Friday, November 29, 2019

The Sneaky Deep-Staters At The State Department...

Even though President Trump pulled us out of the lunacy of the Paris climate nonsense, the Deep-Staters are in the process of undermining their president's efforts to bring some measure of sanity back to the functioning of the U.S. government bureaucracy that is the (unnecessary?) State Department, headed by Mr. Pompeo...

As I write this, the girly-men that left their testosterone in the medicine cabinet, are continuing to send representatives to the ongoing talks among the European, socialist maggots hell-bent on stifling the American economy -- by international force of "law" -- while ignoring the real culprits emitting those nasty green-house gases that all those little kiddies are so afraid of.

And just who are those culprits?  China and India.

There is little to no mention of those two countries when it comes to sanctions, or to force them to put scrubbers on their filthy coal-burning plants.  In contrast, the U.S. has the cleanest coal-fired plants in the world!  Yet, it was Killary (that's Hillary) that boasted that she would do her dead-level best to close the coal mines and force those that make a living bringing low-Sulphur coal to the market, to the West Virginia unemployment office!!!

She didn't have a lick of sense, then, and she still doesn't...

Guess just who is sending reps to those meetings?   The heads of some of the biggest oil and gas, as well as utility companies in the world.  Talk about self-hating "capitalists".  Go figure...

This is just another example of the SWAMP that seems to fill back up, just as soon as Mr. Trump starts to drain it, and bring some measure of efficiency and loyalty to those that serve at the president's pleasure.  By the way, with all the ridiculous talk about the president not being able, or shouldn't fire someone that works in his administration, they fail to realize that a president can fire whomever he wants, even for no reason at all.  In point of fact, when William Clinton became president, he immediately fired literally hundreds of employees within the various cabinet offices, including many federal attorneys, with not a peep from the lamestream media, not one.

What I fear most, is that even if Mr. Trump wins in 2020, the virulent hatred of his enemies might just get violent.  In addition, what will happen after he serves-out his second term?  Will a Demonrat get elected to the presidency?  If that happens, you can kiss your rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness good-bye.  I am not exaggerating!

We must pray for our president, and pray for our country, now more than ever!

Gene DeLalla

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