Sunday, October 13, 2019

A New "Gospel" Coming From Rome??

St. Paul: … an angel of heaven preach a gospel to you besides that which we have preached, let him be anathema...  (Galatians 1:8)...

Anathema:  a formal curse by a pope or a council of the Church, excommunicating a person or denouncing a doctrine.

I ask the readers: what kind of twisted gospel is emanating from Rome?  

Is it what Christ demanded be preached by His Apostles, including the great converted, St. Paul?  Or is it a "gospel" of the earth; the world; "climate change"; humanism; relativism; "accompaniment"; "listening" (to sinners?); "learning" (from sinners?), etc...

Shouldn't it be: of admonishment of the sinner?; of conversion of the sinner?; making a firm purpose of amendment not to commit mortal sin again?; of serving God, not the demon?; of hating -- yes hating -- evil, and of doing good?; of loving God and neighbor?; of living the tenets of the Natural Law?; of praying?; of attending the (traditional Latin) Mass?; of adhering to the doctrines and dogmas of Holy Mother Church, founded by Christ?...

Just what is coming out of Rome these days?  From what I can see, it is diametrically opposed to the mission of the Church: the salvation of souls.  Instead, we see and hear things that are troubling; confusing the faithful Catholics as well as those non-Catholics who once looked to the Church as a moral and spiritual beacon in a world gone crazy.  So now, the corrupt human element of the Church have gone crazy, embracing the spirit of the age: the world, the flesh, and the devil.  

The current pope, Francis, is responsible for the twisting of Church teaching so as not to offend those of other "religions"; to go along to get along...

Is he now questioning the divinity of Jesus, his Master?  If this is true, then we are in a world of hurt! 

God help us!!

Pray for the failure of this pope's demonic agenda.  Pary, too, for our country...

Gene DeLalla

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