Friday, November 1, 2019

If Satan Gets The Children, He Owns The World!!!

More and more stories are appearing on a daily basis, exposing the radical Left's agenda to implement bizarre and unnatural "sex education" to kiddies from Kindergarten on up!!

This is not an exaggeration; it is the TRUTH, and the sooner parents remove their youngsters from the public indoctrination centers -- that is, the public school system -- the better.  Not only for the sake of the sanity of their children, but also for their own culpability in their responsibility in being the primary educators of their children, as well as being the guardians of their immortal souls.

Witness just one horrendous story --  there are many!! --that comes out of Austin, Texas just recently.  But keep in mind, that the once "conservative, red" state has now sunk into full-blown degeneracy.

Here is an excerpt of a story from  "Despite heavy turnout from parents opposed to the plan, the Austin Independent School District voted Tuesday to approve a sex education curriculum that calls for teaching children as early as third grade how to engage in sodomy and put on condoms, that gender is “non-binary,” and more."

Add to this diabolical stupidity, is the relatively new phenomenon of the so-called "drag queens" poisoning the young minds in an atmosphere that is supposed to be used for learning and research, but has now turned libraries into a witches brew of debauchery.

What is more unbelievable is the fact that "parents" are willingly taking their young charges to these bastions of filth; for what?  So they can learn to be "tolerant," or "inclusive" in their thinking?   The problem is, is that they are far too young to make the necessary decisions that will form their lives, their attitudes and values as they grow into adulthood.

Can you see the plan here?   It is as plain as day: if Satan gets the kids, he gets the world!!!

To date, he has been unbelievably successful!  

I know, I know that God is ultimately in control, but I feel that what is happening in our country, and most Western nations, is a massive chastisement for man's defection from their Creator, and succumbing to the idea that got Adam and Eve in big trouble: disobedience to God.  

In the present day, it is much more than that: it is absolutely kicking God out of the public sphere, and that includes the public school system.   This is part of the "vast left-wing conspiracy" to warp the minds and heart of our youngsters, and have them hate what is good, and praise and support what is evil.  If those demons could make the young believe that they could fit a square peg into a round hole, they would do it, and the kids will try like hell to make that work!!!

It is called brainwashing, and the parents will pay a high price for not fulfilling their obligation to protect and direct their children to their final end, the heavenly beatitude...

Pray like you have never prayed before to defeat this deadly agenda, and pray too, for our country.

Gene DeLalla

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