Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Amazon (Synod) Fraud...

The following article is from the Remnant; author: Chris Jackson...

Today’s Vatican bureaucracy is much like the USCCB. It is filled to the brim with political activists from various institutions and think-tanks who care not one whit about Catholic doctrine or the salvation of souls. This can be seen very clearly in the ongoing Amazon Synod. These types of people are constantly presenting and speaking on behalf of the Church at the Synod press conferences. They are clearly only interested in using the structures of the Catholic Church, and whatever influence and power these structures still have, to further their vision of a humanist, globalist, utopian society ruled by left-wing elites.  One element of this vision is to bring about a one world religion, which this synod marches boldly towards by calling for measures that would either weaken or destroy the Catholic priesthood. They surround this poisoned spiritual pill with justificatio
Meanwhile, in the midst of Francis and his minions professing their anti-Catholic ideology over the Catholic Faith at this synod, Francis, on October 9, warned Catholics to “not profess ideology over faith.”  This is one of countless examples proving that the man who is supposed to be the Vicar of Christ, is instead more concerned with constantly trying to play rhetorical games with his opponents. For  Francis constantly accuses his enemies  (True Catholics) of doing the precise things that he himself does. If this sounds familiar to Americans, it should, as the Democrats in our own country do this all the time. It’s a preemptive tactic to take attention away from their own bad acts while shifting attention to their opponents, making them suspect of something they aren’t guilty of. Then, if their opponents truthfully accuse them of the same thing, it looks like it’s just a tit for tat accusation and deprives it of legitimacy. Francis is skilled at this tactic, though all but the dullest can see right through it.  

Clearly, the only “ideology” being professed in the Amazon Synod is left wing political ideology disguised under cover of religion. For the Synod is nothing more than climate and environmental activism coupled with socialism. This diabolical brew is then attempted to be shoehorned into religious concepts and practices. For instance, the summary that Vatican News put out on the Synod press conference today mentions God, soul, and sin a grand total of zero times. However, it mentions environment, ecology, culture, and justice several times. Francis’ Amazon Synod is pure ideology. Meanwhile, Francis is so trapped in his neo-modernistic, humanistic, naturalistic, and socialistic fog that he mistakes this concoction for “faith.” As long as he remains so blinded, he stands incapable of executing the very mandate his office requires of him.

Francis used a slightly different tactic on October 7, as he warned the Daughters of St. Paul to, “be bold missionaries during this winter of religious vocations.”  Ironically, if there is a winter of religious vocations, Francis is running the snow blower. What Francis is doing here is patently obvious, yet he is never called on it by our sycophantic Catholic press.  As our President is fond of saying, “How stupid are we?” Francis knows very well that he and his partners in crime have been destroying vocations for the last 60 years. It’s not hard to figure out why, as these folks see vocations as basically generic callings to naturalistic causes such as the environment, socialism, feminism, and every other “ism” there is. And what young man or woman wants to forego a family to pursue these causes in celibacy? None, because they can pursue these causes without the hassle.  Thus, the Amazon synod serves as a first step to rid the priesthood, and perhaps even the religious life, of celibacy. This will open the vocation doors to many political activists who will then have to sacrifice very little to buy their ideology the cover and approval of the Church. After all, error laden political ideology spewed by a man in a roman collar gives it an air of officiality and holiness that it wouldn’t normally command from otherwise unaware indigenous people.

As Francis and his supporters well know, the only way to foster true Catholic vocations is through Traditional Catholic theology, liturgy, and practice. The method has a proven track record for 1965 years before Vatican II. The monumental drop off in vocations after Vatican II is so glaringly obvious as to be beyond all debate. Yet Francis misleadingly acts as if the “winter of vocations” simply came upon us as the weather does. As if some random chance event has left us with hardly any priests. The issue is that Francis does not want truly Catholic vocations to the priesthood and religious life. This can be clearly seen by his treatment of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate and other Traditional leaning Catholic orders, as well as his many statements against those he calls “rigid.” The kind of priests and religious Francis is looking for would not be attracted by the ancient practice of celibacy as they see it as an absurd and ridiculous archaism.

To add insult to injury, Francis then instructs the Daughters of St. Paul “be bold missionaries” in the face of the crisis his very “ideology” created. This command is nonsensical to anyone who has been paying attention to Francis’ words and acts over the last several years. Francis has repeatedly discouraged the Catholic faithful from converting any non-Catholics, especially the Jews and the Orthodox. He even felt uncomfortable recently when a young woman excitedly told him how she converted people to Catholicism.

As has been pointed out, what true Catholic reacts with concern and anxiety upon hearing of conversions to the One True Faith? One who believes that the Catholic Faith is necessary for salvation or one who believes it doesn’t really matter? Thus, the absurdity of Francis continually speaking of missionaries. To what will these missionaries witness? Will they evangelize the ecological virtues? Will they preach woke feminism to indigenous women? Will they conduct some community organizing of the natives to get them to vote for socialist candidates? Will they witness generic friendliness and worldly niceities? In the words of Cardinal Parolin, “Sustainable development entails working for the common good, not 'ideological colonization,'” Thus, the only proselytism that is not acceptable to the Vatican these days is following the Divine Commission. 

In other news, Francis recently said that the Holy Spirit is at the forefront of the Pan-Amazon Synod.” This statement reminds me of the unforgivable sin of blaspheming the Holy Ghost. For the Holy Ghost is nowhere to be found at this Godless synod, which rarely mentions His name except to attribute to Him all sorts of heresy, blasphemy, and apostasy (See pantheism, pagan fertility goddesses, sacrilegious dancing with lectionaries, pagan rings, the worshipping of idols, and photos of an Amazonian woman nursing a dog.) Watching the events unfold at this “Synod” is like watching a fascinating horror movie. The only fascinating part is how unbelievable it is that this fraud of a Synod still has true believers who think it is anything other than a pretext for married priests and female deacons.

The few brief moments of serenity I’ve had during the last week, came upon remembering the death of Pope Pius XII. Pope Pius XII was the last truly Catholic pope our Church was blessed to have. It is hardly imaginable in our day that his figure once graced the inside of the Vatican walls which are now being sullied by Francis and friends...  

Pray for our  country, and pray for the Catholic Church...

Gene DeLalla

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