Monday, October 14, 2019

Is Abortion -- The Killing Of The Pre-Born -- Empowerment For Women??

We are told, from those who run the abortion mills, and are -- disgustingly -- supported by our federal dollars, that abortion empowers women to control their own bodies, as well as allowing them to lead the life they choose without "constraint".


But there is no choice for the baby they destroy.  Where is the empowerment of the tiny child to be born, and have Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness??  To know, love, and serve their God in this life, and be happy with Him in the next??

Think about it: dismembering or chemically dissolving the little baby girl developing in her mother's womb, is empowering?   It allows the woman to lead the life they choose?


Are we sinking to the level of the animals in the jungle, where the survival of the fittest -- among the various species in the deep, dark rain forest, or on the hot plains of Africa -- attack and eat their prey so they can sleep with a full stomach until the next day, when they repeat the scenario?

In reality, it is not a question of are we sinking, we are already there!

Since the loss of the sanctity of life, and the disastrous 1973 Supreme Court decision in Roe v Wade, there have been over 61,000,000 (MILLION!) tiny bodies of girls and boys torn apart because that very same court -- composed of anti-Natural Law, anti-Christ weaklings -- found that killing of the pre-born is a "right"; a "privacy right".   This "right" was found somewhere in the now-shredded Constitution.

We are witnessing evil on a scale far worse than the horrible holocaust, not only of the Jews, during World War II, but also of all peoples under the murderous hand of Communism of the former Soviet Union, under Stalin, and the "Peoples Republic of China", under Moa Zedong, or Pol Pot in Cambodia...

This evil has now increased -- if that were possible -- as we see the violence of the radical, hard-Left in this country; attacking anyone that disagrees with their heinous tactics, and the attempt to silence our speech, or practice our faith.  Just what will these animals do if they win the Congress, Senate, and the Presidency in 2020???

The answer is almost too scary to imagine...

But those in the Antifa "movement" are closely associated with the very same folks that are so adamantly intent on keeping the abortion mills running day and night, generating millions of dollars to line their filthy pockets with blood-money from dead babies, and from the selling of their precious body parts.


Yes, the demon has "empowered" those who have sold their very souls to him, but the price that will be paid, when they leave this earth, is almost too scary to imagine...

Pray for an end to the scourge of abortion, and pray for our country, that, as a nation, we turn back to Christ.

Remember: Christ or Chaos...

Gene DeLalla    

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