Thursday, November 29, 2018


Listen, there is only one non-violent way to stop the egregious, uncontrollable traitors that now occupy the Congress and the Senate of the United States of America.

And those traitors are not only Demonrats, but also Repubicrats who refuse -- REFUSE -- to put into action the agenda of President Trump.  We STILL hold both houses -- and will until January --, and the presidency, and yet why can't they get anything done, such as funding for the wall at the southern border??

Term limits for all congressional and senatorial office seekers!  A pledge must be made by all those who want to run for those offices, to limit their tenure to one -- that's one! -- six-year term for senator, and three- two-year terms for congress.  In other words, six years for both offices, period.

That is the only way we have any chance to keep traitors to our country OUT of office!

Want a job?  Then, run for office with the caveat of six years of service -- that's service to US! -- and then you're out!  

I am sick and tired of the phony Republicans -- that's why I call them Republicrats! -- whether they intend to continue to run for office again, or are lame-ducks, they can and do throw up huge roadblocks to fund the wall; defund Murder, Inc., (a.k.a. "planned parenthood"); defund the UN; pull our troops out of at least several countries, another almost endless list...

Does anyone care?  I hope so, if not, then we will ALL suffer the consequences.  That incoherent, despicable so-called "devout Catholic" -- her description, not mine --, Nancy Pelosi, will now be speaker of the house.  Does anyone know what that means?  Here is what it means: if the president and the vice president are taken out, then the next in line to become PRESIDENT is the Speaker of the House of Representatives, i.e.: Nancy Pelosi!

That scenario is too nightmarish to even dream about!!

But that's not all!  Already, the Demonrats who will take over in January, are salivating at the insane thought -- insane to me, and you, I hope -- of impeaching President Trump.  But those idiots forget(?) that impeachment means little, unless one is convicted in the Senate.  So, if Mr. Trump does, eventually get impeached, the chances are slim that he will be convicted in a Senate with a majority of Republicrats, but then, who knows??

But all this lunacy can, and probably will, stifle any forward motion on behalf of the president, making it that much harder to get anything worthwhile done.

Oh, one more thing; some may not know that the depraved "icon" of the Demonrats, William Jefferson Clinton was IMPEACHED, but not convicted by the Senate.  Though he should have been for all the corruption, including murder of numerous "associates" that became his enemies, at least in his foul mind.

I'm not sure what we can do to help get term limits enshrined into law, but something has to be done before it's too late...

Pray for our country..

Gene DeLalla

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Playing "Russian Roulette" with your soul...

Back in 1978, the movie, The Deer Hunter, made the movie-theater circuit around the country.

From what I understand, it was a pretty popular movie, mostly about a group of friends from a town in Pennsylvania, and their experiences while serving in the military in Vietnam, and after.

I was living in Southern California at the time, and went to see the movie one evening.  I was dressed in a casual but neat suit jacket and slacks; was clean shaven, and looked a little out of place among some of the more "hippy" types.  As I was standing in line, a slightly unkempt younger fellow came up to me and out of the clear blue sky asked: are you a NARC?  That is, a narcotics officer.  No, I said.  I just want to see how this movie is going to portray those who were in Vietnam, as I was.  I guess that satisfied him, and the short conversation ended...

In 1975, after Vietnam fell to the Communists. some of those that had served in the Army stayed behind for any number of reasons; money, adventure, maybe they were so messed up in the head, they just didn't want to go home (I guess you could call it PTSD, but that phrase wasn't in vogue at that time); who knows...

In the movie, there was a scene of one of the former military brothers playing Russian Roulette with a bunch of low-lives sitting around a dirty table filled with money and a few guns.  The idea was to bet on each guy after he spun the cylinder of the revolver, then put the gun to his head and pulled the trigger.  If the gun didn't go off, then he won the bet.  If, on the other hand, he was unlucky enough to have the chamber with a round in it (there was only one round in the cylinder that held 6), then he blew his brains out; he obviously lost the bet -- and his life.

I might add that he probably also lost his soul too.

Hence, the title of my article: Playing Russian Roulette with your soul.

The point here is that no matter what circumstances one is faced with in this life: happiness/unhappiness/success/failure/money problems/illness/family problems/no family at all, an endless list here...
We are all responsible for what happens to our souls.  We cannot, and should not, blame others, or, in the case of the decline in our dependence on what some call "organized religion," and maybe kicking God out of our lives, we are still accountable for all our actions/inactions, words and deeds.  To think otherwise, is to play that very serious and deadly game of Russian Roulette.

I can direct this short article to fallen-away, or lapsed Catholics, but it should apply to all those who have lost that sense of our obligation to recognize and worship the One who made us, realizing that there are, in fact, "rules and regulations" that we have to live by, like it or not.

Pride will often tell us: no-one is going to tell me what to do!  Ah!  But someone is!  Can you guess who?  If there is an absence of good, the opposite will fill the void, and that "opposite" can wind up directing our lives to the point of no longer applying the Natural (moral) Law to what we say or do.  And, as we can see what is happening in society today, the loss of the sanctity of life can, and usually does, lead to the cheapening of the gift of life and the consequences that go along with it.

Another long list: contraception, abortion, euthanasia, homosexually, and the weakening of marriage, and from that, the potential destruction of the family unit -- the building block of society.

To all fallen-away Catholics: come home, and those not in the Church, an open invitation to come into the one Ark of Salvation that Christ died to establish for all mankind...

Pray for our country..

Gene DeLalla 

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Does the Truth still have any meaning?

How can it possibly be that even when someone is presented with the truth --  whether in word, print or by physical presence -- the one that it is presented to, still does not accept it, and continues to believe a falsehood or lie?

Unbelievably, we see this happen every single day!

Just one present-day example will prove my point: look at what is happening at our southern border with the mob of illegals trying to enter (invade) the U.S. at any cost, even with violence -- on their part -- and inflict that violence on our border patrolmen and whatever military are still stationed there to help maintain order as well as the sovereignty of our country.  It is a fact, that without a secure border, there is no sovereignty, period.

So, if you or I present the media with undeniable proof of the real actions and intent of the illegal mobs practically attacking our border agents, they still either deny or distort that truth, and turn it around to show how rotten or unfeeling we are by not letting those "persecuted" migrants into our country.  We are collectively called racist, or some other such nonsensical thing, simply because we want to see our laws enforced, and still offer legal immigration to those who want to become Americans, and not just suck off the government teat.  

To those who watch the "6 o'clock news," or read the New York Times, it seems to me that they, for the most part, will swallow the lie, hook, line, and sinker regardless of the facts.

This is culpable ignorance.  In other words, they are still responsible for believing a lie, even though it is a lie!

But this is very dangerous, not just because it is irrational (that's scary enough!), but also because it shows the lack of education and knowledge that is needed to live a life of decency, especially for those who will become our future leaders.

How can these folks, who maintain false beliefs, lead a country?   How can these folks be a moral people and have a moral governance over their charge if they do not uphold the truth themselves -- if they do not recognize that all truth comes from the God that made them?  And yet just watch the talking heads of the leftist media presenting what is clearly the opposite of the facts; of truth!!

Who was it that said if a lie is repeated often enough, people will believe it as a truth?  

All must pray for discernment, and pray for our country too.

Gene DeLalla


Saturday, November 24, 2018

A Warning to Parents With Youngsters...

Parents: it is up to YOU! to keep your children from becoming brainwashed by the secular humanists in the God-less public schools, as well as what now passes for (some) of the so-called "Catholic" schools of the post-Vatican II era.

Ever since the late 60s, the downward spiral of the quality of education has accelerated to the point of being unrecognizable by the previous generation. In addition, the traditional subjects that were taught have been transformed into something that, for all practical purposes, is anti-Christ at the very least.

Instead of teaching the perennial doctrines of the Church to strengthen and prepare the students for going out into the world and fortify them with the breast-plate of the armor of faith, the curriculum is now focused on social issues, rather than the ultimate goal of our precious offspring: the salvation of their very souls -- the primary purpose and command to the Church by the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, Jesus Christ.

With the betrayal of that command, we are simply left with a liberal, biased mindset, rather than a real, traditional, well-rounded liberal education.  Further, it would be a "dereliction of duty" -- as we called it in the military -- if you don't investigate the expertise, as well as the philosophical and religious background of those entrusted with the charge of your impressionable children.

But how can parents be sure that a school and curriculum is in line with their moral and spiritual beliefs?  You can't be 100 percent sure.  And, if that is the case, then one way you can be sure that your children will not be subjected to an insidious, subtle revision of traditional morality, especially in a society that is nearly completely sexualized in so many forms, is by homeschooling -- truly, the only way children will not lose their baptismal innocence.  

As Christmas approaches, perhaps the greatest gift you can give to your children is to make that great, yet satisfying sacrifice, and home-school your precious gift(s) from God -- the real Author of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

Pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla

Friday, November 23, 2018

The Traitors Among Us...

The name of Benedict Arnold is synonymous with treason; betrayal of his former brothers in uniform, and, especially, a traitor to his nascent country.

The heinous acts of Arnold pales in comparison to what we see happening in our country today.  But if one listens to, or watches the mainstream media in all its forms, you would be hard-pressed to know just who are the real traitors to our country.

Of course, the main "contender" for the handle, traitor, is none other than our duly elected president, Trump, at least according to the leftist media.

The real traitors, however, do not reside in the Oval Office of the White House, but in the various houses of government, including the Congress and the Senate, and associated agencies.

A strong charge, I know, but very true, nonetheless...

Here is an incomplete list of names that I consider are traitors to their country.  I would love to see these miscreants indicted and brought before a grand jury and tried for the numerous crimes against the American people, and sent to prison for life...

1. Barack Obama (and many of his cabinet).  Perhaps the most corrupt and racist president that ever occupied the Oval Office, bar none.   Will this poor excuse for a man -- and president -- ever face justice?  I can say this, if  not in this life, then in the next!  At least I can pray for justice to be done...

2.. The present "special counsel," Robert Mueller.  This character's corruption goes back many years, and was directly involved while U.S. Attorney in the Boston, MA area with the murderer, Whitey Bulger.  Several of his FBI agents were corrupt themselves; at least one is now in prison.  But it doesn't stop there.  His tunnel vision completely overlooks the criminal Clintons, yet his current "assignment" is to make some type of (non) existent, bizarre connection between President Trump and the Russians, somehow influencing the 2016 presidential election.  All the while ignoring the real collusion of the filthy Clintons and the sale of much of our uranium to a Russian company.  Most of us also know that many of the Clinton's associates -- who knew of their criminal activities while B. Clinton was governor of Arkansas -- have "committed suicide," most prominently, Vince Foster.   Sure...

3. The Clintons.. as mentioned above, these are true traitors to their country and the American citizens they once represented while B. Clinton was president.   But their corruption is almost endless, and includes the Clinton Foundation, an entity used for money laundering as well as "pay for play" bribes and influence peddling.  Hillary Clinton, herself, should now be incarcerated at Leavenworth Federal Penitentiary for mishandling of highly classified information that has apparently compromised and exposed many of our overseas undercover informants leading to their deaths or imprisonment.  Remember Benghazi?   I'm sure that the families of those who were left helpless will never forget.  The former Sec. of State didn't give a damn about those men, including the ambassador himself!  Truly sickening.  The list for this demonic couple is beyond comprehension; will they ever suffer the consequences for their actions?   I think so, but not tomorrow...

4. James Comey; former director of the FBI. Liar!

5. The civil war mongers and those who advocate violence and unrest against their own citizens. Why?  Simply because they (we) are trying to do the right thing as well as uphold some semblance of conserving social norms and the culture of our country as opposed to unrestrained, unbridled promiscuity.  But not only sexual promiscuity, but also intolerance of those who differ with their twisted, ungodly vision of a wide open society, untethered by any moral restraints.

Prominent among these?  Demonrat representative Maxine Waters.  This absolute lunatic should be arrested and charged with inciting to riot, and threatening you and I with harassment, leading, in some cases, to physical assault and battery of families eating their meal at restaurants, or pumping gas into their cars.

6. Deep-state "intelligence" operatives; many still in their positions to do even more harm, all the while undermining the efforts of Mr. Trump, trying to keep America sovereign and prosperous.  These moles are in the current CIA, FBI, NSA, and other agencies, that were appointed, in many cases, during the eight miserable and destructive years of Obama.

7. Those traitors in the Congress and the Senate...And that includes, sadly, far too many Republicans that are supposed to be supporting their president, but are intent on derailing his agenda with specious arguments and obstruction of legislation, such as funding the wall for our southern border.

8.  The MEDIA!  Unless you and I search out alternative sources of news and current events, we will forever be subjected to lies and distortions of whatever truth still exists in the U.S.  The establishment press is the mouth-piece for the hard, radical Left in this country.

9.  The military-industrial complex that sells their collective souls for filthy lucre (money), and survive on the misery and destruction of others...

10. You and I -- IF!  We don't do our part to keep America free and sovereign, according to our talents and state in life. 

And pray to God almighty for strength and direction, and pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Follow-up to: What really happened on "9/11'"

Follow-up to: What really happened on 9/11 (

This article will examine why "9/11" happened, but also why "conspiracies" happen in the first place.  I will attempt to connect the threads that have led up to, and continue, to this very day, the reasons for our current, dire situation with respect to wars and rumors of wars -- both foreign and domestic, as well as civil unrest that seems to be in the "news" on an almost daily basis.

I think that we would all agree that there is an uneasiness that exists just below the façade of our daily lives; we're not sure just what will happen when we wake up in the morning, and go to work or school.  We read and hear of shootings here and there, as well as malice and actual hate directed at our president, and there seems to be a lack of authentic tolerance to those who differ with one ideology over another.  There should be a civil discourse among opposing sides, if you will, but there is little if any...

We hear of massive tragic events, such as the ongoing wildfires that have plagued and destroyed so many lives and homes in California (where I lived for over 10 years, back in the mid-70's to the mid-and late-80's).  Regardless of our political differences with our fellow citizens in the "golden state," this is a time when we must all pull together to alleviate the pain and suffering of those now homeless, even if "only" by praying for them and offering whatever other assistance we are able to do according to our personal circumstances.

The reason why I'm mentioning some of the horrendous natural events plaguing our nation, as well as our involvement in far too many wars and occupations of foreign, sovereign countries, and the many "conspiracies" -- including; as the title suggests -- the "9/11" disaster, is to show that we get what we deserve.  In other words, when mankind (mankind: the human race -- men and women) turns its collective backs on the very One that made us, we then open ourselves up to evil.  Remember, where there is an absence of good, the demon delights in filling that gap with his powerful and, in many cases, uncontested evil.

From the beginnings of our first parents: Adam and Eve, the temptation was presented to Eve to eat the forbidden fruit.  Eve fell for the trick, and Adam easily went along with the deception -- to please his wife?  In any event, the demon told the first family that they would be like God if only they took a bite.  She did; he did, and now you see the mess we're in.  It is called Original Sin.

There is very little difference today: mankind is making tremendous -- but dangerous -- inroads into human cloning; using aborted baby parts for animal experiments; power; greed; control of others, and finally: money (as I always say: follow the money trail).  The ultimate goal, I believe, is to be like God: to make man his own god; to save himself without the need for God, that is, if he believes in an afterlife at all??

In our present day, we heard former president George H.W. Bush give a speech imploring his audience to help establish a "new world order": that is word for word.  A NEW WORLD ORDER!   These brazen elites didn't even try to hide their devilish agenda; it was in your face, like it or not.

But something happened: there was and is resistance to their diabolical plan.  So now we come to the "new Pearl Harbor."  That's correct, that's what the globalists said they needed in order to curb our liberties for the sake of "security," but of course, they didn't come right out and say this.  Indeed, it was planned long before the "9/11" debacle; long before!

And, in a most ironic and coincidental turn of events (or is it?), as in Pearl Harbor -- which led us into World War II -- there were about 2,900 people killed.  When the Twin Towers were "attacked," there were almost the exact same number of people in and around the building.  But!  On a regular work day, there should have been up to 50,000 people in those buildings.  Let me repeat that: 50,000!

Doing a little research, I read that the reason that not all the 50,000 people were in the building for work was because of the time element.  I guess many would have started their work day much later than the usual 8, 9, or 10 a.m. time frame. I don't quite buy that, but, okay, so let's cut that number in half: say 25,000 folks.  But there were only about 2,900.

Could anyone imagine the catastrophe if "only" 25,000 of the 50,000 possible people that could, or should have been in those buildings, lost their lives??  

Why so few workers in the buildings?

The question begs: did someone -- perhaps many? -- know that something was going to happen and were told to stay home, or?

Now we get to the "meat and potatoes" of the "event"...

There are several areas of the country that have strict regulations regarding the use of the air space by private planes as well as airliners over their cities. In other words, some airspace is highly restrictive, as in Washington, D.C.; the Pentagon; the CIA in Langley, Va., and, yes, New York City, along with other sections of the country.

To give you an example, in 2010 (or 2011) there was an incident of a jet liner that took off from D.C. and was heading to Denver, CO.  Somewhere along the way, communications were lost with the jet; air traffic control saw them on radar, but did not have radio comms with the plane.   The controllers followed established procedure and quickly reported up the chain of command; they in turn contacted the Air Force responsible for having security for that area of Denver.  Almost immediately, two F-16 jet fighters with air-to-air missiles were scrambled and sent up to intercept the jet; comms were re-established, and they escorted the plane all the way until it landed at the Denver airport.  The thing to remember is that those jet fighters made it up to the airliner in a matter of minutes, with a fighter on each wing of the passenger jet.

I ask this simple question: where were the alert jet fighters on "9/11"?

Over D.C.?  Over the Pentagon?  Over New York City?

I once saw an interview with a female, supposed former, fighter pilot that was on duty with the Air National Guard during "9/11".  As I listened to the answers of the questions the interviewer was asking, I said to myself: she's a phony.  If this nice lady was telling the truth, I'm Davey Crockett!

I'm not Davey Crockett...

One of the giveaways, was her description of what armaments she had on her jet: bullets.  That's right, it had "bullets," and no armed missiles!  All alert fighters have armed missiles as well as 20mm Vulcan cannons!  In all my days, I have never heard a fighter pilot refer to the cannons on the jet as "bullets."  Further, she never used the word armaments either.  Her explanation confirmed, in my mind, that she was a very bad actress.

So, where were the real alert fighters??

First, it is important to know that there is a military organization known by the acronym: NORAD.  This stands for the North American Aerospace Defense Command, jointly run by the Canadian and American military, now located at Peterson Air Force Base, Colorado, with an alternate facility in Cheyenne Mountain.  The job of NORAD is to provide early warning as well as protection to a vast area of the U.S., Canada, and beyond.

On "9/11", the errant jets were seen and reported up the chain by the on-duty officials at NORAD, then to the civilian authorities; at that point, it is up to those very same civilian authorities to give the go ahead to intercept the airliners, or whatever they were.

That didn't happen.

And the result: "9/11"...

If you listen to the very words of the designer of the Twin Towers, he says that the buildings were designed to withstand multiple jet hits.  Let me repeat that: he said the buildings were designed to withstand multiple jet hits.  In other words, more than one jet would be needed to cripple the buildings; but not, necessarily, bring them down.  

This is extremely important to keep in mind...

The structure of the Twin Towers were built incredibly strong, with core, steel beams that most seem to forget, as if they didn't exist, formed the "foundation" upon which the outer shell was constructed.   In fact, buildings in New York City must be designed to be twice as strong as similar buildings designed to withstand an earthquake in Los Angeles.

Plus, the idea that fire weakened or melted some of the steel girders is beyond ridiculous.  A simple check of data will show that to be impossible.  Most of the fuel from whatever hit the towers burned up upon impact; the resulting fires within the buildings consisted of furniture, papers, and other materials, etc.

I think all are familiar with another iconic building in New York City: the Empire State Building.  This massive skyscraper was built in the early 1930s, and was the tallest building in the world, and now the fourth tallest in the country.

In July, 1945, a Mitchell, B-25 bomber crashed into the Empire State building between the 78th and 80th floors, killing a total of 14 people, including 3 on the bomber.  The resulting fire was extinguished within 40 minutes; there was no severe structural damage, and despite the damage and loss of life, the building was open for business on many floors on the following Monday.  

In fact, no skyscraper anywhere in the world has ever -- ever -- collapsed due to fire, as those who claim the Twin Towers did -- because of a fire that supposedly melted, or weakened the steel core beams!  

Many articles and books have been written on this tragedy, but anyone who contradicts the official government report on exactly what happened, is immediately labeled a conspiracy nutcase.  I have heard the so-called talking heads on radio mock or cut-off any caller that dares to challenge, or call into question how the buildings actually came down, or, even more importantly, who was ultimately responsible for the "attacks".

There was also another skyscraper that was taken down that terrible day: WTC-7; a 47-story building that was not hit by any plane, nor did it suffer massive fires that might have helped in bringing that facility down.  Again, it is important to note that no skyscraper anywhere in the world has ever collapsed due to fire!  There was no one in that building; the individual that owned the Twin Towers and WTC-7, is  heard in a video to "pull it" -- that means to bring it down.  As anyone who saw 7 come down, it did so just as professional demolition teams bring down buildings.  Check out videos on the cable TV,  or YouTube, and see for yourself.


Has anyone heard of building 6?  Take a look at the photos on the Internet or publications, and see that the "guts" of the building are gone; missing.  I can't explain it, neither can the "official" government reports explain it...

Let's look at the "attack" on the Pentagon...

Again, the official government report tells us that a jet airliner hit the Pentagon.

There is not a shred of evidence that any jet airliner hit the Pentagon.  None!

What hit the Pentagon was a missile of some sort.  If you look at the hole in the side of the building, you'll see a "tiny" hole, not a massive collapse of an entire section of the building.  In fact, after the "jet airliner" (as the media and government wants you to believe) hit the Pentagon, there was a photo taken of the hole and the burning interior, you'll see that the wall above the hole is intact, with windows unbroken.  After a while, a small section of the wall did, in fact, collapse.  It just so happens that the area that was destroyed was storing hard evidence of financial mismanagement involving several government agencies.  Keeping in mind that we're talking about a huge sum of money that could be as large as several trillion dollars.  That's trillion with a "T"!

Why is this important to note?   Because people have been taken out for a lot less, whether in gangland "hits," or corporate "hits".  Follow the money trail... As President Eisenhower warned of the connection between the military-industrial complex and the sales of arms to our "allies" that now reaches into the hundreds of billions of dollars every year.  Every year!

In effect, we Americans are at least partly responsible for the death and mayhem in far too many countries around the world, with displacement of literally millions of people from their homelands attempting to escape the carnage that comes with unending wars.  Take a look at Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Libya, Syria, another almost endless list.  And we cannot forget the 65-plus million babies killed since the 1973 horrid "supreme court" decision that allows a women to exterminate her developing baby in her womb through the horrendous procedure known as abortion.

As it should be apparent to any thinking adult, what we are seeing are the ungodly powers attempting to take control of all aspects of our lives for their own diabolical purposes.

Another conspiracy?  No, just an ongoing "conspiracy" of an elite group of individuals that care little for their fellow neighbors.  They reject, almost totally, the reign of God, in favor of their god: themselves; with power, control, and influence being their "sacraments".

This article barely skims the surface of what actually occurred on "9/11"...

It was Ben Franklin who quipped that if we are willing to give up our liberties for security, we deserve neither.

We get what we deserve, don't we?

God Almighty: help us -- and forgive us..

Gene DeLalla

Monday, November 19, 2018

The "new" threat to our 2nd Amendment..

Demonrat congressman, Eric Swalwell, of California, has recently said that if WE resist his plan to confiscate our weapons for self-defense, whether single shot or semi-automatic, that the government has nuclear weapons to use, not on the Communist Chinese, or the Russians, but on US -- as in you and me!

This brazen, emboldened lunatic -- make no mistake -- means what he says.

But this punk doesn't know history, or the American public that he claims he represents: that what goes around, comes around, just as the boomerang comes back to the one who threw it.

Further, if he did, by some outside chance, crack open an unbiased history book, he would see that those who instigated, for instance, the French Revolution, and sent thousands of Catholics and others to the guillotine, themselves eventually lost their heads to that filthy, bloody blade.

Congressrat Swalwell thinks that he will find favor with those who want to radically transform our country into something unrecognizable, but fails to realize that, as the rabid dog turns on his own master, just might suffer the same fate from the anarchists he, obviously, supports.

If you think that I'm being a little "radical" in my observations of this creep, just read for yourselves what he said, and his rotten agenda; that is, to take away our freedom of speech and our natural right to defend ourselves from a tyrannical government bent on making us slaves to central government's power and control of all facets of our lives.

Remember, one of the main reasons for the 2nd Amendment as written by the Founding Fathers, is to have recourse of the citizens by force of arms, if necessary, to fight-off a government out of control.  Also remember that it is NOT the government that grants our natural rights to us, but by God Himself through the Natural Law.  It is the role of government to guarantee those very same rights!

As the Declaration of Independence states that when a people can no longer get redress from a tyrannical central government, it is the right -- and the duty -- of the people to throw out that regime and start over.  Read it for yourself...

In the face of maniacs such as Swalwell, we must stand firm in our determination to protect, not only our present families, but also our future families: our grandchildren and their children.

I ask all of good will to pray for the defeat (or conversion?) of the enemies of our rights, and, especially, the enemies of God Almighty.

Gene DeLalla


Saturday, November 17, 2018

The U.S. "Catholic" Bishops continue to descend into hell...

The most recent U.S. Catholic Bishop's conference terminated last week.  But this conference achieved nothing; nothing but a continuance of the status quo.

Truly despicable!

The hard topics of the homosexual scandal and their abuse of the innocent entrusted to their charge, has not, and, most likely, will not change, at least for the time being.

The idea of "cleaning house" held out some hope of eradicating these miscreants from the seminaries and the priesthood, but it wasn't to be...

The title of this short article: The U.S. "Catholic" Bishops continue to descend into hell, is telling enough, but the real horror of those faithless bishops is that they are taking untold numbers of their flock with them!

And very sadly, many Catholics are losing, or have lost their precious faith, and have left the Church, not realizing the difference between the corrupt human element of the Church, and the Church herself.  One of the reasons for this horrible situation, is the poor catechesis since the end of that Godzilla of monsters -- and completely unnecessary -- Second Vatican Council.

I say unnecessary only to those who know better, but it was necessary to those modernists that were hell-bent on implementing the changes to the perennial Church teachings of 2,000 years, to suite their dastardly plan to change and transform the Church into their own "image".

Those faithless hierarchy wanted to become "god," and replace God almighty with a façade of Catholicism, slowly but surely, as the frog is slowly but surely boiled to death by gradually increasing the flames under the pot...

Again, the "collateral damage" to their demonic plans can be seen in so many ways, it is almost impossible to list here, but just attend a guitar "mass" and see what I mean, or have some woman in a tank-top handing out the Holy Eucharist to other filthy hands.  Need I say more?

If I have to give you one major caveat to what is happening in the Church today, just remember what occurred when our Lord told the disciples that unless you eat the Flesh of the Son of Man, and drink His Blood, YOU WILL NOT HAVE LIFE IN YOU... (St. John, Chapter 6.)

What happened when Christ said that?

There was murmuring among the disciples... the response was: this is a hard saying, who can hear it.  And they walked no more with Him.  Christ then turns to His Apostles and asked them: will you too walk away?

The response from the Apostles came from the prince of the Apostles -- who was to eventually head the Church -- St. Peter.  Who said: Lord where can we go, YOU have the words of eternal life.

Note, those who think that Christ was talking in a metaphorical sense, think again.  He made no effort to call back those disciples, but left them to their own devices...

As a Catholic, I use the King James version of the Protestant Bible (copyright 1897) to paraphrase the above.  It is word for word as it is in my Catholic Bible!

To put it bluntly, if you leave the Church, and do not have the Holy Eucharist, you will not have LIFE IN YOU!

To all former Catholics and all those non-Catholics that I LOVE, I urge you to come back to Christ's Church.  I will help you, if need be..

Pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Selective "free speech"...

Have you ever heard of selective enforcement?  A good example would go something like this: you are travelling at 68 MPH, in the 65 zone down the interstate, and a guy passes you at 85 MPH.  Out of the corner of your eye, you see a state trooper car sitting in the middle of the highway-break just waiting for that guy doing 85 MPH, right?

Guess what; the guy doing 85 MPH just flew by the statie, but as you go by, lights appear in your rear-view.  You think he's gonna go after the 85er, but no, he pulls you over instead.

What the heck????

Yep, it can happen and it did happen to me while travelling through Maryland in the wee hours of the morning many years ago.  This is called "selective enforcement."  Is it legal?  I don't know, but it is done...

Okay, now I'll get to the title of this short article: selective "free speech"...

Just what is "selective free speech" anyway?  Well, you may not recognize it at first, but we see it on a daily basis emanating, mostly, from the mainstream media.  If those networks and "journalists" don't like what you or I have to say, or if it contradicts their narrative of a certain event or story, then your "free speech" isn't really free anymore, that is, if they shut you down or cut off access to certain platforms, whether on the Internet, or elsewhere.

This selectivity is thrust upon those who's views are more "conservative" than their colleague's quite liberal slant.

A prime example is CNN...

But you can add MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NPR, and many more, you get the picture...

In fact, if there is a story or narrative that specifically sheds a negative light on their agenda, chances are very "good" that you'll never hear of it on those "news" outlets.

Also, take the Internet: those in charge of the "big ones," such as Facebook, Twitter, etc., are notorious for squelching what they consider "hate speech," but in reality, is nothing but the whole truth, and nothing but the truth (as you would swear to when placing your hand on the Bible in a court of law…).

The number of "alternative" sources of news are numerous, but they are also targets for those enablers of "selective free speech."  In the overall scheme of things, this is very dangerous, because to stifle free speech, is one of the avenues that leads to dictatorship, and, yes, even anarchy.  Take a look at the history of Germany, Russia, and the current Saudi Arabia, just to name a few...

As a practicing Catholic, I also know that "free speech" has its limits as far as preaching error is concerned, -- the opposite of truth.  So, in America, the free speech that we so cherish, can, and does exceed what should be allowed into the public sphere.  Take for example, the statue of Satan, in Oklahoma (right smack in the middle of the "Bible Belt") with little children at his feet, looking up at him as if he were their father, or worse.  Should that "free speech" be allowed?  I don't think so, but that's the price we pay in this country for secularism, as opposed to basing our free speech on Biblical principles, the Ten Commandments, etc.

Ah!  But remember that old "separation of church and state" mantra that the humanists claim is in the Constitution?  Fortunately, it is nowhere in our founding document, yet always used as a threat with lawsuits to back up their arrogance -- and their "ignorance" of the real law.  All too often those on the "right," give in way too easily to their threats.

Unfortunately, we see this, not only in the secular realm of society, but also in the spiritual realm, namely in the Church, where telling the truth seems to engender epithets of "judgmentalism," or worse, coming from an unexpected source: the hierarchy.  I guess that the evil one has found a sacred place to ply his evil trade...

So be it...

It is said that grace builds upon nature, but it is also true that evil will gladly fill the void of where good should reside, but doesn't.

I wonder if anyone reading this article has ever been the object of "selective free speech"?  If so, let me know.  And while you're at it, pray for our country that it returns to the true source of our "free speech": God almighty.

Gene DeLalla


Tuesday, November 13, 2018

REAL aliens have been caught invading -- the CHURCH!!

The problem is, they've already set up shop doing their dirty thing for far too long, nearly destroying what is left of the Catholic Church.

But these "aliens" are not the invaders attempting to enter the U.S. of A. through our southern borders, no, these foreigners wear the Roman collar and are well-rehearsed impersonators posing as real representatives of Christ.

Remember, we are told in the Bible that there will be those who will say that there is the Christ, or here is the Christ, or He's out in the desert, or in a house or closet performing miracles... But! don't believe these liars; they are wolves in sheep's clothing, and will deceive, if possible, even the Elect!

These instigators of perversion -- especially the sodomite agenda -- can't seem to control themselves and attack the innocent of the flock of Christ, practically destroying the lives of young adults almost at will, with little accountability, at least in this life.

Even with all the documented and accurate information that has surfaced regarding their perversion, these workers of evil seem to have escaped prosecution, for the most part.  The current reigning pope is of no help in bringing these culprits to justice.  In fact, he seems hell-bent on attacking the victims of abuse, rather than defrocking and excommunicating those debauched "priests" and "bishops" that commit these horrendous crimes, or cover-up their dastardly activities.  

Make no mistake, justice in the long run, will prevail.

Our Lord said: and whosoever shall scandalize one of these little ones that believe in Me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged around his neck, and he were cast into the sea.

Don't be fooled, however, because it is the HUMAN element of the Church, and not the Church herself that is witnessing almost universal corruption.  Remember, the gates of hell will NOT prevail against her!

I ask all of good will to pray for the Catholic Church, and pray for our country too!

Gene DeLalla

Did you vote last Tuesday, Nov. 6th, in the mid-terms?

If you did, so what?  It seems it really doesn't matter, that is, if those responsible for counting your vote happen to be Demonrat supporters.

Just take a look at Arizona, Florida, Georgia and Kansas...

Important federal senate seats and governorships were at stake, and all were won or nearly won by the Republicrats.  But now, "new" ballots have been "discovered" that have already flipped some of those victories into defeats, and the culture-of-death Demonrats just may tip the balance of power in the U.S. Senate for quite a while.

I can assure all reading this post that the reason for the "flipping" is for power!  Power to control, not only YOU and I, but also for the power to continue the slaughter of the pre-born.  Think I'm being a little too "extreme" here?   Think again...

What is this all about?  Again: power, but not to the people, but against the people!

You see, the new majority of Demonrats in the Congress will control the various committees that determine funding for the agencies and programs of the central government.  Included in that, is the funding for Murder, Inc., aka: planned parenthood.

Also, keep in mind that the overall agenda is to keep abortion available and nearly free to those females that feel that their pregnancy is just a little too "inconvenient," and might interfere with their "freedom."   In reality, that "freedom" is nothing but slavery, plain and simple...

Abortion is the "sacrament" of the Demonrats, and their religion is "choice."  They offer those little developing babies on the altar of the demon to appease -- at least for now -- his insatiable appetite for flesh and blood -- and for the unbaptized souls of the little ones so they cannot see God in the face.

So much for the "parents" of these poor, tiny baby girls and boys...

As I said, the demonic appeasement is only temporary, for those who have made a deal with the devil, the time of reckoning will eventually come, and the eternal price will be paid.

God will not be mocked.

We must pray, not only for the pre-born, but also that the agenda of these culture-of-death miscreants is defeated at all levels, post-haste.

I ask all of good will to pray for our country and pray too for a change of heart and conversion of those who think they have the "right" to kill their developing offspring.

Gene DeLalla 

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Happy Veterans Day??

Please don't say "Happy Veterans Day" to me or any other veteran!

I'm not being a stick-in-the-mud either.  Just think about that word: Happy...

We're not talking about "Happy Thanksgiving," or "Happy Holidays," or "Happy (merry) Christmas," or "Happy New Year," or "Happy Birthday."

What we are talking about are those men (and some women, though women should NEVER! be put on the front lines in combat roles!!) who wore the uniform of their country for various personal reasons, but in the long run, personal reasons mean little, it is a way of life -- even if only for one hitch of 3 or 4 years -- that puts that vet in a position of jeopardy of life and limb for a cause, or, more importantly, for his brother next to him in the machine-gun bunker.

Think for a moment that it was, or is, the veteran that allows us all to live in freedom (regrettably, less so since the liberty-limiting federal mandates since "9/11" and after).

You can live and travel basically wherever you want; you can vocally disagree with the government and seek redress of grievances; you can protest for or against whatever cause you choose; you can go to the school of your choice; you can practice your faith; the list can be endless...

But that list would be dramatically shortened if you lived in North Korea, or China, or what's left of Russia, or, let's say Yemen, Libya, Syria... you get the idea.

When the uniform is worn, the man wearing that uniform changes in ways that only those who have served know what I'm talking about.  And, heaven forbid, when that vet has been in a war, the change can be so extreme that he is no longer recognizable to family and friends.  He is different.  He cannot, in many cases, be understood as before his war experiences.

Don't let anyone fool you: if it wasn't for the military, the United States of America would not exist.  It is certainly not perfect -- neither the country, nor the military -- not by a long shot, but those who dissuade those from entering the military don't know what they are talking about.  I would suggest taking their respective noses out of the books they are reading and use some common sense.  It is the veteran that allows them to read those books, the same books that criticizes the man who protects them so they can sleep peacefully at night!

So, if you happen to see or come across a veteran today -- or any day, for that matter -- thank him for his service to his country -- and you!

Pray for all veterans, both living and deceased, and pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla

Saturday, November 10, 2018

The Vietnam Veteran: the forgotten warrior..

I wonder just how many of this generation are taught about, or even heard about America's involvement in Southeast Asia, specifically, Vietnam and the war that lasted -- officially -- from 1960 to 1975?

On December 16th, it will be 51 years ago -- fifty-one-years -- that I went to Vietnam!

Whatever has become of those veterans that served and are still with us today?  Of course we see the Wall in Washington, D.C., but those 58,000-plus names are only names.  Or are they?   Sure, the names are chiseled into the block of black granite, everyone can see that, but each and every name has a family behind it; a story behind it.

I went to Vietnam just before Christmas of 1967, and returned just before Christmas of 1968.  My specialty was that of Air Force Security Police; my duties were to protect and defend the perimeter of the two air bases I was assigned to.  I suffered no wounds, physical wounds that is.

One-hundred-eleven of my fellow security police brothers did not return; their names are on that iconic Wall in D.C.

When I first returned to the U.S. (we called it The World), I really didn't want anyone to know that I was a Vietnam Veteran, but that is not the case any longer.  I am proud of my service: helping the Vietnamese people fight off Communism for over ten years.  Our "defeat" was orchestrated by a treasonous media and gutless politicians that despised the Catholic heads of the South Vietnamese government.  If anyone doubts that, simply do some open-minded reading on the subject, and you'll see that the back-stabbing and deceit that took place over a period of years, led up to the assassination of the President Diem and his brother (both practicing Catholics).

But that is a subject of another article...

My focus here is to remind those younger folks that we, Vietnam Veterans, do, in fact, exist.  The troops that made it back took on the unexpected challenge of having to respond to attacks on their service; protests; alienation from some insensitive family and friends, as well as other indignities that led to some veterans taking to the bottle, drugs, homelessness, PTSD (it wasn't called PTSD at the time; some called it shell-shock, and, yes, even cowardice -- if you can believe that!). And some, very sadly, took their own lives...

Our generation is getting older; our numbers are shrinking fast.  I'm 71 years old; there are some brothers in their 80s, and some in their 90s.  When we are all gone, will we be remembered, or will we all be forgotten?

I realize that some would like to "forget," but that can't be; it shouldn't be; we all served those unable to defend themselves in the face of Communist aggression to take over and control other peoples' lives.  My mission was to help stop the commies cold, and we did, until we were betrayed.

I am not bitter; just sorry that we couldn't keep the Vietnamese people a free people.

Freedom, it is said, is not free.  I agree; I have first-hand knowledge of just how "expensive" freedom is.

I pray everyday for my fellow Vietnam Veterans that didn't make it back, and those who did, but are still suffering even as I write this little article.

Please remember us...

Pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla


Friday, November 9, 2018

Show me perfection!

Show me perfection, and I'll show you the only two who are perfect: Christ and His own most Blessed Mother!

Are -- not were -- because they are ALIVE as I write this, that is, if you believe that there is a heaven where they reside along with the angels and saints of old.

Other than those TWO, we poor sinners must strive to be perfect as "My Father in heaven is perfect."

The personal battle to be perfect isn't easy, is it?

But there is another battle going on, another war, this time it has little to do with invading another sovereign nation in order to change the current regime running a particular country, and imposing our version of what we consider to be democracy.  No, this time the war is for the soul of America (as Pat Buchanan recently commented in his right-on-article).

As in other wars, and other battles, there are heroes and there are traitors.  What we see happening in our beloved country are very explicit examples of both.  On the one hand, we have an "outsider" president attempting to keep our nation sovereign -- I cannot over emphasize the importance of being sovereign; that is not just another catch-phrase, but may well determine the very survival of America!  On the other hand we have traitors trying to undermine Mr. Trump's efforts to "make America great again".  But these traitors are not wearing military uniforms, or delivering top secret information to foreign spies, no, some of these traitors wear three-piece suits, while others wear skirts or dresses, and ply their hideous trade in the Congress and the Senate of the United States of America.

These miscreants are not only traitors to their country, but also, in many respects, traitors to their faith and the office they were sworn to keep pure and undefiled.  It seems, however, that taking the oath of office on the Bible means little, if anything.  So much for: So Help Me God...

Now, with the House of Representatives in the hands of the "enemy," the war for the soul of America comes to the forefront for all to see.  It is now apparent just who the enemy is and what their goal is.  Prior to the election on November 6, we could only listen or read what these traitors wanted to accomplish, but now they can put those demonic plans into action whether by intimidation, or actual threats of violence.

"What the Trump-establishment war is about is the soul of America, a war in which a compromise on principle can be seen as a betrayal" (Pat Buchanan). 

Let's see if Mr. Trump is for real, or will he succumb to the deep-statists and fall into the trap of "compromise" or "bipartisanship," a dead-end street that will only strengthen their position and embolden them to even loftier heights of treason regardless of the effects on their own constituents, and consequently, on America.

Pray for strength and discernment at this crucial time in our nation's history, and pray for our president, and our country.

Gene DeLalla

Thursday, November 8, 2018

New and more vicious attacks on President Trump...

Now that the House has "flipped," new and more vicious attacks on President Trump have already started.

Demonrat Nadler of New York, has announced that he will lead the charge to impeach Supreme Court justice Kavanaugh (for what?), and continue the witch-hunt into the make-believe Russian "collusion" with Trump to tip the 2016 election in his favor.

Nice try, but no cigar, Demonrat Nadler.

I would urge President Trump not to compromise with any of these haters, filled with malice of forethought, for his (in many respects, pro-life) agenda, or to attain any so-called bipartisanship with these miscreants.  This would only show weakness, not strength of will.

Now more than ever, any right-minded American must pray for Mr. Trump's safety and success in the face of an aggressive pack of power-hungry wolves that will devour him at the slightest chance, and accuse him of heaven knows what, just to stifle and obstruct his continued efforts to protect the country from illegal aliens from overrunning our sovereign nation.  In addition, these socialist maniacs will do all in their power to reverse Mr. Trump's economic policies that has seen enormous success in creating jobs as well as his efforts to return some semblance of self-determination to the people where it belongs.

What we are witnessing is just the beginning of God's creations that have lost their way because they have rejected His natural law that tells our intellects that all life is precious, and the divinely revealed law that also tells our intellects that we must serve God, not mammon (the false god of satan).

The next two years will show us all just what President Trump is really made of: a façade of superficiality, or the guts to take it to the enemies of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness: the godless demonrats that -- for the time being -- have taken control of the House of Representatives of the United States of America.

Beware demonrats, fame is fleeting...

Pray more than ever for our country.

Gene DeLalla

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

The EVIL have taken the House...

Make no mistake, the pre-born will suffer more horrible, painful deaths at the hands of the intellectually possessed Demonrats under the "leadership" of that "devout" "Catholic", Nancy Pelosi and her ilk.

This is no exaggeration: I truly believe that Satan has taken possession of her (Pelosi's) intellect -- not her will -- but in so doing, she can no longer make rational, God-given common sense decisions that affect the lives of the pre-born.  This radical pro-culture-of-death monster -- along with other Demonrat "Catholics" -- will now be in charge of powerful committees that determine funding for the likes of Murder, Inc., aka: planned parenthood.

And to those fallen-away Catholics that say "no one will tell me what to do with my body," beware: your body is NOT yours to do with as you wish; it is supposed to be the temple of the Holy Ghost.  That is Church teaching, period!

Further, if you think that you can poison your body with contraceptive drugs to keep you "safe" from getting pregnant, whether married or not, you place, not only your body at risk, but much more importantly, your immortal soul, that is, if you still believe you have one.

Your culpability is not completely your own, however, but also falls on the shoulders of the weak-kneed clergy that has lost the sense of the primary mission of the Church in the first place: the  SALVATION OF SOULS!

But we can all see the results of such weakness in the form of those "Catholic" politicians that have sold their souls for power and position in this life, and to hell with the consequences that they will face in the next.

There is hope, though, not in the form of more politicians who may be pro-life, although that will help in the short term, but only in the One that we must know and worship in this life in order to be happy with Him in the next.  And that means doing His will, not ours.

I implore all those Catholics out there in cyberspace to rethink where your life is headed: take that well-lit, four lane highway to hell, or the straight and very narrow road that leads to the beatific vision.  The choice is always yours: you have God-given free-will that even He will not interfere with!  He will not force you to come to Him, but wants you to voluntarily invite Him into your heart and soul...

If you are one of those fallen-away; come back!  And soon!! If you are a practicing Catholic, then keep the faith, all is not lost, we have our Lord's word on that: the gates of hell will not prevail against His Church!

Pray for the conversion of those immersed in the culture of death that they may return as the Prodigal Son returned to his father -- AND WAS FORGIVEN!

And pray, too, for our country.

Gene DeLalla

Monday, November 5, 2018

To deceive, if possible, even the Elect...

No, I'm NOT talking about the Elect in the Biblical sense; those "predestined" to enter the heavenly beatitude, but those "elect" who still have the use of their common sense in spite of all the leftist propaganda that so permeates the media -- and that includes social media as well!

Tomorrow, Tuesday, November 6, 2018, is election day for the critical mid-terms that just might decide if Killary -- I mean Hillary -- will, without being elected, give credence that she is the titular head of the American government, from without.  Sound extreme, no, not really, as she STILL thinks she won the 2016 presidential election.  She claims that she won the popular vote that day, but as time revealed, she was the recipient of heavy voter fraud in several key states, and even with her cronies' illegal activities, she lost to Mr. Trump in an electoral landslide.

Add to this nonsense, the Mueller "investigation" into President Trump's supposed "collusion" with the Russians to trip the balance of the vote in the 2016 election to Mr. Trump.  One of the problems with such nonsense, is how some (the "elect"?) are affected by this non-existent garbage to intensify their bias toward our president.  We see this on a daily basis, especially by the likes of the America-hating liberal media outlets spewing lies and malice against Mr.Trump.

If that were the only aspect of this bias and malice, that's one thing, but the outright threats of violence against anyone of the more "conservative" bent -- including the president -- is outright anarchy and nothing short of revolutionary.  In the military, we call it a coup d'etat.

So, are the "elect" really the elect, or are they the weak-minded sheep that are easily led over the cliff by the Judas goat?

We will find out if those "elect" -- establishment, and neo-con Republicrats -- are in the majority, or will the "silent majority" -- the real "elect" -- awaken and continue to take back our country from the deep-statists so hell-bent on making our America another third-world hell-hole.

After Pearl Harbor, Admiral Yamamoto, commander of the Japanese flotilla that hit Pearl, was quoted as saying to his celebrating officers: I fear that all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.

Will, we, the true "elect" awaken to what the haters of our sovereign country are trying to accomplish and take action at the ballot box to secure our nation in the face of, and in spite of, the power and wealth being used to prop-up the godless agenda of the radical Left?  And, will we be "filled with a terrible resolve" to secure the social norms of tradition and personal responsibility?

And that includes, first and foremost, the right-to-life of the pre-born!  For without the right-to-life, all other endeavors and rights are meaningless...

Pray for our country and our President..

Gene DeLalla  

Friday, November 2, 2018

Do the elites care about you?

A question of the ages.  But the answer is simple: no, they don't care about you, or me.

As an example, if they can produce robots to replace those who depend on a job to support their families and pay their bills, they will do just that. If you or I get in their way and pose an obstacle to their agenda, we can be "taken care of."

This is no exaggeration.  One horrible example can prove my statement; it concerns many holistic doctors, both men and women, who provided alternative avenues to conventional methods and treatments for many debilitating diseases, meeting with more than just a modicum of success.  And because of that success, over 100 of these medical doctors, as well as PHDs, have been killed.  The façade is that many of them committed suicide, or were killed in traffic "accidents."  

I don't buy it, and neither do the families of those who were "taken care of," buy it.

It seems apparent to me, that when a system is bucked -- a system that is worth uncountable billions of dollars -- then those who have a stake in that system will do whatever it takes to protect that source of revenue at all costs.    

How many of these elitist globalists even believe in God?  I would venture to say that few, if any, do.  And because of that, their intellects are darkened as to what the Natural Law demands of all humans: God-given common sense.  Without that, it becomes easy to invite the demon into their slothful lives, opening up their wills to do more and more evil.  Once the soul is in a state of grave sin, it becomes easier to compound their nasty deeds regardless of the cost to their fellow human beings.  Hence, the superrich acquire more and more wealth to foster an agenda that betrays societal norms in favor of their intended end: socialism.  A monstrous and despicable sin against the reign of God, and the creatures He created in His image.  Make no mistake, they believe, not in God, but in themselves, as "god."

Think about it: Christ said that without Him, you can do nothing, and that includes breathing.  Without the beneficence of God, you would stop breathing, in other words, we owe our very breaths, our very lives to our Almighty God.  Yet, the evil among us continue to breathe, to continue to do their evil deeds, causing suffering of those "beneath" them.  The reality of evil, and how it thrives, is a great mystery.   How and why does evil perpetuate itself in society in general, and in our lives in particular?  Again, this is a great mystery, to those who have fear of the Lord, but to those who believe not, there is no accountability, no one to answer to, for their demonic actions, yet they too, will, in the end, face the Just Judge, then they will answer for their misuse of the talents and wealth they have accrued either by legal or illegal means, as well as the misery they have inflicted on their fellow neighbors. 

Do the elites care about you?  No, because they are not of God...

Pray for our country, and pray for the conversion of those that hate us.

Gene DeLalla

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Death and mayhem in Chicago continues unabated!

Horrible death and mayhem in the city of Chicago continues unabated.

The following information is from a article with statistics provided by the Chicago Tribune and the Chicago Sun-Times...

Here are the up-to-date statistics:

Since the beginning of the year, 2,530 people have been shot in Chicago, according to the shooting and homicide data maintained by the Chicago Tribune

Further data, collected by the Chicago Sun-Times, shows there have been 469 homicides in Chicago so far this year -- 408 of those deaths resulted from shootings. Another 30 homicides were caused by stabbing and another 31 deaths were caused by "another type" of violence. 
Despite these crimes, a new YouGov poll shows that nearly half (45%) of Chicagoans say gun violence is "not a problem." Fifty-one percent say it is "a problem."  [The brainwashed liberals cannot see the forest for the trees!!]
For the 408 shooting deaths so far this year, 340 of the victims were black, 19 were white, and 46 were Hispanic, according to the Sun-Times
For the 30 stabbing deaths, 20 of the victims were black, 4 were white, and 6 were Hispanic. 
In the other 31-- "another type of" -- homicides, 16 of the victims were black, 5 were white and 8 were Hispanic.
For the 340 blacks that were killed in a shooting, 312 of the victims were men
Overall, for the shooting deaths in Chicago this year, 83.3% of the victims were black. Among the stabbing victims 66.6% were black.  Among the other types of homicide, 51.6% of the victims were black. 

End of information from the article...

How much longer will this be allowed to continue??   
If the civil authorities are unable or unwilling to stem this terrible tide, then the feds should send in the troops to "search and destroy" the bad guys, or at least get them off the streets and throw them into prison for life.  
Why is this happening in the first place?  The answer is almost too simple: The breakdown of the family unit; the rejection of the Natural Law, and ultimately, the rejection of God Almighty.  When people fall into this diabolical trap, they become as the animals in the jungle where survival of the fittest becomes the supreme law of the land.

Stay tuned for further updates on this ongoing disaster...

And always pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla

Devastating Implications Of Heretical "Cardinals" Voting In The Next Conclave! (The Sedevacantists Will Have A Field Day, Proving They Are "Right"!)

 Think about the horrific implications of heretics voting for the next pope! What are some of those implications? How about the fact that a ...