Thursday, November 14, 2019

Have We Become Numb To Secular And Ecclesiastical Corruption?

Have we, in fact, become numb to secular and ecclesiastical corruption??

Apparently so...

Look at what is happening in American politics, as well as in society in general.  Look too, to what is happening in the "Catholic" Church, and see if there is a link to the filthy corruption in our beloved land, as well as the corruption in MY beloved Church of Christ.

Of course there is a link!!!

As the Church goes, so goes society; a very true saying.

This has been proven over the years, in fact, over the centuries from the time just after the founding of the nascent church from the time of Our Lord.  Can I back up my statement?  I can...

Take a quick look at one of the original bishops that sat with Our Lord at the Last Supper: Judas Iscariot.  And when Our Lord was taken prisoner, His first choice to head the Church, Peter, denied his Master not one, but three times!

But God would not be mocked, and the blood of the martyrs became the seed of the Church because of the Divine command to preach and baptize ALL nations.  That divine command was in the process of being accomplished until Julian the Apostate abandoned the Catholic Faith and reignited the persecution of the early Catholics of the Fourth Century, only to be defeated in 363 A.D.  Just before he died, he uttered: “Thou hast conquered O Galilean!"

But true evangelization would continue, and continue to our day...

I say true evangelization, not the false ecumenism that was hatched at the demonic Second Vatican Council...

Unfortunately, the real Catholic faith began to be weakened way before Vat. II, in fact we'll have to go back to the Protestant Revolt (not "reformation"), and see that apostasy from the faith took place, en masse, when Henry VIII (former defender of the Faith!!), decided to become the head of the church in England (formerly known as Our Lady's Dowry).  It didn't take much, just about 100,000 Pounds, and a threat to have their necks stretched on the rack...

Fast forward to the founding or our country, and the new brand, so to speak, of Catholicism; new that is, because it had no resemblance to the Faith of our Fathers; the faith that made saints and martyrs.

It became known as Americanism; a heresy officially condemned by Pope Leo XIII... Basically, it is the watering down of Church teaching -- its core doctrines -- in order not to make waves; to go along to get along.  We see the results of that watering down of doctrine today, and the havoc it has produced among the shepherds whose duty it is to guide the flock to their heavenly beatitude, instead we have those very same shepherds leading many souls over the cliff to spiritual death.

I contend that it is that weakness that allowed the diabolical decision  of the Supreme Court of 1973 (Roe v Wade) to stand.  The results are horrific: nearly 62,000,000 (MILLION!) pre-born babies massacred in the womb of their "mothers".   

But as devastating as that is, it was only the beginning of the madness that has infected secular society, from the homosexual, "transgender," and LGBT lunacy, to so-called "drag queens" indoctrinating little children in libraries, with complicit "parents" only too willing to show that they are "tolerant" and want to enshrine "diversity" into their young charges!

What a high and eternal price they will have to pay on Judgment Day!!!!!!!!!!

The corruption in our society, and what now passes fort the "Catholic" Church, continues unabated, with the official stamp of approval of a renegade pope, Bergoglio.  His actions are exacerbating an already scandalous papacy extolling the virtues of idolatry and paganism, lightly coated with "mercy" and "inclusiveness."  

Our politicians take notice of the weakness, and find no shame in receiving the Holy Eucharist, at least those that label themselves Catholic, while at the same time, are hell-bent on making sure that a woman can kill her developing baby, all worshipping on the altar of choice (but no choice for the pre-born baby!).  

As the Church goes, so goes society...

Pray for a quick and complete demise of the new-order "Catholic" Church, and for the consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  If this is not done, then the devil will continue to have his way until the Second Coming...

Pray, especially, for President Trump that he may convert to the true Catholic faith, and defeat those foreign and domestic enemies that, literally, want to destroy our homeland.

Gene DeLalla

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