Saturday, November 16, 2019

The American Tragedy Of The Roger Stone Conviction...

There have been many tragedies in our American system of "justice," but the conviction of Roger Stone on "all counts," amounts to a disgrace beyond belief!  I bet the Founding Fathers are -- again -- spinning in their graves.


Because an innocent man was convicted?

Yes, but also because that innocent man was railroaded by a tyrannical judge that denied certain evidence held by Stone's attorneys, as well as imposing a gag order on Stone.  In addition, the "jury" contained handpicked lackeys of the CIA and Obama-lover supporters, in a show-trial, kangaroo court, that's why.

This is an American disgrace; a sinister misuse of our jurisprudence.

If we didn't know before, we certainly know now that there is a parallel system of justice; a double standard: one for the elites, and one for us.

Keep in mind, that Stone's trial was a backdoor way to further impugn President Trump, and add additional doubt concerning his innocence, as can now be seen by that other show-trial -- and that's what it is, a show-trial -- in the House impeachment proceedings aimed at removing Trump from office...

One more thing, if this conviction is allowed to remain in place, and Roger Stone is sent to prison, then beware: you and I could very well be next.  I am NOT exaggerating.  Our right to speak our minds, as well as to defend ourselves, will be in dire jeopardy.  Mark my words...

President Trump must absolutely pardon Mr. Stone, as well as General Flynn.  Both have already suffered enough from the enmies of the Republic.

I ask all of good faith to pray, not only for Mr. Stone, but also for President Trump, and our beloved country...

Gene DeLalla

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