Monday, November 4, 2019

"Is The Pope Catholic"?

Remember when someone would say something so obvious, so factual, that the response would go something like this: "Is The Pope Catholic"?  Or, being slightly gross: "Does A Bear Poop In The Woods"?

I think you get the idea without any further illustration...

So now, I have to ask -- again: Is The Pope Catholic?

I must say, that what is coming out of Rome, and, more specifically, what is emanating from the Chair of Peter, almost on a daily basis, is most certainly not Catholic, period!

It should be painfully obvious that the words and actions -- that's how we judge! -- have provided fodder for the anti-Catholic bigots around the world, especially from those who are deeply engrossed in those un-natural "lifestyles" that we are so bombarded with, through the media, day after day...

Where are our faithful shepherds that have the responsibility to guide their flocks to their heavenly destiny, fighting to the death, if necessary, to stomp out the heresies that seem to flood the Church like an unstoppable tsunami?

Sure, there are some bishops and cardinals, as well as some courageous priests -- some more traditional-minded priests have been forced into hiding for fear for their very lives!! -- that have bucked the trend to bend over backwards to placate Bergolio and his demonic, anti-Christ agenda.  But their response is tepid at best...

Remember what our Lord said about His "lukewarm" followers (paraphrasing): be hot or cold, but I will spit you out like vomit -- if you are lukewarm!!  Pretty strong words coming from the Lamb of love and mercy!

They must condemn -- yes, condemn -- in the strongest terms, the false "religions" of environmentalism, syncretism, idol worship, and other such blasphemies and sacrileges, including the desecration of Catholic churches polluted with wooden, pagan "gods".

It seems that the First Commandment has been consigned to the dustbin of ecclesiastical history!

This is more horrible than any violation of any other Commandment, because it practically ignores and denigrates the Creator and His DEMAND that He be first in our lives.

It is apparent that Bergolio no longer believes that he owes his very being to His Master, Jesus Christ.  He continues, afresh, to pound nails into the hands of our Lord -- as we all do when we sin!

When will this horrendous crisis in the Church of Christ end?  I don't know, but what I do know, is that we have to resist -- to the face -- any, and all, heresies that contradict Church doctrine as handed down from Our Lord to His Apostles and their successors.  There is no other choice!

The Elect, I feel, will be few and far between, as opposed to the phony "bishop" Barron who seems to think that all men will eventually be saved!!   You are wrong, "bishop", dead wrong!!   You conveniently leave out the second part of the sentence: and come to the knowledge of the Truth!

The problem is, is that there are some "Catholics" who are so ignorant of their faith, that they will follow such "bishops" over the cliff, happily following the Judas goat to their spiritual death...

Please, Lord, we need an army of faithful, traditional Catholics led by another St. Athanasius, and quickly!!

Earnestly pray for an end to this apostasy, and pray too, for our country...

Gene DeLalla

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