Tuesday, October 22, 2019

"Feelings, Nothng More Than Feelings..."

The song: "Feelings," was sung by Morris Albert, and released in 1974...

It's a pretty song; not immoral or dirty in any way, but it's all about "feelings" as opposed to reason or common sense.  In other words, "feelings" are taking the place of right thinking, and overriding the intellect.  But feelings should be subordinate to the mind, not the other way around...

Another aspect of feelings is sentimentalism.  Actually, the two go hand-in-hand...  Sure, we humans are built with many elements that make up our humanity, and sentimentalism is part of that makeup, that is something that cannot be denied.

Some of the problems in the Catholic Church today, are related, I contend, to "feelings" or sentimentalism invading the intellect. and stifling or diminishing the ability to make decisions based on cultural traditions and sound doctrine.

Feelings and sentimentalism have very shallow and weak foundations, and can easily fall like a house of cards with the slightest breeze, or whim -- when it comes to doctrine (St. Paul warns his congregations of such...).

Feelings, or sentimentalism, can be a real killer of souls, as it replaces, or takes precedence over faith.

What we see happening today, not only in the secular and political world, but also in the Church, is faith being supplanted by the touchy-feely, feel-good actions of our supposed representatives as well as those shepherds that have charge over the flock of the faithful.

What is coming out of Rome has to be considered "nothing more than feelings," as opposed to the tenets of the faith, and the teachings of Christ as related to us in the Bible, and guarded and protected by the authentic Magisterium of the Church...

It seems that the actions of the pope and the hierarchy are concerned with the feelings of the indigenous peoples of the Amazon, instead of what they have to be taught about Jesus Christ in order to come to the knowledge of the truth, and be saved.

We are witnessing a horror movie of sorts, with a cast of apostates more than willing to sacrifice souls in order to placate the spirit of the age (the world), and curry favor with those who are diametrically opposed to our Lord, and His Church.  This plays right into the hands of the demon!

I can only pray for an end to the monstrosity of "feelings" and sentimentalism replacing the Faith of our Fathers, and the perennial, unchanging teachings of Holy Mother Church -- which will never be deserted by Christ!  

The apostates may have the buildings, but we -- faithful Catholics -- have the Faith!

Pray for the Catholic Church, and pray, too, for our country...

Gene DeLalla

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