Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Can A Pro-Abortion Politician Receive Holy Communion (The Body And Blood Of Our Lord)??

NO!  Of course not.  This is Church teaching, not to mention common sense.

Recently, pro-death "Catholic" Joseph (Joe) Biden was refused the high honor of receiving Holy Communion by a courageous priest in a South Carolina Catholic church.

Why do I write that this priest -- Fr. Robert E. Morey -- is courageous?  Because now, all hell -- maybe literally -- will break loose against him for protecting the Body and Blood of his Master, Our Lord, Jesus Christ, from being received by an apostate "Catholic".

If Fr. Morey was to allow this character to receive our Lord in Holy Communion, it would further jeopardize an already blackened, rotten soul of Biden, by committing the sin of sacrilege!

Now, I realize that I cannot subjectively judge Biden, but OBJECTIVELY; judging his words and actions, he's in a state of mortal sin, because of his radical support for the killing of the pre-born, and for other lauded and supported "lifestyles" such as the LGBT and homosexual "communities."

The Catholic Church teaches that such folk are outside the Church, and lack the pre-requisite of one's soul to be in a state of grace before receiving our Lord, period!

There is no give or take on this; there is no wiggle room...

Back to Fr. Morey...

Let's see if his bishop will support, or sanction his own, brave priest.  Why am I in doubt that the bishop will support his own?  Because far too many bishops have indicated that such manly priests with the guts to do as Fr. Morey did, are using the Holy Eucharist as some type of political weapon, and that has no place in this overly politically correct society -- even in the Church!.

I hope that I am wrong in my assessment, but to date, I haven't read or heard anything from his bishop...

What some non-Catholics, as well as some Catholics, fail to realize that it is the duty of a well-formed priest to admonish a sinner, not condone their despicable, mortally sinful conduct.  To do otherwise, is to further put in jeopardy the soul that is already devoid of sanctifying grace.

We have to pray for Fr. Morey, and hope -- and pray -- that many other priests will do the same, and deny the divinity of Christ, in the form of His Body and Blood, to these miscreants.

And pray too, for our country...

Gene DeLalla

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