Saturday, October 26, 2019

And I Pray. I Really, Really Pray...

From an article from John Jalsevac,, October 25, 2019

"...and I pray. I really, really pray.

And when I do this, something within me changes. I am no longer distraught in the least at all this chaos. I no longer harbor any grudge against those I think are sowing confusion and chaos. Quite the contrary. I pray for them. Not with an ironic prayer (“I’ll pray for you,” we say passive-aggressively to those we disagree with on social media), but with a heartfelt prayer. Most of all, my eyes are opened to the fact that the greatest cause of the chaos in the world is my own sinfulness, my own personal distance from God. And I have an intense sense that I am doing precisely what I should be doing, and an intense desire to get better at it. And that getting better at it (praying, that is) is ultimately the one and only thing that really matters, and that if I did that, a great number of other things would begin to fall in place."

My comment
read the full article from John, and see if you (and I) are guilty of rash judgment... I know that, sometimes, I am.  Having said that, it is almost impossible not to judge -- at least objectively -- what we see, read and hear coming out of Rome, "the eternal city"; what is supposed to be the bedrock of the Catholic faith; where St. Peter is buried; where that very same Sts. Peter and Paul were martyred for Christ, our Lord; where the vicar of Christ sits on the Chair of St. Peter, as head of all Catholics worldwide... another endless list to be sure...

In addition, there is a duty -- a duty! -- to resist that which is diametrically opposed to the authentic teachings of Holy Mother Church, and pray, write, talk, protest, in some way, the nonsense that is going on, coming right from that very same Chair of St. Peter, almost on a daily basis.

Sadly, if it were only nonsense, we could just shake our heads and go about our daily business, but in essence, it is much more than that; it is, in many ways, apostasy, outright heresy, and idolatry!

We are living in amazing, interesting and exciting times; times much more intense, I think, than those Catholics of the late Fourth- and Fifth-Centuries (though I wasn't there, so I could be wrong!) during the scourge of the Arian heresy.

What to do??

Don't leave the Church!!!!   I repeat: don't leave the Church!!!!  

Never give up!!  Always know that in the end, God will be victorious; pray and enlist the powerful intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, His great and most holy Mother, and always pray for sinners everywhere!  Remember, if your prayers, actions and examples, eventually leads to the conversion of just one despairing, lost sinner, a multitude of your sins will be covered (forgiven)!!   What a great promise!!

And pray, too, for our country...

Gene DeLalla

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