Tuesday, November 12, 2019

A Message To All Veterans...

A soldier trains to be proficient in his field of expertise so that, if necessary, he can take out and defeat an enemy.  But a true patriot does not wish for war, but rather hopes that his skills will never be used on the field of battle.  A true patriot does not relish the idea of killing another human being, or destroying someone else's country.  Quite the opposite...

Yesterday, Monday, November 11, 2019, we celebrated Veteran's Day here in the U.S. of A., and rightly so.  It is a reminder of who is tasked with the duty to protect and defend his fatherland; the land of his birth, or the land that he loved so much, that he wanted -- and did -- become a citizen of his adopted country: the Untied States of America.  It also commemorates those men that have gone before us; many making the ultimate sacrifice to secure or protect the freedoms that we enjoy today, or the freedoms of those unable to defend against an overpowering, tyrannical enemy force.

Any soldier (and I include all branches of the military when I use the word: soldier -- no offense to the Marines, Navy, Air Force, or Coast Guard!!) that longs for conflict or outright war is a nutcase; he is not a patriot.

Any soldier that has been in combat, or has seen his G.I. brothers KIA or WIA or become MIA or a POW, knows that war is hell on earth, not to mention those people that suffer the most in war: the civilian populace; the innocent non-combatants; the "collateral damage" of the near-total destruction of homes and infrastructure.

Children become orphans, or mothers and fathers lose the product of their married love; fear, hunger and despair rule.   Far too many lives are completely ruined, with little hope of recuperating any sense of normalcy.  The list is so endless, that it can fill a book...

What it comes right down to it, war is the result of grievous sins against the God Who made us.  Most of the world has rejected its Creator, replacing Him with the father of lies, Satan.  The big lie of Satan is that he can make us our own little god, with no need for our Father, who art in Heaven...  But in the long run, the price for this massive apostacy will have to be paid in more wars and rumors of wars,

The "liberty" to sin is not freedom, but pure slavery...

God will not be mocked: believe it!

A true soldier prays for peace; not war.

I ask all patriots to pray for peace, and pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla

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