Friday, November 22, 2019

The Date: November 22, 1963...

The place: Dallas, Texas.  The date: November 22, 1963.  The "event": the assassination of the first Catholic president: John F. Kennedy.

The killer: UNKNOWN.

But wait a minute!  Wasn't it Lee Harvey Oswald?

Perhaps, but not likely.

I know that there are many out there that weren't even born when Kennedy was murdered, but at least they should know from studying American history that this horrible chapter in our history took place. If they aren't taught about this, then that would be another indictment of our deficient system that passes, for what should be, education...

I vividly remember that terrible day... I was a junior in high school... I had gotten out of class for the day, and took the bus back to the area where I lived (the Bronx, N.Y.), but instead of going directly home, I visited my buddy a few blocks away.  We were both coin collectors, and he invited me to check out his pretty extensive and complete collection.  I was quite happy to do so, even though we were competitors of sorts...

As I was glancing at his Mercury dime collection, the phone rang... It was his dad calling from "downtown" -- Manhattan -- and telling his son about the president being shot.  My friend came back into the living room and mentioned that his dad just told a "joke" about Kennedy taking a bullet in Dallas...

We both dismissed this and continued to view his collection of silver coins...

After a while, I left his house and started the short trek to my apartment building...

As I was walking down the sidewalk, a couple of girls from my school were coming in my direction...  As they approached me, they asked if I had heard anything about the president being shot... It was at that point that I realized that this was not just a joke gone bad, but the real thing.

From that point on, the reality of this monstrous act set in, and the country and the world were on tender hooks, seeing and listening to all the gory -- but true -- details of President Kennedy's assassination.   He died right there in the lap of his wife as the motorcade drove past the Dallas school-book depository building...

I have to mention that Kennedy's assassination took place just a couple of very short months after  President Diem of South Vietnam and his brother were assassinated as they were leaving Mass; hustled into a vehicle, and brutally murdered.

Were those sinister forces also responsible for Kennedy's murder?   I don't know, but it seems that history has surely repeated itself here...

The United States and the world, for that matter, would never be the same again.

I'm afraid that the "good ol' days" were long gone.  They departed right after the Second World War, and continued downhill from there.   And now, the taking of the life of our president...

I don't know all the details of his murder, and who was responsible for taking him out.  There have been many theories as to the who, what, where, when, how, and why, but I do know that the "official" story just doesn't add up.

The fact remains, however, that his death sent our country into a tailspin that it hasn't recovered from, and probably never will.  Things are very different now; our national innocence is long gone; we continue to question our beliefs -- who can we trust to tell us the truth??  This is very evident today, as we see our current president being attacked up one side and down the other, simply because he is "different"; he is challenging the status quo -- and not a good status quo at that.  With all the malice and talk of removing him from office -- some calling for violence, if necessary -- will he make it through his first term?

Remember this day, and pray for John F. Kennedy, and pray too, for President Trump and our country.

Gene DeLalla

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