Thursday, November 7, 2019

Child Burning/Eating Pagan Idol, Moloch, Set Up Near Colosseum In Rome...

ROME, November 6, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – A reconstruction of a pagan idol who demanded child sacrifice was stationed at the entrance of Rome’s Colosseum as part of a secular historical exhibition.

The presence of the idol raised particular concern among Catholics, as it was erected nine days before the Amazon Synod and the subsequent scandal over the veneration of the Pachamama idol at the Vatican.

The statue of Moloch, worshipped by both the Canaanites and the Phoenicians, is part of an exhibit dedicated to Ancient Rome’s once-great rival, the city of Carthage. The large-scale exhibition, titled Carthago: The immortal myth, runs until March 29, 2020.
The statue of Moloch was erected nine days prior to the opening of the Amazon Synod, which was plagued with controversy from the beginning after a ceremony in the Vatican Gardens involving the pagan goddess “Pachamama” was held in the presence of Pope Francis and top-ranking prelates.
Alexandra Clark saw a connection between the idol of Moloch and the Pachamama images that featured so prominently at the recently concluded Amazonian Synod. 
The image of Moloch is modeled on a representation of the child-devouring demon found in the 1914 Italian silent film Cabiria. In the film the idol of Moloch, set up in a Punic temple, has a giant bronze furnace in his chest, into which hundreds of children are thrown. Cabiria, the heroine of the film, is threatened with this fiery fate. 
The film’s depiction of the idol has a historical basis. Three ancient Greek historians all attest that it was customary in Carthage to burn children alive as offerings to the deity, whom they called Baal and Cronus or Saturn, the Roman god who, according to myth, ate his own children lest they supplant him. Moloch is also mentioned several times in the Book of Leviticus.
MY COMMENT: See for yourself...  The "Eternal City," Rome, has now become a cesspool of sexual deviance; sacrilege; child murder, e.g., "planned parenthood"; apostasy; heresy, and scandal.  

Why would the successor of St. Peter allow this monstrosity to be set up at the entrance to the Colosseum where Christians (that's Catholics!) were thrown to the wild animals and devoured, as others cheered, with the blood of the martyrs that became the seed of the nascent Church of Christ???
The answer has become painfully clear: "pope" Francis is part of the movement to establish a one-world-religion of secular humanism, period.  
I ask again: Is The Pope Catholic?   Apparently not.  We must pray for his conversion to the Catholic Faith, and that he repents -- publicly -- for the sins of apostasy, heresy and scandal.  But I wouldn't hold my breath...
Pray too for our country...
Gene DeLalla

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