Wednesday, November 27, 2019

If It Walks Like A Duck, And Quacks Like A Duck...

Using our common sense, we know that if it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, you can be almost 99.99 percent sure that it is a duck.

The same goes for a traitor: if he talks like a traitor, and acts like a traitor, then you can be almost 99.99 percent sure that he (or she) is a traitor.

So, if you put the two together, then we can be reasonably sure that we have a duck that is a traitor!

Only kidding...

But I'm not kidding that we have "ducks" in Rome, headquartered in the Vatican, and we have "ducks" in D.C. headquartered in the "swamp".

Both entities, are, in reality, traitors.  The first group of "ducks," are those that wear the Roman collar and claim to be, or act like priests, but are traitors to Christ and His Church.  Their actions are simply a façade; a masquerade to fool, if possible, even the Elect.

Their "godfather" is the man in white, the current pope, quite close to a real-live gangster as we saw in the movie by the same name.  Corrupt to the core; he will "take out" those that oppose him.

In the secular world, especially here in the U.S. of A., we have the swamp monsters trying their dead-level-best to take out the one major roadblock that is stifling their demonic agenda: President Trump!

Both are traitors; one to Christ, and one to the country (via the Constitution).  Both are deadly; both have to be fought; both have to be utterly defeated, if not converted.  Our very lives depend on it.  Make no mistake, our very souls depend on it!!

Right now, in the new order "Catholic" Church, they have the buildings, but we have the Faith of our  Fathers...

In the United States of America, they have treasonous acts and Satan on their side, but we have the truth and God on our side.  Whom should we fear??

Both categories of traitors are hell-bent on taking out our country as well as our faith, but in the long run it is they who will be devoured by their own actions, as the boomerang returns to its thrower, and the initial instigators of the French Revolution, themselves, made that last walk to the guillotine.

God will not be mocked!

Pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla


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