Saturday, November 23, 2019

Your Constitutional Rights No Longer Exist...

Think I'm kidding?  Think I'm exaggerating?  Think you still have due process under the "law"?  Think you are still considered innocent until proven guilty if you are charged with a crime?  Think you still have complete control of the lives of your young children?   Take them to a hospital and refuse some type of treatment and see what happens, especially when it comes to vaccinations.

Think you still have sovereign property rights?   It was the GOOD Pope Leo XIII that extolled the importance of property rights for all free peoples.  But the behemoth central government can -- and does -- confiscate our properties without the due process that I just mentioned.  Recent history is replete with such illegal confiscation of property simply using words printed on paper, regardless of whether those words reflect truth or falsehoods.

Think your life cannot be ruined in a flash once "peace officers" swarm your home with swat teams in the middle of the night for a "process crime"?   I would urge all to see the video of the shameless invasion of the home of Roger Stone and his wife as they lay sleeping.  But the insult didn't end there, the cops were equipped with automatic rifles and had them pointed at Mr. Stone as they took him into custody.

The result?  Stone was convicted of a "process crime" by a biased and bought kangaroo court, stacked with Trump-hating jurors.

Due process?  Evidence was denied; lies were told under oath -- it's called perjury.  As soon as the verdict was announced, there were those who called for his death or life in prison!  Why?  Because he is an ardent supporter of President Trump.  That is how deep the hatred for Mr. Trump -- and for his supporters go.  There will be no end to the constant attacks and calls for Mr. Trump to step down from office.  He won't, and he shouldn't.  He must fight to the end, if necessary.

His rights are being stomped upon; he is being tried in the court of public opinion after the successful brainwashing of far too many Americans who believe what they see and hear on the "6 o'clock news", or NPR, or read in  the New York Times...

It has become painfully clear that the good guy has now become the bad guy, and the bad guy has now become the victim!

Think about that!  If you accuse someone of a dastardly crime perpetrated against you, it makes no difference, it only matters if the criminal can use or abuse the "system" and cry foul, or racism, if that happens, your right to a fair trial is dead on arrival.  The bad guy will gladly and readily perjure himself in the blink of an eye.  Just take a look, or listen, to the lying Demonrats on the "intelligence" committee (Intelligence?  What a misnomer!) attempting to frame Mr. Trump for some non-existent crime.

One last thought: Mark my words, if the Second Amendment is rendered moot by the efforts of the hard Left, then our Constitutional rights will be consigned to the dustbin of history...

Pray for Mr. Stone, and President Trump, and pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla

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