Monday, November 25, 2019

Pregnant With A Down Syndrome Baby? Stay Out Of Pennsylvania!!!

Demonrat "Governor" Tom Wolf vetoed a bill that would stop the murder of pre-born babies diagnosed with Down Syndrome, sighting women's "health care" would be in  jeopardy!!!

In fact, it is common practice in America and around the world to abort preborn children specifically because of a Down’s diagnosis. It has been estimated that 67 percent of babies in the United States to receive a Down syndrome diagnosis are aborted, 77% in France, 98% in Denmark, 90% in Great Britain, 65% in Norway, virtually 100% in Iceland, and 95% in Spain.

My Comment: The levels that these child-killing monsters will sink is nothing compared to the levels that they will sink to in hell.

Talk about child abuse; talk about anti-Semitism; talk about racism; talk about hate; talk about child sacrifice to Satan; talk about the religion of death and mayhem; and finally, talk about the loss of the immortal souls of these hideous baby killers...

At this point in time, the devil is in control of the numerous Demonrat (and some Republicrat) politicians that serve at his pleasure!  

Worse than any human sacrifice of the ancient Aztecs and Incas where the heart was ripped out of a living human to satisfy their sick gods to insure their prosperity, etc...

The sinister goal to make the killing of the pre-born accepted and normal has been accomplished; the sinister goal to make homosexuality normal and accepted has been accomplished; the sinister goal to let a baby that survived an abortion attempt, die and thrown into the trash, has been accomplished; the goal of killing the elderly (because they are "useless eaters") has been accomplished; the goal to destroy the family has almost been accomplished, and finally, the goal to eliminate God from our society has almost been accomplished; almost...

Pray for an end to the scourge of abortion, contraception, euthanasia, infanticide, homosexuality, and the other uncountable, un-natural "lifestyles" and attacks on the family that permeate our society.   

Gene DeLalla

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