Who believes this baloney?

But that's only part of the lie... A much worse phenomenon is that the death rate among millennials -- again, according to the CDC's own data -- equals the total deaths of our troops from the Vietnam War; over 58,000 have died in the last year alone!   

(Please watch the following video and see for yourself this horrific development among the younger generation: CDC Data: Excess Deaths of Millennials from Covid Jabs Rival Vietnam War US Death Count (

Let us take a look at each one of these devastating data... 

First, if one looks at the CDC's chart of deaths from various causes, especially those deaths supposedly from "covid," or the flu, or pneumonia, etc., you will notice that each category has a footnote that is supposed to explain how they came to their numbers, but in reality, it shows their incompetence in reporting about who died from what...

Translation: these supposed health professionals don't know what really caused the death of anyone!

There is a connection with the CDC, the WHO, the NIH, and other incompetent organizations, including our own federal bureaucracy, and the rise of fraud, corruption and payoffs from insidious, demonic forces -- that includes big pharma -- who were once in the background, a sort of shadow government, but now, are emboldened and in-your-face with their plan to reduce the number of humans on the earth to less than one billion people!  Some say, half-a-billion!

This would explain the "mandates" -- the madness! -- to get everyone -- especially the children, "vaccinated"...

I realize that I have digressed somewhat, so let's get back to the main theme of deaths from the flu, and now, the proven deaths from the "vaccine" itself among the young...

Again, please watch the video:  CDC Data: Excess Deaths of Millennials from Covid Jabs Rival Vietnam War US Death Count (

There are two categories involving the flu, and deaths involving the flu, pneumonia, or "covid"...  

The figures are meaningless, as they don't know what the actual cause of death was; they are guessing.  This is also true of the number of deaths due to "covid"...

The latest figure they give for the week ending 3/5/22, is 17,926, and since 1/4/20, 958,927 total deaths due to "covid"...

Take a look at footnote no. 1, it reads as follows: Deaths with confirmed or presumed COVID-19, coded to ICD–10 code U07.1.  (My emphasis.) 

Here is breakdown of that code:  COVID-19 deaths are identified using a new ICD–10 code. When COVID-19 is reported as a cause of death – or when it is listed as a “probable” or “presumed” cause — the death is coded as U07.1. This can include cases with or without laboratory confirmation.  (My emphasis.) 

With or without laboratory confirmation!

Can you believe it??  Apparently, most gullible Americans do!

How can a doctor or some other official presume how someone died???   If such a one were to testify in court, that they presumed how death occurred, they would be laughed out of the courtroom.

So why does the average American believe this nonsense without question??  The only conclusion that I can rationally come up with, is that the brainwashing has been a near-complete success, nationwide and worldwide!  I have to give "credit" where "credit" is due, and the leftist media are adept at reporting the "news" right out of their coordinated, Marxist playbook...

In conclusion... If these murders are allowed to continue, there will be no future generations to carry on the family line; there will only be those injected -- contaminated -- with a gene-altering, death-dealing "vaccine" who will not be able to reproduce... In fact, it is also now being shown that women who have gotten the filthy jab are having miscarriages or can no longer conceive.  So, who will be left?  Robots?  Zombies?  Soulless animals??

Wake up!  Resist!  Read and re-read the Declaration of Independence!  And pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla  

Devastating Implications Of Heretical "Cardinals" Voting In The Next Conclave! (The Sedevacantists Will Have A Field Day, Proving They Are "Right"!)

 Think about the horrific implications of heretics voting for the next pope! What are some of those implications? How about the fact that a ...