Thursday, October 31, 2019

The Current Regime In Rome Is NOT Catholic!!!

Just who are those males wearing the Roman collar, not only in Rome, but also in many other parts of the Western nations?

Imposters; charlatans; homosexuals; thieves; apostates; robbers of souls, etc...

The martyrs of the nascent Church must be spinning in their graves!

What an insult to them, and, most importantly, to Christ, the One they died for...

Look at the masqueraders here in the U.S. of A., and see for yourself the putrid mix of demonic summoning, as well as the witches brew of filthy and unnatural goings-on of far too many bishops and cardinals appointed by the anti-pope, Francis.

What a disgrace!  But the scandals go far beyond the boundaries of countries, it goes to the very souls that are leaving the new-order "Church", in favor of greener pastures, or no pastures at all...

Personally, I'm completely sick and tired of the nonsense, and so should all of you be too!!

Don't put any monies into the collection plate of any new-order "mass," seek out only the Traditional Latin Mass communities, not only to make sure that any money collected will not go to any U.N. sponsored population control maniacs hell-bent on destroying God's gift of life to His creatures, but also for the good of the souls entrusted to you and I as parents.

It is time to take the gloves off, and show these phonies just Who is in charge; we will always follow Him, regardless of the consequences, up to and including dying for the Cross of Christ and His true Church.   Anything less, and we fail to fulfill our state in life, and if that happens, we will pay a high price for our spiritual slothfulness... Do not doubt me!

Remember too, that any obedience to these miscreants is a vice, not a virtue.  So don't be frightened by any threat of "excommunication" that some Francis, new-order bishop or cardinal may lob against you or I.  The time has come to show these creeps the true Catholic Faith, and reject their version of the new-world-order, one-world-religion envisioned by this "pope."

We have to fight back against the powers of hell, with the help of the Holy Mother of God, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and her army of fierce and determined angels... She will not abandon her faithful children!!!

Pray for the defeat of the agenda of Francis, and pray for his, and their conversion to the Catholic Faith...

Pray for out country....

Gene DeLalla


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