Monday, November 18, 2019

The Trained Seals; The Useful Idiots Of The Kangaroo Court That Convicted Roger Stone And David Daleiden....

(See The American Tragedy Of The Roger Stone Conviction...)

The elites that gain complete control of every aspect of our lives, and turn our justice system into a tool for persecution of true patriots, will finally realize that when total control does come, will be the first to exit the stage and not voluntarily either (I refer you to read up on the French Revolution, and see what happened to those initial instigators of that horror, who themselves, went on to pay a visit to the guillotine).

As more sickening details come to light regarding the sham trial of Mr. Stone, it has become quite clear that Lady Justice has really turned a blind eye to whom those that count on her to have a fair trial by a jury of their peers, no longer exists in our beloved country.

True due process -- as guaranteed by the Sixth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution -- was suppressed by the "judge" that oversaw the kangaroo show-trial, and convicted by a biased bunch of lackeys of the deep-state.

This should send a message to all freedom-loving Americans to be on their guard, and watch and wait to see what comes next.  Be vigilant, because if we are not, then we will become victims of these demonically possessed traitors to our country.

There is even more evidence to support the fact of kangaroo show-trials: witness the recent conviction of David Daleiden and his undercover videos that exposed the filth and horror of the selling of aborted baby parts for profit, and that diabolical enterprise known as "planned parenthood" -- a.k.a., Murder, Inc.   

The compromised "judge" and his wife, are intimately involved with those baby killers and fully support their organization.   

Fairness?  Impartiality?  Justice?  

Forget it!

These two recent kangaroo court sham-trials, are attacks on true whistleblowers, and is another message to keep our mouths shut or face the consequences of the God-haters, and devil lovers.  


Forget it!

Remember the account in the Bible: Pilate didn't recognize the Truth (Christ) Who was standing right before his eyes.  If he could not recognize THAT Truth, then how on earth will corrupt, and fallen "judges" recognize truth in their present-day courtrooms?  Add to that, their malice and bias, and you have a recipe for disaster of our God-given rights guaranteed by the Natural Law...

Houston; we have a problem...

Pray unceasingly for our country...

Gene DeLalla


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