Tuesday, November 19, 2019

If I Denied Christ's Divinity, And Denied His Resurrection, Would I Be A Formal Heretic?

Let me repeat this important question: If I Denied Christ's Divinity, And Denied His Resurrection, Would I Be A Formal Heretic?

Of course...

It has been revealed that one of "pope" Bergoglio's confidants -- a 95 year-old atheist (why God allowed this enemy of the Cross to live so long, I haven't got the slightest idea, except, perhaps, to convert?) -- has reported in previous interviews with the "pope," that he does not believe that Christ was Divine, and further -- and this is the "icing on  the cake" -- he (Bergoglio) does not believe in the bodily Resurrection of his Master and Lord!

So far, he, Bergoglio, has not denied those reports.  The Vatican made some vague clarification that we should not take everything that the atheist, Scalfari, wrote, literally.  But as far as I have read, he has not actually denied these two foundational pillars of the Christian (Catholic) faith.

St. Paul tells us that if Christ did not rise from the dead, then we have no basis for our faith; in effect, no hope for our salvation, period.

All the blasphemies and heresies coming out of Rome, simply give fodder to those who believe that the Chair of Peter is vacant, and has been vacant for … how long??

What a mess the new-order "Catholic" Church is in.  I wouldn't care one bit if its demise occurred tomorrow, but the problem is, is that the world at-large, thinks that those phonies represent the real Catholic Church -- the one that our Lord said the gates of hell would never prevail against her.

So, here we are; a pope that doesn't believe that our Lord is divine, and that He didn't rise from  the dead; conquered death, and opened the gates of Heaven for all of us.  Hmmm... then I guess he doesn't believe that those gates have been opened??  Are still jammed-shut?

It was also reported that Bergoglio thinks that those souls that are damned, just disappear; annihilated in effect, but don't go to "hell" -- if he even believes that hell exists...

What should faithful Catholics do in the face of these apostasies?   First of all, take care of your own  soul, and the souls of those entrusted to you (family, etc.); pray for proper discernment; love thy neighbor; spread the Word in a way that reflects your abilities and talents; attend the Traditional Latin Mass regularly; pray the Rosary frequently, and implore the Blessed Mother for succor and comfort in a world gone crazy, and most of all, never give an inch; never despair!!

And pray unceasingly for the true Catholic Church, and pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla

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