Thursday, November 28, 2019

Drop Off Your Kids At School, And Your Parental Rights End!!

The title of this article is not an exaggeration!

In a recent court decision (by some deranged "judge") when you drop off your children at school, basically, you have forfeited your parental rights.  This is -- to put it mildly -- a disaster in the making.  Hence, the school then becomes the "parents," and you had better shut up if you don't like the filth of the curriculum that your child is being force-fed.

The question then begs: why would any parent subject their children to this madness?

What is going on here?

Could it be that most -- not all -- parents are ignorant of the brainwashing that goes on every single day; five days a week?

I can't believe that that is the case.

So, I ask again: what is going on here?

Only rarely does one read or hear about a parent or parents complaining or standing up against insane policies or the school's curriculum.  And what happens?  Very little at best; censoring, and even arrest at worst.  It has happened...

Remember, the "judge" said that parental rights end when you drop your child at the school door...

But there are a few organizations that are fighting ultra-liberal schoolboards across the country asserting parental rights and squashing programs designed to inculcate bizarre and destructive anti-American revisionist history.  But even more importantly, shoving down their throats demonic "sex-ed" programs that steal the innocence of their offspring.

But that's not all... It has become known, that underage children are secretly given birth control paraphernalia, and/or, vaccines, without parents' knowledge!! 

In the end, it is the responsibility of the parents for the education of their children, not the schools.  And if parents were to take this to heart, they would make the sacrifice to home-school, and pull their kids out of the indoctrination centers that pass for public "education".  Further, parents have a responsibility to God, the Giver of Life; the One who allowed husband and wife to become parents in the first place.  I cannot imagine the judgment parents will face if they shirk their duties, and allow their children to succumb to the spirit of the age that seems so enticing, yet so destructive...

Pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla


  1. Good to have some link attached in order to read this court decision. Thanks in advance and keep up with your publishing.


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