Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Mob...

Some people call it the Mafia; some call it the Outfit; some simply call it the Mob, but no matter what you label it, the tactics they use are deadly, literally, to anyone that attempts to buck the system.

In the early days, the Mafia was created, if you will, in southern Italy -- Sicily to be exact.  Eventually, it was transported to the U.S. in the early days of the last century, actually, the 19th Century.

And believe it or not, the early Mob took root in the deep South -- the very deep South, all the way down in Louisiana; New Orleans to be more exact...

New York was the focal point for the immigrants coming over from the "old country" of Italy, but also many other countries of Europe desiring to escape the desperate living conditions of their native lands, searching for a new way of life and opportunities, especially for their children.

But Europe was not the only area of the world to export their peoples.  Asia, too, had many searching for a better life, including, but not limited to, China.

New communities were formed such as "Little Italy" in Manhattan, along with many "little" Irelands, Polands, Chinatowns, etc.

With the influx of the various nationalities, the bad guys come along with the good.  Weakened human nature affects us all, and the immigrants were no different in that respect.

Gangs formed, not only in New York and Louisiana, but also in Chicago, Philadelphia and other major cities of the U.S. of A.

At first, it seemed that the Italians had a monopoly on corruption and mayhem, with the early mob called the Black Hand, morphing into the Mafia.  Of course, many faithful Italians were God-fearing, Church loving Catholics with a strong tradition of faith and love of neighbor...

Most of us are familiar with the movie The Godfather.  Even though it was a creation of Hollywood, some of the tactics seen in the movie are actually used to threaten those that cross the mob.

But there are other mobs running loose, not only in our own, beloved country, but also right smack in the middle of Italy, this time, in what is left of the Catholic Church!

In politics, we see the out-of-control mob trying to tear down our Republic, including removing from office -- at all costs!!! -- the President of the United States: Donald Trump.

In church matters, we see corruption and filth all around, concentrated in the new-order "Catholic" Church.   That mob is part and parcel of the modernist revolution that started many years before the disaster that was the Second Vatican Council...

Now, in Rome, we have the head of the mob sitting in the Chair of St. Peter, a character by the name of Bergoglio, doing his best to complete the destruction of the Catholic faith by sewing the seeds of scandal and idolatry.  He has transported his sick ideology from South America and polluted what is left of authentic Church teaching with his unbelievable "tolerance" of the homosexuals in the "clergy," also known as the Lavender Mafia.

And any good and faithful clergy -- whatever is left of them -- that attempt to buck the system, are targeted and threatened to the point of fearing for their lives, with some going into hiding.

I am totally convinced that the tactics that the criminal Mafia bosses use, are being used by the criminal hierarchy occupying the churches.

Most of the bishops, not only in this country, but also in most of the world, are political animals who care little for where they will spend eternity, all for power and position in this world.  Some -- many -- are tainted with the filth of homosexuality or are at least sympathetic to the un-natural acts associated with that "lifestyle".  Some go so far as saying that such is willed by God Himself -- blasphemy!!! 

The Church is, at present, undergoing a vast and very trying chastisement to weed out the chaff from the wheat.  As gold is purified in intense heat to purge it of impurities, so too are we being purged for our spiritual sloth...

When will we wake up????

Pray, not only for our country, but pray, too, for the REAL Catholic Church, outside of which, there  is absolutely no salvation for any human creature.  Bet on it!  

Gene DeLallla 

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